Vic Animaux Gers Horse and Pet Services

Vic Animaux Gers Horse and Pet Services I offer services to Horse and Pet Owners in the Gers (Riguepeu, Vic-Fezensac, Castéra-Verduzan areas) Hello! I'm Vicky Maître Headdon.

Passionate about horses from an early age and an experienced horse rider and owner, I offer the following services if you need occasional help with your horses: feeding, turning out/bringing in, changing rugs, light mucking out, and miscellaneous horsey tasks. I am also experienced with Shetlands!! My services are limited geographically to an area between Riguepeu, Vic-Fezensac and Castera-Verduza

n in the Gers. I am also a dog lover and experienced dog owner. I would be more than happy to help you out with dog walking if you live between Riguepeu, Vic-Fezensac and Castera-Verduzan in the Gers. Other services will follow once I have received my pet management certification (ACACED). I am also an experienced cat owner so I will be able to help with them should you need somebody to drop in when you are away.

Un site internet fiable et très utile par rapport aux intoxications animales

Un site internet fiable et très utile par rapport aux intoxications animales

La maison et le jardin sont des univers truffés de produits, aliments, plantes, etc. potentiellement toxiques pour les chiens et chats. Savez-vous que les empoisonnements des animaux sont le plus souvent accidentels ? Pour éviter ces risques toxiques, vous trouverez ici des informations sur les pr...


De grâce 🙏


Christmas-New Year availability between Riguepeu and Rozes 🐶🐱🐴

Need daily or one-off help with horses, dogs or cats over Christmas and New Year in the Riguepeu-Saint Jean Poutge/Jegun-Rozes area? I will be making daily trips from Riguepeu to Rozes, as well as some trips to Jegun from that route, over Christmas and New Year to look after cats and horses for clients.

I can squeeze in some more furry four-legged friends if you are close enough to my journey to and fro and need help over that period 🥰

📞PM me or contact via [email protected] | 06 65 62 26 38 (Whatsapp is fine!)

🇫🇷 Mes disponibilités pendant les fêtes de fin d'année entre Riguepeu et Rozès 🐶🐱🐴

Propriétaires de chats, chiens et chevaux, auriez-vous besoin d'aide tous les jours, ou juste ponctuellement, pendant les fêtes de fin d'année? Je ferai quotidiennement le trajet entre Riguepeu-Saint-Jean Poutge/Jégun-Rozès pour m'occuper de chats et de chevaux pour mes clients.

Il me reste un créneau ou deux pour soigner d'autres amis à quatre pattes si vous avez besoin d'aide pendant cette période et vous habitez assez proche de mon itinéraire 😍

📞Contactez-moi par MP ou [email protected] | 06 65 62 26 38 (j'utilise Whatsapp!)

"As part of one of the largest ever research projects into domestic cat behaviour, the Horizon team - aided by the Royal...

"As part of one of the largest ever research projects into domestic cat behaviour, the Horizon team - aided by the Royal Veterinary College and Lincoln and Bristol Universities - tracked dozens of cats over several 24-hour periods using specially-designed collar GPS devices and tiny "cat cams"."

Not only is this article insightful, it is also very cute! I loved looking at the record of each cat's journeys 😻

Meet Ginger, Chip, Sooty, Orlando, Hermie, Phoebe, Deebee, Kato, Coco and Rosie. They are 10 of the 50 cats studied in the village of Shamley Green, Surrey, for Horizon's programme The Secret Life of the Cat.


My tiny charges are doing well 🥰 🐱 Mummy p***y cat is now happy with me getting closer to check her babies are ok. I spent the past couple of days gently showing her that I was no threat but she wasn't happy until now. Her babies may be tiny but they are clearly hungry and with 6 mouths to feed my visit means food so that helps! She was actually pleased to see me today, enjoyed a nice stroke and ate peacefully whilst I admired her adorable offspring. Another photo will follow soon!

Today's service: midwifery! 🥰

Today's service: midwifery! 🥰


Ah le télé-travail! 🙄


Introverted people and their dogs 😆

Happy New Year! Bonne année!"L'air du paradis est celui qui souffle entre les oreilles d'un cheval." - proverbe arabeThi...

Happy New Year! Bonne année!

"L'air du paradis est celui qui souffle entre les oreilles d'un cheval." - proverbe arabe

This photo is from one of my last rides on my horse Jigolo before he retired. We had trodden this path many a time but his ears always pointed forward and each time felt like the first time for us both. May your path through 2024 bring you many simple happy moments like those 💝

La maman de cette beauté est une de mes meilleures copines 💖 Hier j'ai entendu un reportage sur les cadeaux de Noël que ...

La maman de cette beauté est une de mes meilleures copines 💖 Hier j'ai entendu un reportage sur les cadeaux de Noël que nous offrons à nos animaux. Je n'ai pas de chien en ce moment mais j'ai toujours adoré offrir quelque-chose à mes chiens, surtout parce ce qu'ils ont toujours l'air d'apprécier (pas comme mes chats 😆). J'ai pris des belles pommes pour mes chevaux et je lui offrirai une friandise ou un jouet selon les conseils de sa maman 🤩






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