These jaunty chickens are kept happy and healthy with Barrier Animal Health products! Containing essential oils instead of chemicals, the Barrier poultry range is made of 100% natural active ingredients and kills red mite, prevents pecking and heals scaly leg. Check out to see the whole Poultry range 🐔
#naturalanimalcare #essentialoils #redmite #poultryfarming #poultrylife #naturalpoultry #protectchickens #naturalpoultrykeeping #poultry #PoultryCare #scalyleg
Watch our resident equine expert @emmalaceycouk demonstrate how to use Barrier Anti Bacterial Eye & Nose Lotion. Suitable for daily use, this unique gentle formula cleanses eye, nose and tear duct outlet areas with Aloe Vera and Tea Tree. It removes discharge and prevents accumulation of bacteria, in order to reduce infections, as well as soothing any raw areas. A hygienic and safe method of cleansing and prevention!
Visit to find out where to buy Eye & Nose Lotion or visit your local retailer.
#naturalanimalcare #essentialoils #naturalhorsecare #horsecaretips #horsecare #winterhorsecare #barrieranimalhealthcare #horsehygiene #antibacterial
Remember the summer? Yes so do we! Make sure you qualify for the Barrier Animal Health Spring Festival and the JCB PC Championships and you can experience a FREE pony pamper, care of the Barrier roving grooms. Here’s Jo using Tangle Free and Silky with Lavender to spruce up this duo before they went into the ring. Link to product in comments and stories. #naturalhorsecare #horsecareproducts #showjumping #arenaeventing #dressage #riding #barrierspringfestival #barrieranimalhealthcare #essentialoils #horsesofinstagram #equine #animalcare #aloevera #grooming #horse #hoofoil #winter #ponyclub #bahspringfest #flyspray #goodluck
Barrier Super Plus Fly Repellent Gel. Made from natural essential oils and a natural base it’s super easy to use especially on spray shy horses and for hard to reach areas. Great for before a hack on a hot day. #eventing #hacking #riding #flyrepellent #flyspray #horsesofinstagram #horses #horseriding #ilovemypony #naturalanimalcare #essentialoils #dressage
Winter Essential Heel to Hoof. Online and In store.
Did you know we have market leading poultry care products too? Red Mite Powder, Red Mite Concentrate, Scaly Leg Spray and Scaly Leg Ointment to name a few. Buy online or in store. #poultry #chickensofinstagram #henhealth #redmite #scalyleg #poultrycare #happyhealthyhen
It’s Pony Club Camp and Championship month! We’re in a no fly zone! Made with human grade essential oils Super Plus is even safe for children to use. We’ll be at the PC Champs with our full range and watch out for the roving groom too! #horsecareproducts #flyspray #riding #essentialoils #riding #ponyclub #SummerHorseCare
The Barrier Animal Health Spring Festival is underway at @morrisequestrian share your stories of your #bahspringfest and come and experience our products with some amazing show offers available to purchase too @ukponyclubofficial
It’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it. Sheath cleaning isn’t one of the nicest jobs in horse management BUT you can make it as easy, quick and clean as possible with our purpose made Sheath Cleanser and a pair of gloves.
Sheath Cleanser gently softens and loosens hard smegma naturally and safely.
Made using very mild vegetable suractants and purest lanolin. The lanolin naturally softens and loosens hard and sharp smegma, which can build up inside the sheath. Vegetable surfactants clean away any debris without removing natural bacteria.
#niceworkifyoucangetit #horsecare #horsecaretips #someonesgottadoit #gelding #winterhorsecare #winterhorsecaretips
Fungicidal Hoof Oil - Suitable for All
Our Fungicidal Hoof Oil works just as well on a Shetland as it does on a Warmblood. Barefoot, remedial, recovering from Laminitis, treat your horse’s feet and keep them protected.#horsecare #horsecaretips #horsecareproducts #hooves #winterhorsecare #hoofoil
Our Purple Spray #itsnotthatpurple
Our Purple Spray has all the wonderful natural healing ingredients but did you know #itsnotthatpurple #teatree #arnica #camomile #horsecaretips #horsecareproducts