
CaniConfiance Positive Ethical Dog Training

Individual assessments
1-2-1 Coaching Sessions
Professional Dog/Pet Sitter
Professional Dog Walking

Andrea Cheetham has been working with and handling dogs professionally for almost twenty years. Starting as a volunteer kennel maid for the SSPCA (Dumbarton, Scotland) her passion for dogs at a young age resulted in a rich and varied wealth of handlers experience spanning across the globe. From working cattle dogs in New Zealand to rescue kennels at the East Bay Humane Society in California, Andr

ea has a broad working knowledge of different breeds and temperaments. For the last ten years Andrea owned and operated the successful walking, training and boarding business ‘Four Seasons Dog Walking’ in Edinburgh, Scotland (you can visit her old business page here on Facebook!). At Four Seasons her specialty was working with multi-dog socialisation, handling and 1-2-1 training. She focused on really getting to know and understand each of her clients and their dogs in-depth, in order to be able to tailor any service they required to their individual needs. Whether it was health, training, behaviour, additional dog adoption/purchase ,boarding or walking, Andrea’s aim was to make sure each dog was respected for their sentient individuality and that her advice and guidance reflected this. It was during the running of ‘Four Seasons Dog Walking’ that Andrea also started on her canine education journey. Committed to using modern, ethical, kind and scientific training techniques Andrea found the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT) and began her study in 2016. She has completed a total of ten courses with the IMDT including body language, puppy foundations, dog training exercises and two first aid certificates. Realising the importance for qualified as well as experienced dog trainers her commitment to her education is continually ongoing. In October 2021 she gained her French ACACED certification for dog professionals. She also started studying with DoGenius for her CPD, with one course completed and a further six planned before 2022 concludes. Now settled in France with her husband and canine family, her new professional adventure has begun. ‘Cani Confiance’ is the natural progression from ‘Four Seasons’, where the experiences of the last decade can be brought forward to benefit new clients. At Cani Confiance Andrea purposefully specialises in 1-2-1 training assessments & coaching, so dog owners feel truly seen and heard with their individual requirements in a completely non-judgmental and supportive manner. This way of working also means each dog can benefit from her undivided attention, using catered methods and exercises that are not only kind, but also transparent in their method for the guardians. She also offers in-house professional holiday care, so your dogs can remain at home where they are most comfortable, and owners can truly relax knowing their dogs are in loving and experienced hands. Fully French registered and insured.


🇬🇧 Does your pooch need a pamper?
We take the time to get to know your dog to make their grooming experience as stress-free as possible. Our fully equipped salon is based in 86250 Charroux - just give us a call or drop us a message to get booked in. Follow our FB page to find out more about our special packages for puppies, big dogs and pampering your pooch!! Vouchers available. English and French spoken.
86250 Charroux
T. 06 98 89 79 29
E. [email protected]
Siret: 88798896200015

🇫🇷 Votre chien a besoin d'être choyé ?
Nous prenons le temps d'apprendre à connaître votre chien afin de rendre son expérience de toilettage la moins stressante possible. Notre salon entièrement équipé est situé à 86250 Charroux - appelez-nous ou envoyez-nous un message pour prendre rendez-vous. Suivez notre page FB pour en savoir plus sur nos forfaits spéciaux pour les chiots, les grands chiens et pour chouchouter votre toutou ! Bons disponibles. Nous parlons français et anglais.

A double ‘Gotch-Day’ memory share….It’s a very special time of year for us memory wise. Fourteen years ago on the 19th o...

A double ‘Gotch-Day’ memory share….

It’s a very special time of year for us memory wise.

Fourteen years ago on the 19th of September, my husband and I brought our first dog together home. The light of our lives despite all the challenges we faced with him, Gus is a living legend.

One year and one day later, after lengthy and arduous negotiations with an unscrupulous breeder, with immense relieve we brought home our first rescue Molly.

After a very excitement charged first week or so, this unlikely pairing were completely in love and inseparable. Let me be clear, neither of these dogs were ‘easy’ or straightforward with regards to training or rehabilitation….and I wouldn’t change one single thing. We shared so much joy, so many adventures with them. They in turn saw me through the completion of my art degree, the launch of my first professional dog walking business and my journey to begin training with the IMDT.

For a beautiful span in time, it was the four of us. We traveled together, worked together, explored together, played together, ate together, celebrated together and rested together. I will always hold those eight special years close to my heart, with awe and gratitude.

Although we lost our darling Molly unexpectedly, she was thankfully still with us to welcome the two new ‘young-bloods’ Freddie and Ava to the family. Another thing I’ll always be grateful for, that they had the chance to know and learn from that perfectly wonderful lady terrier before she left us. We believe a little peace of her lives on through them in the lessons she taught them as youngsters.

A very Happy ‘Gotcha-Weekend’ to two of the truly greatest loves of my life. You both taught me so much, with endless patience, forgiveness and devotion.

Gus & Molly ❤️‍🔥

Watching the last sunset of summer with the beautiful Bodger 🧡 First day of Autumn tomorrow apparently 🍁 Always sad to w...

Watching the last sunset of summer with the beautiful Bodger 🧡 First day of Autumn tomorrow apparently 🍁 Always sad to wave goodbye to another summer!

My youngest 💓 May her crazy-bananas days last as long as possible! It’s already going too fast for my liking.

My youngest 💓 May her crazy-bananas days last as long as possible! It’s already going too fast for my liking.

The adorable little Harriet, a petite cross who’s mum has done a simply excellent job of socialising in the broadest sen...

The adorable little Harriet, a petite cross who’s mum has done a simply excellent job of socialising in the broadest sense of the word! Harriet being a young lady, just finds a few things in the world a little too scary or too exciting! We have recently been working on her ‘Look at that!’ behaviour. Starting as always at the bottom of the ladder with mild distractions this week, which she smashed! So next time we will be using a medium distraction in the form of a small dog, aka Freddie the stooge 😉💙


Discover fresh perspectives on why dogs guard their resources and learn practical strategies to address this behaviour

💜🌟 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT DOG TRAINING WORKSHOPS🌟💜                                  🦮LOOSE-LEAD WALKING🦮I am very happy ...


I am very happy to announce this first of two condensed workshops I will be holding at the magnificent CaniParc16 over the coming months!

Always a popular topic, the first workshop will be in ‘Loose-Lead Walking’! What is it and what on earth does this actually mean to our dogs?!
This is exactly what this short course will cover, setting you up to in turn set your dog up for success! Training loose-lead walking is about understanding the level of partnership involved, a team sport if you will! And better understanding your dogs needs, as well as what’s needed from your end of the leash, can make all the difference in your training journey.

🌞 All the details are below. Please get in touch via EMAIL or WHATSAPP to secure your spot!

🖤Run by- Andrea Cheetham of CaniConfiance
🖤SIRET- 889 961 397 00029
🖤Where -CaniParc 16 in Suaux, 16260 🤩CaniParc 16
🖤When- October 17th - 20th

💜As always we will be learning using positive reinforcement techniques and of course the the classes will be kept small, so that everyone receives their share of individual attention!

💜As always the emphasis is on owner education and for each participant to learn about their dog as an individual, and how you can better cater your training to fulfil their needs. My aim is to build your own confidence as a handler alongside your dogs skills!

Please GET IN TOUCH VIA EMAIL OR WHATSAPP if you are interested in more details about the classes and how to reserve your spot! 🥰

Email- [email protected]
WhatsApp- 0767771272

Stunning girl 💓

Stunning girl 💓

So much happening at the wondeful CaniParc 16 space! 🥰🥰🥰

So much happening at the wondeful CaniParc 16 space! 🥰🥰🥰

Always good to remind yourself what your adolescent dog is dealing with internally, especially when your have had ‘one o...

Always good to remind yourself what your adolescent dog is dealing with internally, especially when your have had ‘one of those days’ either on a walk or during training. We have all been there 😅 But just remember it’s not a race to adulthood. Try not to wish this period in their lives away. After all when they are (touch wood!) old and snowy faced, I bet you would give your right arm to have that gorgeous crazy-bananas time back again if it meant you had another ten years ahead of you with your best friend 🐾💓🐾

Adolescence occurs between six months and 18 months of age—a time when guardians typically struggle the most with their dogs. Some guardians are so overwhelmed and underprepared for this developmental stage of their dog’s life, they choose to surrender the dog to a local shelter or rescue group. In a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science found that the majority of the surrendered dogs (47.7 percent) ) were between 5 months and 3 years of age (M.D. Salman,John G. New, Jr.,Janet M. Scarlett,Philip H. Kass,Rebecca Ruch-Gallie &Suzanne Hetts, 2010)

The neurobiology of adolescence is fascinating, with some key events that alter both the structure and function of the brain.

During canine adolescence, changing s*x hormones effect the animals stress responses. Adolescent dogs have a decreased ability to process information they are receiving from the environment including the presence of dogs, vehicles, people, or really anything around them. They behave in ways that might feel frustrating or upsetting for the dog’s person.

The connectivity between the frontal cortex (responsible for decision making) and amygdala (responsible for emotional processing) decreases, resulting in less behavioral control. We see increased risk taking and more sensitivity to fear.

So what does this mean? This could mean that what was once no big deal to the dog now feels scary; what was once easy to do is now stressful; what once made sense is now confusing. At times, the world can feel like ‘too much’ for the adolescent dog.

As your puppy undergoes this transition into adulthood their inner world is intense, even chaotic. Many pet owners experience an increase in undesirable behavior and find themselves becoming increasingly frustrated. In turn, our own frustration and impatience can cause us to act unpredictably. This adds to our puppy’s inner turmoil. When the inside and the outside are both unpredictable it can be difficult for our dogs to adjust.

If you have an adolescent dog, what can you do? You can give your dog the time and space to observe what is going on around them when on leash at a distance away from the activity when possible. You can give your dog long walks to sniff and explore in nature, giving their brain time to decompress. You can offer your dog a quiet space to sleep so that they can consolidate memories effectively. You can continue training various skills, breaking them down into easier steps that can be generously reinforced.

By understanding what our adolescent dog is experiencing we gain greater compassion and understanding. When we approach adolescence with patience we create a world that is predictable and gentle so our puppies grow up to be their best adult selves.

Happy weekend folks! 🌧️In many ways I’m sad to see the rain return, in my area at least! But what the cooler weather doe...

Happy weekend folks!

🌧️In many ways I’m sad to see the rain return, in my area at least!
But what the cooler weather does open up for us personally, is the return to longer walks with my dogs! Hurrah!
When we are not having to be conscious of ‘beating the heat’ we can relish discovering the surrounding woodland and forests at leisure! 💚
Freddie is also very happy to safely return of one of his favourite activities with me, car rides! Riding in the car with his Mum is one of his greatest motivators, trumping even the option of breakfast! I’m so glad I spent so much time making sure he was a comfortable traveler, as I love his enthusiastic companionship when on the road 🖤

👇🏻Before I start launching into the information for my upcoming workshop and classes, I wanted to once again post a quick reminder!

❇️If you did wish to book in with me please don’t hesitate to contact me about an available appointment, indicated by a GREEN box on the calendar below.
🦮 To get in touch please EMAIL or WHATSAPP me a message on the contacts below 👇🏻

Email- [email protected]
WhatsApp- (France) 0767771272

🛑 Please note that unfortunately due to my work schedule, I am rarely able to answer phone calls and won’t call numbers that I don’t recognise, due to the volume of ‘cold sales’ calls 😔. HOWEVER I am most happy to arrange a time to speak with clients over the phone, but please email or message first to allow me to send you an appointment. 🙏🏻

I look forward to hearing from you!

A gorgeous girl and one of my favourite terrier breeds! Looking for a new home, please share!

A gorgeous girl and one of my favourite terrier breeds! Looking for a new home, please share!

🌞 Hello lovely people! Hope you have all had a great summer! It has been very lovely living life in the slow lane for a ...

🌞 Hello lovely people! Hope you have all had a great summer!

It has been very lovely living life in the slow lane for a while I must admit. My dogs have very much enjoyed having a lot more of my and my husband’s company, as well as a string of their favourite human friends visiting from the UK.

Moka and Sam have fully intergrated beautifully into our household, and we are one very happy family 💙 Sam although a very large senior pupper, is lapping up the group walks. I’m so proud of both the boys, building trusting relationships with human and dog alike. I always knew five was my magic number!

I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple of new clients, when the sunshine abated enough to allow it! I hope to see more of the adorable youngster Archie (Border Collie) and super smart Snow (Husky cross) again soon! And of course I am always happy to see the return and progress of glorious dogs from my previous group classes, such as Remi the GSP.

📔MY SEPTEMBER DIARY for 1-2-1 TRAINING is already filling up fast! (Please see photos for more details) So if you would like to book in 1-2-1s this month or next, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

🐾 I am primarily here though to give you all a quick heads-up, a warm up post if you will to my upcoming classes and workshops which will start taking place from October at the awesome CaniParc 16! 🙌🏻

👉🏻Each workshop and block of group classes will be announced/advertised individually here on my page, giving you all the relevant details that you should hopefully need to know whats going on and where to sign up! I hope that between my blocks of six classes and short workshop offers, there will be something to inspire you to come and get involved 💓

🔧WORKSHOPs (October & November)

- Loose Lead Walking Skills & Engagement Games
- Shaping & proactively incorporating the three training D’s (Distance, Duration & Distractions)


- Forest School, Puppy Socilisation & Foundations
- Sapling School, Pre-adolescent guidance and positive reinforcement training progression.
- Teen Spirit, Training and support for adolescent tearaways!
- Loose-Lead Walking and Long Line Skills

✌🏻More information including date announcements for all of the above courses will follow in due course! So keep your eyes peeled fellow dog parents, your Autumn and Winter training adventures start right here!

To get in touch please EMAIL or WHATSAPP me a message on the contacts below 👇🏻

Email- [email protected]
WhatsApp- 0767771272

Happy Training! 🐾

It’s summer already! 🤩I can’t believe that we have reached August in what feels like the blink of an eye. That’s why we ...

It’s summer already! 🤩

I can’t believe that we have reached August in what feels like the blink of an eye. That’s why we call it ‘French time!’ Days seem to speed past us, and yet I can feel nothing but gratitude for getting to spend mine with such amazing people and of course, wonderful dogs.

The beginning of this year was a very hard one for me. I was simply blown away with the level of kindness and support I was shown after my fathers passing, not only from my understanding clients, but also from the very special circle of ladies that I am privileged enough to know and work alongside.

A huge amount of appreciation for the support of Roni Sidwick of CaniParc 16, Speak Dog Education with Rebecca Hanlon and Carolyne Tranquille. Also from amazing friends who I have met through our mutual love (that should probably read ‘obsession!’) of dogs Naomi Taylor and Borghild of Jane Marple. Thank you all ladies for your patience and unwavering kindness.

Starting back at work was more than a little daunting, and yet meeting enthusiastic guardians eager to do the very best by their dogs, has been an incredibly humbling and healing experience, one which has helped me place one foot in-front of the other. Thank you to all who have joined me for group classes, or booked training assessments and/or 1-2-1 sessions so far this year! 🙏🏻✨ And thank you even more to those that have walked the path, done the homework and step-by-step made a true difference to their dogs lives 🙌🏻

I have to also thank Ruth Trevanion for helping myself and my mother-in-law get started on the right foot volunteering for Mornac SPA, something that has has truly felt like ‘coming home’ with regards to my routes in the ‘dog world’ in general. And a huge shout out to the amazing Kate Potter and her phenomenal dedication to the dogs at Saintes SPA, who I must also thank endlessly for bringing first Moka and now Sam into our hearts and home this year. Also for the trust and support of the ladies at Association En Route 💖and to Elizabeth Brown and her boys for their incredible volunteer ‘stooge-dog’ services! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the true dog lovers like yourselves that keep me inspired! 💓

🦮1-2-1 Training & Assessments
August is always a quieter month here in France as of course we have potentially high temperatures (we have already survived one heat wave!) which make booking training sessions difficult, HOWEVER there are some ‘early bird’ 1-2-1 spaces available throughout August, so if you still want to have training support over the next month please contact me for my availability🤗

🍁Autumn Classes🍁
Keep and eye out for my announcement near the end of august for the upcoming autumn group classes! Start dates will very much depend on the progression of the weather patterns, but I will keep everyone posted here with dates as soon as I am able!

Autumn Group Classes will include-

🐾Forest School- Puppy Socialisation & Foundation Skills (15weeks- 6months)
🐾Sapling School- R+ Training and socialising for budding teens! (6months-12months)
🐾Teen Spirit! - R+ Training support and skill building for those wildfire adolescents!
(8 months- 2years)
🐾 Long-Lining & Loose- Lead Skills

❤️‍🔥I also have some other projects in the works and even a potential collaboration on the horizon, so watch this space for further announcements!

If you have any enquires you can find me at-
WhatsApp- 0767771272 (France)
Email- [email protected]
Siret- 889 961 397 00029

Happy Summer everyone, and as always… Happy Training!

The delicious Skye with me yesterday for a 1-2–1! Isn’t he a dream boat 😍

The delicious Skye with me yesterday for a 1-2–1! Isn’t he a dream boat 😍

We are meeting with the wonderful Liz this Tuesday to introduce her boys and mine 💙 Paws crossed for a peaceful intro (I...

We are meeting with the wonderful Liz this Tuesday to introduce her boys and mine 💙 Paws crossed for a peaceful intro (I’m not worried 😉) so they are all set for a summer vaca in August 🙏🏻❤️‍🔥

Sam the big lad is settling in. He is still holding true to his Labrador side by being a doggie-dustbin 😅🙈 Grandpa Sam c...

Sam the big lad is settling in. He is still holding true to his Labrador side by being a doggie-dustbin 😅🙈 Grandpa Sam clearly had not a single boundary around food in his previous life! He has also had a course of steroids for his poor ears which were badly infected, and these have the effect of stimulating his appetite to gargantuan levels! And so this has resulted in us activating quite a few management strategies around the home to keep him from stealing and snatching, as he has proven he will eat a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g! 😆Happily his ears have shown a huge improvement 🙏🏻 He has even shown signs of gaining some of his hearing back. 🙏🏻 We will be back at the vets this week to follow up on that progress.

With everything else he has shown to just be a happy-go-lucky senior, enjoying the company of the other dogs, walks, swimming, cuddles and garden time. He even helped celebrate Gus’s fourteenth birthday this last week! We celebrated with a garden party and doggie BBQ ❤️‍🔥 It’s a dogs life that’s for sure! Even if you have been banned from the kitchen…🤪

Old man Sam has had a great first week settling in. He just exudes joy, taking pleasure in everything and anything he po...

Old man Sam has had a great first week settling in. He just exudes joy, taking pleasure in everything and anything he possibly can.

🐾Cuddles-good 👍🏻
🐾Other dogs-good 👍🏻
🐾Garden times-good👍🏻
🐾Swimming-good 👍🏻
🐾Snoozing-good 👍🏻

We could all take a leaf out of this old boys book, enjoy the here and now to the fullest extent! In short, be more Lab 😂

There’s no such thing as personal space with this boy 💙 Sam was certainly a well loved dog before he found himself in the shelter. I’m so glad we can give that affection and reassurance to him again, especially at this ripe old age💙

Adopting an oldie is once again proving to quickly be such a sincerely rewarding pleasure. Indie’s legacy and her gift to us lives on. 💓 Association En Route Kate Potter

Thank you so much ladies, and to all the supporters, who make saving dogs like Mel possible 💙💙 At 13 this gentle giant b...

Thank you so much ladies, and to all the supporters, who make saving dogs like Mel possible 💙💙 At 13 this gentle giant boy really deserves a loving home for his remaining time. To have made it to such a ripe old age, then be let down by people when he needed them the most, is just heartbreaking. We are so exceptionally greatful for the financial support of Association En Route, and to Kate Potter for helping us organise getting Mel out of the shelter. We are going to give this lad the life and support he deserves in his retirement 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Association En Route
Kate Potter



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