Natural therapies, natural horsemanship, natural herbs, products, supplements & music are used for their healing, balancing, health maintenance, happiness & wellbeing. BEAU'S HAVEN is a place where rescued horses have been given a loving, caring home where their natural needs of safety, comfort and play are fulfilled as much as is humanly and financially possible. Fiona is a Natural Health Practi
tioner for humans who also devotes her time to caring for the horses, turning her knowledge and skills to their rehabilitation on all levels of their 'being' just the same as Fiona does when treating humans. Fiona is also trained in the US-termed Natural Horsemanship having trained in Monty Roberts techniques in California and Parelli Natural Horsemanship in the UK and Switzerland, and is very conscious of all interactions with the horses being from a basis of love, patience and respect, developing a language of communication on their terms, taking the time it takes to build a relationship 51-49pc between human and horse, on the ground on line, at liberty meaning with no halter or lines attached, and finally, ba****ck then in the saddle. The partnership is developed for the horse to feel the desire to interact with their pet human because they like them and see them as herd leader worthy of following and, because their relationship is rewarding for them in physical and emotional ways and fun! As with humans, love, patience, time, caring, respect, knowledge, understanding, fun and skill build the best relationships and it is the same with horses. The horse is a beautiful, intelligent, sentient 'being' and should be treated as the precious gift to us that it is. Beau was my first horse and when he died I wanted to do something in his name, that was as beautiful as he was and every day I do my best for those I have and those I rescue to provide them with a life of health, friends, safety, comfort, play, love and happiness.