Anidays - Premium Petsitting services - 13 & 84

Anidays - Premium Petsitting services - 13 & 84 đŸŸ Professional & premium petsitting services for cats and dogs in Vaucluse & Bouches-du-RhĂŽne Je leur donne beaucoup d’amour et ils me le rendent.


EntourĂ©e d’animaux depuis toute petite, j'ai renouĂ© avec ma passion en 2021, lorsque j'ai dĂ©mĂ©nagĂ© en maison, sans animaux. Les chats des voisins rendaient mes journĂ©es un peu plus gaies, mais mon souhait Ă©tait de passer mes journĂ©es avec des animaux Ă  mes cĂŽtĂ©s. J'ai donc Ă©tĂ© bĂ©nĂ©vole et agent animalier Ă  la SPA d'Aix-en-Provence (refuge pour chiens) et ai depuis gardĂ© de nombreux chien

s, chats et mĂȘme des poules (pour de courtes et longues durĂ©es, Ă  mon domicile et celui des propriĂ©taires) ! J'ai ensuite validĂ© mon Attestation de Connaissances pour les Animaux de Compagnie d'EspĂšces Domestiques - Chiens et chats (ACACED) pour acquĂ©rir davantage de savoir et comme gage de confiance. Aujourd'hui, j'ai (enfin) dĂ©cidĂ© de faire de ma passion un mĂ©tier.

À mon sens, les animaux de compagnie rĂ©chauffent le cƓur et ont une prĂ©sence spĂ©ciale et apaisante. C'est pourquoi je m'Ă©vertue Ă  faire de leur bien-ĂȘtre (et du vĂŽtre) une prioritĂ©, avec l'hĂ©bergement des animaux d'un seul propriĂ©taire Ă  la fois, des balades en forĂȘt plusieurs fois par jour, une prĂ©sence et de l'amour en continu, une attention accrue, de la sociabilisation avec d'autres animaux la journĂ©e quelques fois par mois si voulu, des nouvelles Ă  la demande, de belles photos... En bref, je mets en place un environnement "comme Ă  la maison" pour qu'ils soient le moins dĂ©paysĂ©s possible, mais qu'ils se sentent quand mĂȘme en vacances (et que vous profitiez des vĂŽtres en toute tranquillitĂ© d'esprit) ! Au plaisir d'Ă©changer avec vous,

Camille OUSSET


đŸŸ Je vous en ai parlĂ© ! Voici les 11 participantes du MEGA concours que j'organise !

Toutes passionnĂ©es et basĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion PACA, nous nous sommes rĂ©unies pour chouchouter vos compagnons Ă  quatre pattes avec des lots exceptionnels. 🎉

Au-delĂ  du concours, je tiens Ă  remercier toutes les participantes pour leur engagement et l’amour qu’elles mettent dans leur mĂ©tier. Un animal est un ĂȘtre d'une grande sensibilitĂ©, et nous faisons tout pour rendre votre quotidien plus joyeux et facile. 😍

PrĂȘt.e.s pour le lancement du concours le 1er dĂ©cembre ? đŸ€©

⚠ N’oubliez pas de bien lire les futures modalitĂ©s de participation ! 🙏


Image : Laëtitia I LENCMarketing

Un super salon avec de super rencontres đŸ„°

Un super salon avec de super rencontres đŸ„°


Prendre conscience du respect animal dĂšs le plus jeune Ăąge, c’est ce que proposera le programme d’enseignement moral et civique (EMC) aux Ă©lĂšves de CP, dĂšs la rentrĂ©e.

À partir de la rentrĂ©e 2024, le programme d’enseignement moral et civique (EMC) de la classe de CP abordera la question du « respect dĂ» aux animaux de compagnie » dans le cadre de la compĂ©tence « Les rĂšgles collectives et l’autonomie ».

Une avancĂ©e dont « se rĂ©jouit » La Fondation Droit Animal (LFDA) dans un communiquĂ© publiĂ© sur son site le 9 juillet 2024. Pour rappel, lorsque les nouveaux programmes d’enseignement moral et civique avaient Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  la consultation nationale par le ministĂšre de l’Éducation nationale, l’association avait dĂ©plorĂ© l’absence des modules de sensibilisation au respect des animaux de compagnie, pourtant censĂ©s apparaitre dans le programme depuis 2021 et la loi contre la maltraitance animale. GrĂące Ă  la fondation, la version finale des programmes a donc Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ©e pour y mentionner l’éthique animale.

Source : VousNousIls

Collaboration Ă  venir avec FRANCE PETSITTERS đŸŸ

Pourquoi cette collaboration ?

đŸ˜șOffrir aux propriĂ©taires d'animaux une sĂ©lection de Petsitters professionnels et labellisĂ©s pour une garde en toute confiance.

đŸ§‘â€đŸ€â€đŸ§‘Permettre aux Petsitters de bĂ©nĂ©ficier d'un accompagnement et d'une certification professionnelle via notre rĂ©seau.

Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec France Petsitters, la premiĂšre association française des Petsitters professionnels, pour garantir des services de qualitĂ© pour vos compagnons Ă  quatre pattes ! ✹

D'ailleurs, nos diplÎmés pourront profiter du label expert réservé uniquement aux Petsitters démontrant une expertise avancée.

Restez Ă  l'Ă©coute pour plus d'informations sur cette passionnante collaboration !

đŸ™‹đŸ»Who are Anidays services for? đŸ™‹đŸ»Whether you are retired or still working and need to leave your house several times a ...

đŸ™‹đŸ»Who are Anidays services for? đŸ™‹đŸ»

Whether you are retired or still working and need to leave your house several times a year or more frequently...

Anidays offers petsitting services to pet parents whose trusted relatives aren’t available to take care of their animal when they leave, so are looking for another trusted solution that considers animals well-being.

đŸ™‹đŸ» Does this description speak to you?
DM, email or call me so we can discuss your needs and your animal’s. đŸ€—

🐈: Manine, European


Camille, founder of .petsitter.13.84
Premium and professional petsitting services in Vaucluse & Bouches-du-RhĂŽne

✹ I have a dream... ✹I dream of animals being understood and considered by every human as a being with real needs, and n...

✹ I have a dream... ✹

I dream of animals being understood and considered by every human as a being with real needs, and not only as a simple animal.

When we bring a child into the world, we do our best as parents to understand what they need and look for every information possible to make things work! Why won’t we do the same for animals?
Just like babies, they didn’t ask to enter the family. The least we, humans, can do, is offer them what they need to be happy with us đŸ„°

The French government stopped considering them as objects, but we still have a long way to go đŸ™đŸ»

🐕: Billie, Golden Retriever x Border Collie


Camille, founder of .petsitter.13.84
Premium and professional petsitting services in Vaucluse & Bouches-du-RhĂŽne

💬 What my clients think about my services 💬“You can entrust your dog to Camille with your eyes closed. We found our dogg...

💬 What my clients think about my services 💬

“You can entrust your dog to Camille with your eyes closed. We found our doggies as happy as can be! She was present and attentive to our dogs throughout the entire stay.” (Original French version on the 2nd slide)

Elyse called upon me for an in-home petsitting service for Ischia and Snow as they were going on vacation.
They needed someone careful and patient as Snow’s particularity is that he’s deaf. Particular care was taken during walks and commands were given in hand signs. Ischia, her sister, was his landmark so they needed to stay together at all costs.

This was a very interesting experience and I loved not having to talk to tell them something!

đŸ™‹đŸ»Do you have a deaf dog or have you ever sitted one? Tell me in the comments!


Camille, founder of .petsitter.13.84
Premium and professional petsitting services for pet parents in Vaucluse & Bouches-du-RhĂŽne


🩼 Why did I choose to be a self-employed Petsitter?đŸ‘©đŸ»â€đŸ’Œ At fisrt, I decided to be a petsitter to do a job I love, that a...

🩼 Why did I choose to be a self-employed Petsitter?

đŸ‘©đŸ»â€đŸ’Œ At fisrt, I decided to be a petsitter to do a job I love, that allowed me to work with animals, practice sport and spend time in the outdoors. I have suffered many years working as an employee and this had to change.
I needed to wake up every morning being happy to go to work, and feel ok with working overtime if necessary.
Moreover, I had this dream of building my own company and being my own boss, for as long as I can remember. Organizing my days to my liking, not having to justify my actions to a « boss » and avoid hierarchy (I believe we’re all equal and have special skills to offer).

đŸ™đŸŒ As I founded Anidays, I wanted to offer animals the best solution when their parents had to go away for the day or for a few days. The kind of place that would feel like their second home and where they would be at peace and well-treated, just like they deserve to be.
As a result, seeing their parents so happy to pick up their happy and healthy animals became one of my « whys ». It is so rewarding to read my clients reviews and see the animals wanting to stay with me at the end of the care.

♄ Another consequence of my job I didn’t expect to be that intense is the love I’m surrounded by the entire day. This job allows me to practice kindness and Oh the joy when they succeed in learning something or to see how they grow up, from one care to another. Every single moment with animals is so precious and it fills my heart with so much tenderness.

I will choose this job as long as animals choose me đŸ„°

🐕: Romy, German Shepherd


Camille, founder of .petsitter.13.84
Premium and professional petsitting services for pet parents in Vaucluse & Bouches-du-RhĂŽne

📞 Why do my clients call me? Here’s an example:Last week, my clients were having their grandson at home. They needed tim...

📞 Why do my clients call me? Here’s an example:

Last week, my clients were having their grandson at home. They needed time and space to take care of a newborn and didn’t want their dog to feel abandoned.
So they called me.

And they were right!
For a week, Robbie was pampered. We played the two of us and with other dogs, cuddled, walked in the forest, ate nice treats
 Robbie was happy and her parents too!

If Robbie had stayed at home, she would have lacked of attention.
Instead, she was the center of attention with me đŸ„°

💬 In which situations do you call on a petsitter to take care of your animal? Share it with me in the comments đŸ€—

🐕: Robbie, labrador.


Camille, founder of .petsitter.13.84
Premium and professional petsitting services for pet parents in Vaucluse and Bouches-du-RhĂŽne

âœ‹đŸŒ Taking care of 10 animals at a time? No thank you. To offer qualitative services as a self-employed in-home petsitter...

âœ‹đŸŒ Taking care of 10 animals at a time? No thank you.

To offer qualitative services as a self-employed in-home petsitter and dogwalker, I’m convinced:
- More than 3 animals at a time is too much to notice any health issue, slight changes in behaviors and more.
- More than 3 animals is the maximum to make sure I can keep an eye on them
- More than 3 animals who don’t know each other in the same place can be a source of anxiety for them.
- More than 3 animals at a time is more likely to lead to disagreements between them.
- 3 animals at a time is enough for them to have fun and be tired at the end of the day

This is why at Anidays, 3ïžâƒŁ animals at a time is the maximum.


Camille OUSSET
Founder of .petsitter.13.84
Premium and professional petsitting services for pet parents in Vaucluse & Bouches-du-RhĂŽne

đŸ€‘ Petsitting is just like babysitting, it’s the kind of odd job you do to make money on the side.It’s common knowledge t...

đŸ€‘ Petsitting is just like babysitting, it’s the kind of odd job you do to make money on the side.

It’s common knowledge that you just need little experience to practice petsitting, like having a dog at home is enough.
Or that this is a job that pays in cash you don’t need to declare; after all, it’s just a job you do now and then, IRS won’t notice, right?
Or that petsitting is a job you won’t do forever, it’s just a fad. Who does this for a living?


â˜đŸŒPetsitter is a real job you practice at a professional level!
Of course, there will always be people who practice any jobs off the books!
But to be a legal petsitter, you need to declare your incomes every month, you need to validate a training to be certified by the department, you also need to be insured, and there are security and hygiene rules to observe.
âœŒđŸŒTo end up with, you can totally do this job for a living, if you set up the right prices, get the right amount of clients to earn enough, and do the right strategic choices for your company to be sustainable.

📣 Let’s be real: did you believe in this clichĂ©? Tell me in the poll below!

âžĄïž Coming up: what are the differences between a professional petsitter and an individual petsitter?


How it all started
In a previous post, I explained my career history, in a very factual way. Today, I want to show you w...

How it all started

In a previous post, I explained my career history, in a very factual way.
Today, I want to show you where my PASSION comes from, speaking from the heart ♄

If someone had told me a few years earlier that I would become a petsitter today, I wouldn’t have believed it.
And yet, I was in every way fated to work with animals.

I had rabbits and cats as pets when I was young, I dreamt of being a veterinarian or a zookeeper for many years, I loved movies with animals in it (no wonder Two Brothers is my favorite movie)
 Until I had a work experience at a vet’s clinic in ninth grade and almost passed out while watching a surgery. The idea of hurting an animal was inconceivable (even if it was in his best interest). This lead me to think I couldn’t work with animals.

I kept going with my life, pretty lost concerning what I could do for a living and most importantly with passion, and finally decided to take a skills assessment. The latter made me realize I needed to work with animals (really?) and that I clearly missed being in their presence all these years!
While I was looking for the perfect fit with excitement in the animal field, I found out about petsitting. I decided to try it out, and I fell in love with the job!
Simultaneously, I started volunteering in animal shelters, as I’ve always wanted to do, and working temporarily at the SPA in Aix-en-Provence.
Seeing animals could be abandoned, killed or hurt led me wanting to offer the best for them through my petsitting services. As a petsitter, I could offer people who want to go on holidays a safe solution to, at least, avoid abandonments. And I wanted to go further and offer the animals I take care of a feeling that they are at home anywhere as long as they are with me; I would be their second home.
Anidays was born! 😍

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