This is my fav bit of the walk here because when we get up top everybody gets a bit of sparkle :D Today Arnie decided to go fizzy with a branchy stick/weed so I chased him and then everybody was at it...hahahahaaaaaa! Teddy's on holiday so there were no massive branches!! We did all the other things...the pool, the long grass, the sniffing and exploring but this was the best.
Here we are in the 'deer shop' wood again and Bonnie is yodelling for all she's worth telling us the deer went thata way......she's pointing, she's voicing...she's doing everything but going there herself......10/10 for effort Bon Bons!! We did eventually make our way up the top side inamongst the ferns, but the deer were long gone. However there was plenty of sniffing and exploring and even some agility/parkour for those inclined to leap fallen trees and other such obstacles! Something for everyone!! :D :D
Bit of a hooley today!!!! This field faces seaward and is much more exposed than our Tuesday venue even although they are only separated by a small hilly stretch of heather and peat bog. It was tricky to balance up on top of this stack of overgrown stones and gravel so we weren't doing anything fancy up there today...hahaaa! You can see ears flying in the wind :D :D We made the best of it, as we do, and then Raya kicked off a silly spat with Teddy and Tatu, as she does!! 😂
Has been a bit of a wintry day however we were quite sheltered in our special wetland space......thankfully!! In fact it seemed as if Brady thought it was a good day for near total immersion...hahaaaaa....see him at 29secs run straight through the big 'pool'.....not sure what got into him except loads of water...was drenched!! Asher tried to wind Nala up by splashing around by she didn't rise to the bait. Then we all sniffed and snuffled in the long grass before going 'up'. Esto and Tatu caused an energy spike a fiesty zoomie which drew in Teddy and Brodie1. Bonnie wanted in but nope! :D
Change of venue today....a brighter, beechy wood with LOADSA exciting smells!!! Been maybe a year since we were last here so there's a lot of catching up to do and everybody is ON IT!!!!!!! I call this the deer leg shop wood as previously, Tatu kept finding either one recurring deer leg or several......difficult to say really! All the pups had a stonking good time and Suzie managed to get stinking as well....sigh!! :D :D
Star of the day had to be Arnie going bonkers fizzy!!... Hahaha!! The pups can feel that Spring isn't too far away now and this week their energy has been high!! Some climbing thrown in for good measure so calories needed!!! 😁😁😂
Busy busy day for everybody.....lots of energy and play.....bouncing, chasing, running, flirting, zooming, splishing, splashing, paddling, 'hippoing', digging and munching!!!.....(everybody ate :D)......t'was a very 'ing' outing 😆 😂
Just a short video today as this is a tricky walk for leads getting tangled so my hands are otherwise engaged!! Teddy is very capable with his 'branch management'......and today he has thousands from which to choose!! well as enjoying a quick dip en route! Brodie2 enjoys a smoooze or two on the moss along the way. Bonnie knows Tatu and Esto are off to the left and she's showing me she'd really enjoy following them....sorry Bon Bons..........!
Twigs Thursday....hahahaaaaaa!! No big branches, just the twigs that everyone wants!!! Roux-ti-too-ti, Dougie and Brodie2 all on the same twig until Brodie1 made the snatch and won the twig....the drama of it all :D :D Esto found the deer leg that Tatu left last time so he ended up with several 'hangers on' waiting to see if there were any shards....and funnily enough Pickle was there just as he was last time! Teddy found a suitable brandishing stick and brandished it. Marshall initiated a munch so all those who weren't hanging with Esto, munched!!!!
By the way Bonnie leapt into pool #1, I think she was hoping it was deeper so she could swim!! :D You can see that Raya just adores any splishy splashy....hahahaaaaaa! Then there was some rooting around in the long grass...and some rolling. Brodie1 managed to find a stick in the huge pile.....of sticks....however Teddy was waaaayyyy too busy trying to flirt with Raya and although the stick pile held his attention for a few seconds, it didn't have Raya's allure.....😂😆🤣!!!!!!!!!!
Today the game was.....pass the parcel with said parcel being 'Teddy's stick'.....well that's how it started off. Of course Teddy did want to tease taking up the tease, Tatu set off the chase...with Roux-ti-too-ti and Ronnie in pursuit. I bent down to untangle Bonnie and looked up to see Tatu twirling the 'parcel' like a baton! Alfie1 ended up pinching it right out from under Tatu's have to be nifty to keep tabs on sticks around this lot!! :D
Sunny but bitingly cold!!! we had to run around a lot....hahaaa! Roux-ti-too-ti and Ronnie certainly did a fair amount of that and there was some bouncy stuff from Finn....and Teddy but Teddy's always BOUNCY! As this is a 'messy field' several pups got Arni models 'messy look #2'......this one is somewhat less messy than last time he was here. Obviously some rolling took place!! :D Tatu found the deer leg he left behind last time and Pickle just could not leave his side in the hope that some bone shards might fall his way! When Tatu was finally done, Pickle was still far off scooping up the remains so we all went back to reunite him with the rest of us!....hahahaaaaa!