Want to have fun with your puppy? Want to build a strong bond with your puppy while use positive training.
Train With Siobhan who has 35yrs off training dogs.
My next puppy class starts on Tuesday 4th March at 7pm at knockaghview equestrian Centre.
Learn over 6wks how to understand your puppy behaviour also learn how to give you puppy the best Start in life.
Pm me for more details.
Merry Christmas 🎅 and happy new year 🎉 from Steve and Trent. ###
Look forward to seeing you all in the new Yr
Want to done something new with your dog In the new Yr. Train With a trainer with 18yrs experience of training all breeds. Qualified kennel club judge.
Build a massive bond with you dog in a safe environment on kennel club reg size equipment, rubber bases to help your dog not slip. Learn the foundations that builds to what you see the dog do at crufts, who knows that could maybe you some day.
Small classes.
6wk course starts on sat 4th January 11.30am to 12.30pm, Held AT KNOCKAGH VIEW EQUESTRIAN CENTRE GREENISLAND
Pm me for more information
So 1 to 1 time training for Trent.