We have now entered into the Seasonally Vector Low Period, meaning there is low midge activity and the transmission risk for bluetongue is very low.
This kicks off some alterations for those in restriction zones:
• Animals moving out of the restriction zone no longer require a post movement test.
• There is no requirement for the use of insecticides.
• Animals from the restriction zone do not need to use a designated slaughterhouse.
Some restrictions remain in place -
• Pre-movement testing in the restriction zone is required
• Licences are required to move animals or germinal products out of the restriction zone.
• Any post movement testing requirements set out in the licence or restriction notice if animals were moved out of the restricted zone on or before 20 January 2025 must still be completed
• A licence is necessary to freeze germinal products in the restriction zone.
This link takes you to a bluetongue case map that shows the GB premises that have had one or more cases of BTV3 confirmed by PCR. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/4867f4e1f680415898482df7aabb703d/page/Page/
Now that we are in calving and lambing season, you may encounter foetal deformities, stillbirths, abortions and neurological signs in calves and lambs, which could be related to BTV3, and therefore must be reported to 03000 200 301 (England), 0300 303 8268 (Wales) or your local Field service officer in Scotland. We must still remain vigilant for any signs of BTV3, and report any suspicion of disease immediately.
UK Chief Veterinary Officer announces we are now in the seasonally vector low period for bluetongue virus.