Over the years I have encountered a surprisingly large amount of horses or ponies that have become afraid of clipping due to poor handling, getting cut during clipping, being clipped with blunt blades or low powered clippers causing pulling of the hair and discomfort, as well as rough treatment when they actually need re-assurance. I am a firm believer of working with the horses to build their con
fidence be it from the floor, riding or general handling and aim to understand why they lack confidence and work with them to achieve the desired outcome. My current clients have mainly come through word of mouth and recommendations. Some of the success stories have seen owners (and equines) confident enough to invest and clip themselves. Not necessarily good for business but great for the equine/human partnership. For those of my owners that lead extremely busy lives I am quite happy to turn up and clip (once the relationship is established) leaving them to achieve other jobs as it is not always easy to find a mutually agreeable gap in the diary. Because I like to achieve a high standard of clip and listen to the horse/pony. Time is never an issue providing I am made aware on booking that the equine in question may have an issue I will then allocate sufficient time and only charge on results. Every client and horse is different, have different needs, uses and circumstances. These are all taken into account and any clips can be varied to what is required/desired. I also pull manes (cut to look pulled for thin manes) hog, trim tails, feathers or clip legs on request but please note additional charges may be incurred so always ask/clarify. Plaiting options are also available on request.