I hope all the pups have been okay over this past few days with the fireworks.
My wee pups for sure have been in such a state and terrified…. Even in preparation when it becomes a certain time of the evening they have hid and waited. 😭
Safe spaces and water bowls near, don’t force cuddles as sometimes they don’t want to be held and cuddled, I know it’s hard not to coddle them.
Safe space is key whether it be under a table with a blanket or sofas and cuddles …… let your dog decide what they need and where they want to be to be comfortable and as relaxed as can be.
Lay with them in whatever safe space they pick, just being there will help, tickles rubs and chatting will help normalise the situation.
Don’t panic as pups will panic more.
Chill in the safe space 🥰