Following on from last nights post about being unwell….
My phone hasn’t stopped pinging with people sending messages wishing me well etc & asking if I need anything 🙏🏼
For that I’m very grateful
I’m also getting lots of messages saying when can you get my Floof in he/she is desperate
Working on my own is really difficult at times like this & all I want to do is be well enough to be able to groom & not lose my income.
The more I worry about getting the dogs rebooked the worse I feel as I’m not getting any rest. My head is pounding regardless of meds I’m taking & I’m trying to avoid looking at my phone screen if I can.
I have put a plea out to other groomers in Leicestershire to help where possible & for those that are desperate I will pass their details to you
Please understand I’m only human & need to rest up & get rid of this virus/bug whatever it is that’s back
Thank you xx