recall 15 weeks
Created with Wondershare Filmora
recall 15 weeks
Created with Wondershare Filmora
What we’re working on today:
Return to heelwork position
Spin at side
Release cue
Teaching her inadvertently that good thinks happen when you are close to me 😁
Is your dog nervous of things that seem “silly” or unnecessary? This can lead to being nervous of things in general out and about. We can easily build resilience and confidence in our dogs, especially when they are puppies.
Betty got a fright when she knocked this crate base over. I took the opportunity to teach her it was nothing to worry about, just because it moved in a strange way. Putting treats on there encourages her to be brave (but doesn’t force her to - if it’s too scary she can leave them). Although you can see she’s a bit jumpy, she’s brave enough to keep going back for more.
Note: I probably shouldn’t have thrown the treats on - she jumped when they hit her and this wouldn’t have been great for a nervous dog, luckily she’s a badass 😆
What’s Betty doing? …making a mess 😂🤷♀️
BUT more importantly what she’s NOT doing is chewing the rug/skirting/jumping up the surfaces while I’m trying to cook/getting up to general mischief that I don’t want her to do. Giving me a few quiet minutes to do some meal prep while she entertains herself and builds confidence 😁
Our very 1st heel work session at 11 1/2 weeks old! Should have got a big dog - I’m going to have a bad back 😂.
Heelwork/loose lead walking - 2 very different things and what I think most owners give up on because they are both hard work, not easy and require hundreds and hundreds of repetitions, especially when pulling on lead gets rewarded so frequently (they get where they want to go faster/eat something/greet someone or another dog/pee on the lamppost etc etc).
I’ll be sharing out progress as we go 😁
#looseleadwalking #positivedogtrainer #northeastdogtrainer #puppytraining
P.s the blue glove is because I’m using her raw food for training
Little bit of name training out and about on our hols - one of the most important things to teach your dog. HINT: most dogs that don’t respond to their name have rubbish recall!
Nala says her name is Betty too 😂 in fact she says I can call her anything if she gets a snack 🧐
Teaching Betty her name 😍🥰
The “auto sit”
Betty spaghetti has been learning that sitting is a very rewarding behaviour. When I got her 9 days ago I started showering her with praise pretty much every time she sat. I ignore her when she jumps up me (a behaviour I don’t want her to find rewarding). Now she is learning she can get what she wants if she sits patiently and politely - her food, access to the garden, access to the house , out of her crate, my attention. Simples! I haven’t told her the word sit yet (I will eventually) but the fact that she does it automatically for all of the above is better 😁
Try it!
#puppylove #puppytraining #northeastdogtrainer #puppymanners
New addition to the family…..
I’ve been working with this team for 4 weeks now. This GSD x loves to drag his owner down the street. Just last week he couldn’t even listen to his owner outside - not even respond to simple cues like his name or “sit”. Today, on the other hand, he totally smashed it 🎉🥂🙌. Beautiful work from both dog and human. Made me very proud. #lovemyjob #whenaplancomestogether
Bit of work on “leg contact” to help teach loose lead walking. Love love love training this dog, such a hard worker and so clever 🥰😱. Who says you can’t teach and old dog new tricks and a husky too for that matter 😂❤️