Should pain be better considered
as a cause of behaviour issues?
Small animal vet and APBC registered behaviourist Sophie White (BVetMed MSc MRCVS) describes her perspective on the relationship between chronic pain and behaviour, giving some great tips to manage behavioural problems in a more simple way. In conversation with our very own Danny Chambers MP, they discuss this fascinating topic, and Danny reflects how this may relate to equine veterinary practice.
Sophie describes how she combined her passion for working with dogs experiencing chronic pain with behavioural issues after encountering problems with her own rescue dog. This started her journey to better understand the relationship between the pain and behaviour. Now, years later in her capacity as referral behaviour specialist she reports around 50% of cases sent to her by vets are clinically unwell, with pain the untreated root cause of the behaviour issue. This includes gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal pain. We discuss why this may be, including discussions about how pain can often be masked in the consulting room.
We discuss the topic of euthanasia due to behaviour problems, and how a lot of guilt is often felt putting an otherwise healthy animal to sleep. We consider the animal welfare perspective, and how in order to put safe precautions in place for human safety animal welfare may be compromised, making euthanasia a better option for some animals.
Sophie discusses the benefit of a pain relief trial if there is even a tiny chance of pain being a factor, ideally before referral to a veterinary behaviourist.
Pain is a subjective personal experience and cannot be ruled out. Referral is still an important thing to do, particularly when dealing with aggressive animals for safeguarding purposes, but whilst waiting to see her, patients could be undergoing a pain relief trial so the behaviour issue can be dealt with more quickly. If referral isn’t an option within the context of this client/ patient then a pain relief trial or discussion with a veterinary behaviourist about medications, may also bring some comfort to the client that before euthanasia is considered, they have tried something for their animal.