When the weather is rubbish have a treat day! Keep your dog entertained - chewing produces endorphins, and happy feelings are always good! ❤️
A few of our weekend visitors 🥰
We are closed on Sundays and Mondays, back on Tuesday at 10am.
A wee collection of photos from our rather soggy visit to Dumfries House on Wednesday….i love our nice, dry shop very, very much!!! 🤣🤣
Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks, back on Tuesday at 10am.
@followers - Remember these posts???
It’s so hard to get our heads around that we made this huge, mind blowing leap a year ago this week.
Had we known that Steve was going to have another heart attack would we have done it? Possibly not!!
But that’s not how life works. And we, and you guys, have adjusted so that after a really hard few months, we have finally found work/ life balance by having our Mondays off.
We wouldn’t still be here without you (largely because of the business rates 🤣)
So thank you 😘
We will have some special offers on Thursday and Friday and I’ll get them posted up.
Catherine ###
We love when you guys get in touch to let us know how you have got on with your purchases…
Here are a few messages from today ♥️
Enjoy the rest of your weekend - we are back on Tuesday at 10am xx