Play with me you dashing big hunk! Edie and Storm ❤️ She's got a thing for the pointy nose brigade!
Yay....Finally Bailey Bucket Boy returns to the water! At one point, you couldn't even have a bowl of water on the floor without him trying to get in it! Then he wasn't interested in water at all!
A new toy thanks to Orton (black and white spaniel smiling at the end) who told his mum to gift it to his pals as he wasn't interested in her kind gift (the one that's mostly in it! 😅)
Thank you king size tinker! x
When the dogs are finished playing with it, it makes a fab watering plate for the plants!
The best snuffle mat ever!
Everyone is loving their new playmate and what a difference in Whistler on his second day at school! So much calmer and able to play without getting too excited. He's taking note of body language and having the time of his life ❤️
My loyal little helper! Milo the water monkey 😆
I think Reena had the hots for Rocky today! Its the most I've seen her move!
The romance continues between little and large 🥰
I think the cold is making a certain someone a tad bonkers 😂
Flipping heck...its freezing! These happy dogs have more important things on their minds!
Wishing all our wonderful customers and very Happy Christmas and our love and thoughts are with those who face a more challenging one.
Thank you for being so fabulous.
Love and hugs to you and all the Woofstars ###