Retired Police Dog Captain looking well on a visit to see the D Day memorial soldiers. A very moving photo captured by his handler .
He continues to improve with his movement and strength and is still being monitored by his specialist .
His treatment is funded by the Thin Blue Paw
A memorial artwork representing each of the servicemen killed on D-Day under British Command has gone on display at Stowe Gardens, a grade I listed country house in Buckinghamshire.
Seen in full in the country for the first time, the memorial artwork consists of 1,475 life-sized silhouettes. The full installation weighs in excess of 30 tonnes and has taken two weeks to install in the Grecian Valley with the help of more than 200 volunteers.
‘For Your Tomorrow – the People’s Tribute’, was created by community artist Dan Barton, and constructed by volunteers Oxfordshire-based community charity Standing with Giants from recycled materials.
The installation commemorates the soldiers, sailors and airmen under British Command killed in the D-Day landing 80 years ago on 6 June 1944. Also included are silhouettes of nurses Sister Mollie Evershed and Sister Dorothy Field,the only two women commemorated on the British Normandy Memorial.