La Drôme Donkeys

La Drôme Donkeys Baudet du Poitou breeder. Spend time/support our rescue and breeding work. Stay in a gîte or donate!

The donkeys always like to meet people!!!!Here, with 2 lovely friends from across the pond!We have been so busy with Dob...

The donkeys always like to meet people!!!!
Here, with 2 lovely friends from across the pond!

We have been so busy with Dobble's care for the past 5 weeks.... So this lot was overjoyed to have more attention!

You can support the donkeys by donating, becoming a Patreon Sponsor or by booking a holiday in one of our gîtes where you can meet the donkey family. Link in bio.

donkey #

Lumi and the rest of the gang say safe return across the pond, Bari Fischer and Dr Tamara Dobbie!La Drôme Donkeys

Lumi and the rest of the gang say safe return across the pond, Bari Fischer and Dr Tamara Dobbie!

La Drôme Donkeys


Waiting for Kia to arrive, 4 years ago...


Did you know studies show that more than half of people wrongly believe that donkeys are stubborn? 🤔

In fact, what's often misinterpreted as stubbornness is actually related to donkeys' strong sense of self-preservation - a survival mechanism to prevent predators spotting signs of weakness.

Poor Dobble... feel so sorry for this placid, stoic girl, who has gone through enough in her life.4th Vet visit in 4 wee...

Poor Dobble... feel so sorry for this placid, stoic girl, who has gone through enough in her life.

4th Vet visit in 4 weeks now. Xray of both front feet. The boots help but she is still limping badly. Still on antibiotics and hurtling towards 5 months pregnant.
Extinction really is forever and so every pure race Livret A Baudet du Poitou matters.
Despite the Anaplasmosis and the awful crisis 3 years ago.... Dobble is normally fit and well. Not had any feet problems or abcesses since coming here in 2019.
I just don't understand. The Vet first came the morning after she started to limp and the Farrier, 2 days later and then another 2 visits.
On Infacalm anti-inflammatories and other medication for 4 weeks. Magnetism and massages. Been doing all we can... She now also has a wonderful pair of trail boots which make her more comfortable. Bathing her feet twice a day for 4 weeks and still we are here at some huge expense in every sense....
Declared laminitis in both feet. Xrays today. The phalange has moved down.
Really upsetting because Dobble is huge, beautiful and so placid and redpectful. She normally walks beautifully and quickly. She is even happy to be ridden.
The Vet says the heat etc means that when she had her first abcess (despite a vet visit the following morning after she started to limp, followed 2 days later by the Farrier)...she put all the weight on the other foot and the combination of extra weight, the hot weather and the pain has provoked the laminitis.
I am devastated because Dobble is so beautiful, so good and normally so nimble. Despite everything, with costs now over €1000 .... here we are.

This breed deserves to be saved. Yet this comes at a cost. The Baudet du Poitou is glorious yet fragile. If easy, they would not still be at critical risk of extinction.
We now have 2 with laminitis. Their diet, exercise and care could not be better.
On it goes. Thank you for caring. Pleaseckeep sending your positive wishes to this lovely girl.

You can support the donkeys by donating, becoming a Patreon Sponsor or by booking a holiday in one of our gîtes where you can meet the donkey family. Link in bio.

All dressed up and nowhere to go!Happy weekend!The Poitous just love the paparazzi!!!You can support the donkeys by dona...

All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Happy weekend!

The Poitous just love the paparazzi!!!

You can support the donkeys by donating, becoming a Patreon Sponsor or by booking a holiday in one of our gîtes where you can meet the donkey family.

Nadège !!!!Only 13 months old, judged in the catégorie of 2 she is obviously much younger than that!So courag...

Nadège !!!!

Only 13 months old, judged in the catégorie of 2 she is obviously much younger than that!
So courageous, Nadège just jumps in to the transport.. very relaxed, surrounded by so many spectateurs, in brutally hot heatwave conditions from 6 am until 20h...
Just amazing.
1st prize and hats off!

Extinction is indeed forever and helping to save this glorious critically endangered and most ancient breed really matters. Thank you to my donkey children for their trust and confidence.
Thank you for following, caring, donating and staying in our gîtes!


How does research into the ways donkeys and mules understand the world around them help us to improve their welfare? 💭

Explore the minds of donkeys with animal behaviour professor and plastic pollution researcher, Dr Leanne Proops ➡️

On their way to the Régional Concours yesterday.... Very difficult to train when you do not have a vehicle of your own b...

On their way to the Régional Concours yesterday....

Very difficult to train when you do not have a vehicle of your own but 3 lovely girls obliged...

Only one of the youngsters declined the offer of a long drive (for them). Very long, hot but a fab day out...
Can you tell who hopped in bravely for an adventurous day??

You can support the donkeys by donating, becoming a Patreon Sponsor or by booking a holiday in one of our gîtes where you can meet the donkey family.

La Drôme Donkeys

Encore!!It is so difficult to train them to go into transport when you have no transport! But essential for Vet emergenc...


It is so difficult to train them to go into transport when you have no transport!

But essential for Vet emergencies and to go to the Régional Concours etc! Important when you are a critically endangered species living in La Drôme, the only Poitou breeder here...... Raising awareness of the need to save this most glorious and most ancient donkey breed really matters. Extinction is forever, as a friend said in the USA!

Kis got in with her beautiful little sister Nadège... Kia always is ready to travel! Lumi said no thanks.... on it goes!

Exhausting and stressful at our business time of year for the gîtes...And in between, the 2nd emergency Vet visit in 2 weeks. This time, Anissou and Dobble, both suddenly limping badly...

Neverending. Vive the Régional Concours in the Ardèche on Sunday. Even I don't know who will eventually go.... they are keeping it a secret!

Why is this annual Concours held mid August in the South of France??? Even the National is at the end of August.... too hot to travel so far....

Not for the faint-hearted but breeding the glorious most ancient donkey race, the critically endangered Baudet du Poitou absolutely matters.... and so showing them to people matters....

Without transport of my own it is really hard to get them used to it.... which also matters for emergency health reasons.

The girls are doing the best and hats off to them!

You can support the donkeys by donating, becoming a Patreon Sponsor or by booking a holiday in one of our gîtes where you can meet the donkey family! Thank you ❤❤ Link in bio.

Patience, trust and love means everything...Speechless and moved to tears this evening when finally, after years, months...

Patience, trust and love means everything...

Speechless and moved to tears this evening when finally, after years, months, days and hours.... two of our beautiful girls just each got in to the van, within minutes! Just incredibly moving.

Kia and Nadège get in cheerfully. It is so strange. Kismet and Lumière have just refused. No way, José...ever...

Kismet is now 4. Having watched her super star, intrepid little sister, she just got in! Enough to shut the door.
Then Lumi! In minutes! Even when serioysly sick in December, Lumi refused to get in to the transport and had to be treated at home. She almost died.
This evening, I just sat inside on the floor. She watched me for not even a few minutes...with a friend behind her...and then just stepped in. She then looked out of the door, glued next just like she did when I slept with her and stayed beside her 24h for a month in December. There is a strong bond between us and I feel so touched that these young girls have enough confidence in me to climb in next to me.

It is very difficult not having a vehicle and so only be able to train occassionally when a friend's van is free... but we got there in the end. As seen with Lumi, transport at times of emergency is so important....

You can support the donkeys by donating, becoming a Patreon Sponsor or by booking a holiday in one of our gîtes where you can meet the donkey family.

Tellement fière de mes 2 belles!!!Ça pris du temps, des années, des mois, des heures... encore compliqué si on n'a pas u...

Tellement fière de mes 2 belles!!!
Ça pris du temps, des années, des mois, des heures... encore compliqué si on n'a pas un camion et peu d'opportunité. Merci Anne, pour ton camion et Philippe, pour ton savoir-faire et patience!

Kismet à 4 ans et elle n'a jamais monté dans un camion... Lumi a refusé complètement aussi....

(Kia et la Nadège montent facilement. C'est curieux.)

Et ce soir dans un coup, Kis a suivie sa petite star-soeur Nadège ! Ça pris que quelques minutes enfin...après des années de non, no way!
Et en suite la Lumi! Juste quelques minutes.
Elle avait peur... mon ami était derrière, je me suis assise...elle m'a regardé bien. On a un grand lien/connexion, Lumi et moi, depuis le mois ensemble dans l'abris quand elle était gravement malade, en Décembre... Elle a dû se rappeller nos temps ensembles toutes allez-hop dedans avec moi! Porte fermée, elle regardait tranquillement la famille de longzoreilles dehors, juste comme elle faisait de la sécurité de son abris en hiver, collée à moi.

Un moment super spécial et émouvante dans ma vie. Je pleurais, tellement fière de mes filles tellement bien dans leur peau. Merci pour la confiance, mes filles.

La patience et le persévérance aussi que l'amour et la gentillesse...payent vraiment dans un façon ce qu'ils n'y ont pas des mots pour expliquer. La complicité complète.....

La Drôme Donkeys

C'est vraiment loin... je voudrais bien prendre mes belles jeunes mais il fera vraiment chaud en plus....avec un voyage ...

C'est vraiment loin... je voudrais bien prendre mes belles jeunes mais il fera vraiment chaud en plus....avec un voyage plus que 10 heures en camion.
Dommage car ici on a des belles mais peut-être il vaut mieux qu'elles restent au frais dans leur forêt ici et accueillent les clients aux gîtes !
Nous y allons au Concours de Mirabel le 11 août!

En tout cas le National doit être vraiment superbe et je le racommandes fortement !!

La Drôme Donkeys
Les Beaux Chenes - gites avec une grande piscine

Busy time with the Vet...Here just last week and back again today:1. Kia is suddenly limping badly. The Vet found a nast...

Busy time with the Vet...

Here just last week and back again today:

1. Kia is suddenly limping badly. The Vet found a nasty abcess. So, pierres the abcess. Farrier again this weekend. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatories etc for 6 days.
2. Dobble has a nadty wound on her back leg. Just like Griot has every year. Caused by flies. No products are working. We need some trouver to protect them..
Last week the Vet shaved her leg and prescribed treatment but it is not healing at all. Now they say just put honey on the wound. Several times a day. OK..
3. Aramis has his usual allergies. Rubber his face sore. Every year since he arrived aged less than a year. Today, the Vet said it is caused by a certain yellow plant, the only one still flowering. Arrivés late June and something in the photosynthèse causes skin burns if you eat the leaves...

Always something...

Helping to save Baudet du Poitous from extinction really matters. Extinction is forever... But it comes at a cost in so many ways...

You can support the donkeys by donating, becoming a Patreon Sponsor or by booking a holiday in one of our gîtes where you can meet the donkey family. Link in bio.




Les Beaux Chênes, 1205 Chemin Les Perrins


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