Hollybush Hairy Hounds

Hollybush Hairy Hounds Dog Grooming Business. Hand- stripping undertaken
Nervous and large dogs catered for
Late appointme Please view my 'Services' section of this page.

Catering for the grooming of all types of dog, from clipping nails to a full groom, whether clipped or hand-stripped. I am happy to offer free advice on the care of your pet's coat at home between appointments.

Hi, allJust a note to new enquirers to say I have had to permanently close due to ill health.To my regular clients and f...

Hi, all
Just a note to new enquirers to say I have had to permanently close due to ill health.

To my regular clients and friends

I know I spoke to you all. And I would like to thank you all for the many happy years I had grooming your lovely dogs.
It has been wonderful that so many of you have stayed in touch to let me know how your dogs are getting on. Please continue to do so, as I miss them all so much.

I should have posted this much sooner, but as I'm sure you can appreciate, it was a difficult one to post. From a few customers all those years ago, when my boys were small, my wee business grew to the point where I could no longer take on any new clients. All from your recommendations.
And I had harboured a tiny hope that I may at least be able to continue to groom a few of the easiest dogs.
I now know this is completely unrealistic.

So thank you all for your past patronage, continuing support, and the many years of pleasure I have had from you and your dogs.

Lots of Love from myself, my boys, and Big Ben. He misses his friends too!



Does anyone localish have a freezer, or fridge freezer, double bed, or washing machine going cheap? Oh, and a small lawnmower of any description?
Son and girlfriend moving from small furnished flat to unfurnished house.
They are not fussy. If it works, they'll take it!
Anywhere 20 or so mile radius of Irvine.
Thank you.


Old but still so funny!

Please remember that a well maintained dog, well behaved,  and visits groomer regularly from young will be far easier to...

Please remember that a well maintained dog, well behaved, and visits groomer regularly from young will be far easier to groom, with less stress, and a look that you prefer. At a cheaper price.

We cannot produce a great look on a matted dog that is difficult to groom and never met a groomer before.
HOWEVER, we can advise on how to improve your home maintenance and your dog's behaviour, should your dog have needed to be clipped shorter than you expect, first visit.

Maintaining your dog is not intuitive. I'll never tell you to "brush your dog" without showing you HOW. I had to learn once, after all!

If your dog has never been groomed professionally before, or has become matted for any reason, it can USUALLY still be groomed.
However, initially it may need to be clipped short, or behaviour could mean grooming in stages to accustom dog ( and maybe you too) to the process.
Please never feel embarrassed or ashamed to bring your matted or difficult dog to groomer. And remember that no question is a stupid question if you don't know the answer!

Our priority is your dog's welfare. We'll do the best we can. If that means a shave, the first time, we will show you how to get a better look once it grows back in. Providing you keep to regular recommended appts and follow instructions/ advice.
Our 2nd priority is to give the look you want. After all, our business depends on the quality of our work!
We are here to help.
Please do not hesitate to ask questions. An enquiry does not mean you must book with me. You can go and ask other groomers before you make a decision on the groomer you choose to entrust with your dog's care. It could be for the whole of the dog's life, as many of mine. So you really should research and speak to other groomers before you decide.

Please CALL 07851 426448 to book or ask advice. It is almost impossible and takes far too long by any form of text to thoroughly assess your needs. A hands on free consultation may be necessary in some cases.
I look forward to hearing from you.



Yes, I am finally taking on a small no of new clients.
However, due to the amount of no shows recently by new clients, I will now be charging a non-refundable £20 deposit upon booking for new clients. This will not affect those who turn up, as it is part of your overall price.

No appt is assured until this is paid. All new appts on first come, first served basis.
Appts only confirmed on receipt of deposit paid.

Deposits can be paid via PayPal, bank transfer or pop in with cash.

Some great dogs for your perusal😁

Some great dogs for your perusal😁

Elderly dogs. I groom many.They have been with me for many years now, most of them. I see the deterioration in their hea...

Elderly dogs.
I groom many.
They have been with me for many years now, most of them.
I see the deterioration in their health, how they change.
I see the risks in grooming elderly dogs.
Stress must be kept to a minimum.
Grooms need to change from being pretty to keeping the dog comfortable. In its body and mind.
Time taken needs to reduce.And methods changed, often. Eg, from hand stripping to clipping. And owners must be extremely clear that an elderly dog COULD die on the groomer's table. However happy it is ( or has been) to be groomed. Should the worst happen, this is not the fault of the groomer. And with a regular dog, has been well discussed in advance.
Dog's perceptions change as they age. Sight, hearing tend to fade first. They may become confused (Dementia) .
Their tolerance to grooming can change drastically.

If they stay with their regular groomer, all of this can be allowed for.

I'm having a lot of enquiries recently to groom elderly dogs with problems whose groomers have either given up grooming or decide not to groom the dog due to the associated risks.

I WILL groom a new to me elderly dog, if it is likely to suffer significantly by not being groomed.
And is in good health. Under welfare terms and strict policies. And has been regularly groomed.
I prefer not to and would ask that dog stays with the groomer it knows as that is much less stress for the dog, so much safer.
If that groomer refuses, I will discuss.

I'd never let one of my elderly dogs go elsewhere if I can help it. I'll see them out with all associated reasonable risks as I know them best other than owner. And know that I can take to vet if necessary. And I know them well enough to see stress signs very quickly. . And when grooming is just too much anymore.

However. I will NOT groom an elderly dog who has not been regularly to a groomer for most of its life. By regularly I mean every 3 months max for last 3 years.
Professional grooming needs to have been a part of its regular routine for most of its life. Not a new thing. And I will not take on a matted elderly dog. That proves a lack of regular grooming, and though I'd love to help, that, IMO needs to be undertaken by a vet groomer with full health monitoring throughout.

"Elderly" means so much for different dogs at different ages.
I'll ask a LOT of questions before I decide to groom an 'elderly' dog. Age is not the barrier, health is. Some are elderly at 7 yo. Some not till 16 or more.
So please give accurate info about your dog when enquiring to book.
Thank you
07851 426448


"❤ Last weekend home owners found a 5-6 week old female eastern grey squirrel in their yard, crying and walking up to them, dehydrated and malnourished. They brought her in. It was apparent something had happened to mom and after a day or two she had braved her way down to seek help. They were told to please watch and listen for siblings and to call if they found any. The following day another call came, her brother had showed up mid day, very dehydrated and covered in fleas.
Here they are a couple days later, cleaned up, rehydrated, full bellies, and back together.
THIS is why when you can’t reunite with mom you ALWAYS make every effort to find them all, and this is why you NEVER, EVER separate siblings ❤"❤

A few dogs so far this month.

A few dogs so far this month.


Sad news yesterday.
A lovely long standing regular went to the rainbow bridge.
He'd been diabetic for much longer than he had any right to be! A real wee tough nut.
A sweetheart to groom for the last 8 yrs or so that I've known him. He was 13 or more, I believe.
The vet gave him weeks to live and he's been groomed regularly since, including TWO Christmas grooms!
He became blind and deaf, but still knew his routine, walked out to my car and back again after groom. Walked to table and waited to be lifted. Stood like an angel.
The best bit was taking him home. He was allowed 5 teeny bits of dried liver. I'd ring the bell, he would ask for his treats on doorstep. Never before. Wouldn't eat them in salon. Wouldn't leave me till he had them. No more, no less! I'd go in for a chat, he'd roll around, be a daft pup for a while ( only a minute or so latterly) say goodbye then have a drink and check his food bowl and ignore me after that!
He was quick comfort grooms recently. I knew long ago that this was coming. But wasn't quite prepared for the grief I felt today😪
I'll miss you, Chicco.
You and your "Mum" lightened hard days, and made good days even better.
My thoughts are with Chicco's owner and larger family. He will be very badly missed.
Photo is last Christmas.
Goodnight, sweet boy.
Thank you for your love over the years.

Dog Grooming Business.
Hand- stripping undertaken
Nervous and large dogs catered for
Late appointme

Only a couple of appointments left for June now. Please call or text 07851 426448 Thank you.

Only a couple of appointments left for June now.
Please call or text 07851 426448
Thank you.

After my time off, my lovely regulars are all back on schedule.I have a few appts available for new dogs going forwards....

After my time off, my lovely regulars are all back on schedule.
I have a few appts available for new dogs going forwards. Just a couple left for June.
Please call or text 07851 426448 between 9am and 6pm Mon to Fri.
No calls will be seen or answered outwith these hours.
If I'm busy with a dog, text or leave a voicemail. I'll get back to you at end of the working day.
DO NOT try to contact me through messenger. My business page will not let me open or reply to these messages.
WhatsApp is available, and preferable if I need to see/ send pics of your dog. But phone or text are most reliable.

Thank you

If you have messaged my page to enquire about a groom for your dog, I haven't ignored you. I cannot open those messages....

If you have messaged my page to enquire about a groom for your dog, I haven't ignored you. I cannot open those messages. FB glitch.
My automated reply SHOULD give my phone no. PLEASE phone or text between 9am and 6pm Mon to Fri.
I'll get back to you between dogs or at end of working day.


Please understand that groomers are people too. Very skilled people in many cases! Our household bills have risen with yours. As have ALL OF OUR COSTS TO GROOM YOUR DOG.
MANY groomers have had to close thier business as they
felt they could not put up prices, or could not vary prices according to work involved/ area they service etc.
Well. Every other business has had to raise prices with costs. Even your fave supermarket and mine! Yet groomers seem too be the ONLY industry where price increases are not allowed!

Think about this to find a good groomer.

All dogs of same type/ breed are NOT equal!
So we cannot price every dog equally!
HERE ARE A FEW REASONS WHY:-(That mean your groom may not cost the same as your friend down the Rd with your dog's identical litter mate.)
Has your Pup been PROFESSIONALLY GROOMED at least twice, between the ages of 12 and 24 weeks? To accustom it to the process and to be left with a groomer without you for a while? Or for an older dog, been regularly to a groomer?

Or is this its first groom at 2yrs old and fully mature? Eg only!
Is the coat matted?
Is your dog going through coat change? ( typically between 8- 15 months, dep on breed, size and type)
Do you brush AND COMB effectively and frequently?
Can you clean your dogs ears, handle its feet, brush its face easily. How is it with the vibration of powerful clippers, noise.
Will it cope with a dryer?
Will your dog p*e and p**p everywhere or even on table so i need to add on cleaning/time charges?
Is your dog nervous/snappy?
Has your dog ever bitten anyone?
Does your dog have ANY probs, including seasonal allergies?
Behavioural probs?
Known health probs that could cause death/severe problems under stress? Eg. Old age, epilepsy, heart problems, breathing difficulties to name but a few!

As groomers, we need to know EVERY prob to be able to adjust the way we treat your dog during grooming and it can affect time spent. Or what time of day we book your dog. And if no disclosure from the owner on a known health/ behaviour prob, our insurance may not cover.

Since covid, we are dealing Increasingly with more difficult/ nervous/ aggressive dogs.
Though I WILL groom them, be aware that though grooms for these dogs will initially be higher, prices will come down if dogs come regularly and you, the owner, are willing to put in 'homework ' to improve dog's experience and behaviour.

I hope that any potential client will understand that the look you want for your dog, whatever its breed/type, depends ENTIRELY upon YOU, the owner.
All work is photographed at Many stages, occasionally videoed.
If your dog had to be shaved, it was for a VERY good reason!

THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT means that I nor any other groomer can spend more than 15mins de-matting a dog. After that, there may be a partial or complete shave of matting.
You WILL BE WARNED and also advised of any extra costs before I proceed. Depending on severity of matting.

Groomers work EXTREMELY hard, at a VERY SKILLED JOB.
PLEASE, stop looking for prices charged 25 yrs ago! Look for a groomer who suits you and your dog, so your dog will have consistency.
Think on this.
If a groomer cuts your fidgety dog, your vet bill is covered by our insurance.
A small amount compared to...should your dog bite badly enough to end our career, or, God forbid, kill us, YOU are unlikely to be covered by insurance to pay our bills. Though a court case could be EXTREMLY costly to you!
Risk is NOT as many think, a part of our job! We go to great lengths to avoid being bitten, as it CAN BE career ending. Loss of all income.
Grooming is very rarely 'easy'or 'playing with puppies'.
If we are lucky, we groom long enough to see new puppies or young dogs in. Teach them. Teach thier owners. But then we see them out again, at the other end of life. And lose those owners who became friends, too. Nothing more heartbreaking.
This is a REAL job, possibly a vocation!
Yet groomers are typically paid less than unskilled and untrained cleaners!
A vet will charge £35 to try to cut nails. Dog fights. They give up and send to a groomer! Who typically gets job done with minimum of fuss for £10 or less!
Groomers understand nails, how to cut them without trauma to dog, yet are worth a 3rd
of the price?
If you present a dog for a groom and it will not cope, I'll send it home with training recommendations, you will pay me full minimum groom price, but have me available to see how your training and 'homework ' is going.

Washed my hair, now I can't do a  thing with it! Bonnie. My lovely cuddly girl of 10 yrs with me. We've had a few strugg...

Washed my hair, now I can't do a thing with it!
Bonnie. My lovely cuddly girl of 10 yrs with me.
We've had a few struggles with her coat just recently since she needed to be spayed late, but her Mum has worked very hard to keep her in full coat . .she also piled weight on fast, but is now losing it fast too, since Mum has taken on board a bit of advice.
Groomers do much more than just groom.
We see changes in your dog that you might not, seeing them daily, so they are gradual and therefore often unnoticeable to you.
We see those changes over weeks and they can appear sudden and alarming to us. Lumps , bumps, smells, skin or hair probs can all seem like nothing, but can occasionally be very serious, and indicators of a much worse problem

Please, if your groomer advises a trip to vet, take that advice.
Though we cannot diagnose a condition, we CAN monitor something that we are uncomfortable about. And are knowledgeable about many more common conditions. Many groomers have saved many dogs lives this way.
Bonnie was never in the way of a serious problem. But she is now feeling fitter than she did for a wee while, and the weight loss has immeasurably increased her mobility.
I must also stress that I see her very often, so I had missed some of her weight gain and stiffness at first. This was not owner fault in any way, and was addressed immediately it was brought to her attention. Spaying / neutering does change the balance of hormones in a dog, and can have many effects, most often weight gain, changes in coat and also behaviour. However, it is often necessary or desirable.

Any how.
Give Bonnie a love. She LOVES everyone, and no one gives better cuddles!


I think you're on to something there!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Can anyone enquiring about an appointment please CALL or TEXT 07851 426448 please?
I cannot access messages sent to my page by messenger, business suite is refusing to work.

If you have tried to message, and had only an automated reply please call.


After almost a year out from work, due to an injured finger and other health probs, I'm finally taking new clients. 😁
Thank you for the loyalty all my longest standing regulars have shown, and thank you for trusting me when I was lacking confidence with the finger, and I wasn't quite trusting myself. I needed your great, patient dogs to prove to myself that I could still do my beloved job. I would not have had a business to go back to without you all.
I was a nervous wreck at first. Terrified that I'd cut a dog as I got used to handling scissors again.
Well. My new cover photo shows, I hope, that my scissor skills are still fine, and I got over that nervousness. Barley is a Standard poodle I've done since a pup, and I'm happy with the extensive sc******ng that this groom took. ( though his topknot still has some growing to do).
I'm fully back! And taking appts again. 😁😁
Please don't be offended if I didn't invite you and your dogs back again whilst I practiced. I needed dogs I knew extremely well, very regularly over many years, and who were almost perfectly behaved around heads and feet. Ears, particularly!

Not because of the dogs, but learning to use scissors with much reduced feeling in my scissor hand. I didn't dare groom a dog who might fidget for delicate parts while my hand was not as quick as it used to be.
I hope I'll see some more of you back. I've missed all my regulars, but I'd prefer to have not seen them than possibly nick or cut them.
Previous regulars get appts before new clients. And back to previous intervals if you wish. I know some of you need particular days/times so please call/ text. Your old appts still stand if required.

And, thank you all!

I have the best Ruth Higgins

I have the best Ruth Higgins

Yes we have our own day!


The lighter penguin is an elderly female whose partner died this year. The darker one is a younger male who lost his partner two years ago. Biologists have followed them as they meet every night to comfort each other. They stand for hours together watching the lights. Photographer Tobias Baumgaertner captured this image of two widowed fairy penguins looking over the Melbourne skyline. It has won an award in Oceanographic magazine’s Ocean Photography Awards 2020.


Getting back to work next month.
So much to think about as so much needs to change for me to earn a wage.

How do my regular clients feel about paying deposits for appts?

Should it be across the board so same for all? Since it won't really affect anyone who keeps appts and NEVER no shows/ cancels under 24hrs notice.
Or should it be only for newer/ irregular clients?
And, as some people do not understand the concept ( evidenced on every groomer forum) here is how it works:-

To book an appt you pay a proportion of EXPECTED groom price to confirm that booking. 50%.This is a PART of final price. NOT ON TOP OF IT! On completion of groom, you finalise the other 50% ( plus any extra costs due to matting or other difficulties in completing dog's groom)
Non returnable if you let me down under 24 hrs notice so I can't fill YOUR BOOKED appt.
Repeat offenders ( more than once) need to pay 100% of EXPECTED price to secure appt.
Emergencies are allowed with proof. Positive covid tests do not count any more as protocols are in place.


My 'no shows' in over 10 yrs here were so few I never needed to consider this before. And none at all in the 18 yrs prior!

Just before I went off work, they were becoming frequent from new clients. Resulting in considerable loss of income. Which cannot be stood in current economic climate.

This is becoming become the norm with all groomers.

THOUGHTS PLEASE. Any and all welcome😊


What'son my mind? Err, that all of a sudden you, FB are improving my experience for my business page?
The reviews I earned have not returned. Yet the clients who posted them are told they cant post another? I still can't access my inbox easily?
How is this an exciting new journey?
Was better 10 yrs ago! Not one re- iteration, seperation or so called improvement has worked well.
Forgive me if i don't wet my pants in excitement?
And if you are heading towards charging small businesses for thier long standing pages, you need to listen to said pages first!
We have been voting with our fingers for years and you don't listen. You are SO big you don't need to?
We need a place to contact you. To tell you how you are destroying some of those very businesses you helped to build inititially.
Yes, it was free. To build YOUR business!
And now we cannot access older content, we still need to finish building our profiles yet when we try it says ' complete'
10 years I've had a business account with you.
Then about 6 yrs ago, you decided I needed a new one for same business.
Then about 4 years ago I got a tutorial on how to merge pages. I followed the instructions on numerous occasions. There is still another page in my business name that you tell me to complete!
I know you are heading towards charging. I know that you know many small businesses are abandoning you like rats leaving a sinking ship!

I'm one of those rats!
Yes, you have your bright new tech savvy technicians full of new ideas.
And I have no real right to complain, since the business page was offered for free
But you are a multibillion dollar business.

Mine is perhaps £15k BEFORE TAX.
YOU HELPED ME AND MANY( POSSIBLY MILLIONS) OF PEOPLE BEGIN OR IMPROVE THIER TINY BUSINESSES.Thier whole livlehoods. And every change to business manager, etc etc removes some of thier data or makes it harder for them to reply to queries.
Particularly REMOVINGhard earned reviews, changing how those fewer reviews are rated and the means to show that a review was unfair, or to have it taken down.
I'm a dog groomer.
My business, OUR business has changed out of all recognition from 5- 10 years ago.
More and more reviews are unfair because owners REFUSE to take responsibility for thier own dog's coats and or behaviour!
And with a massive increase in mixed breeds, many pups bought in lockdown when they could not access grooming are a part of that.
But, as a groomer, I am not ALLOWED, WITHIN WELFARE LAWS, to allow that to continue.
Not only on our own pages but on other 'breed' pages.
It is destroying small businesses and the mental health of the owners of those businesses!
So while you are giving us a shiny new look for our business pages, why not give us shiny new functionality too?
If you fixed it to work for us, I'm sure we'd be happy to pay you! As long as by doing so we can access PEOPLE for help.

We pay for other apps, eg appointment apps or accounting apps to make our lives easier, but we can also access help when it goes wrong!
Fb for business just gets harder every time you update it!
And don't give me a chance to mention kids being able to get accounts LONG before they are 16!
Which is something parents really cannot stop since they are far more " tech savvie" than we are!
They grew up with it!
My eldest son helped me set up my business account with you when he was 8 yrs old!
The very best thing FB, OR meta? Whatever you are called now, could do for YOUR business before people leave in droves, ( so they don't see the ads anymore😉🤔)
What you think is an improvement is not, to the vast majority of your older users. I'm 52. I hope not to die soon?
I've weathered things that most of your techies never have or never will!
I'm not a mushroom to stay in the dark and be fed only rotting s**t! (OR only junk food!)
I'll go as far as to say that computers and smartphones contribute MASSIVELY to the worldwide child obesity crisis!
They might watch videos of how to eat well and get fitter. Bur they don't get out and ACTUALLY DO IT!
NOT ads, like rub this on your face and your acne will disappear forever!
Or " these expensive tablets will clear your colon quickly so you'll lose weight".
I can't call a female dog a bitch on PRIVATE groomers pages WITHOUT A BAN!
BUT, I can't get him a free bus pass. Because although he has a passport, I can't find his birth certificate. And to replace THAT, I have to get onto the website between 9 and 4! What website doesn't work 24/ 7?
Only THAT one, apparently. YET, to get a passport I had to physically SEND his birth certificate. No copy nor screenshot accepted. So obviously it didn't come back!
They are checking the hell out of him for a BUS PASS!
Though I had parental control set up even on the wi fi box! He had to get my permission for EVERYTHING. BUT HE BYPASSED THAT. AND YOU NEVER CHECKED.
HE USED A DIFFERENT NAME THAT cannot be checked. And, for all I know, he holds a second account that I can't check!
But I cannot be honest, or use anatomically correct terms without being told by you that that is bullying and harassment? With increasingly longer bans from my PRIVATE groups! Even from my business page!
And people use far worse language, threatening and aggressive behaviour And, my 14 yo son has been a party to that as giver AND recipient. WAY UNDERAGE!
AND, TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY, I follow your rules to appeal, just simply the fact that I appealed gives me a longer ban!

Try using people instead of bots with a clear line of appeal that can be looked at by a person.
It appears to me that one ban and then an appeal jyst makes it worse in future.
Plenty other people say far worse than I ever have, and yhe only difference I can find is that THEY NEVER APPEALED!.

It might make YOU, Mark Zuckerberg, personally, more money.
But it's making your apos increasingly difficult. And De-humanising everything you do!
Possibly de-humanising your staff too.
I await the lawsuits with baited breath.
From users and staff alike!
Cigarette and prescription drug companies have been sued for millions.
It is increasingly being proven that social media is more addictive and destructive than all those things put together.
Child depression and anxiety has risen so far. Child su***de. Because of the false images YOUR COMPANIES PUSH AND DO NOT FILTER.
If a representative from your company will get in touch with me (ha!) I'll explain how things have impacted my son. My business.
But the impact to my son is the most pressing concern!
He can't access the same content via Google!
You have a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I'm UK. Its only a matter of time in the States!
Denying access to call or complain, or even compliment, does not hide you . You are the person ultimately responsible.
We've had the film of how you started the company.
Within my lifetime there will be a film of your demise.
And it will be spectacular!
I fully expect to be banned forever for this post.
But since it needs no approval under your rules, quite a few people will
see and share it first.

Though, by me having used your name,
I'm sure there is a bot to pick it up.
So, before I send I will screenshot.
Just for that court case!
That I doubt can be started yet since so many people rely on your multiple sm businesses.
But remember, everything is a fad, or trend. You've upset millions of businesses who are now re-thinking. I'm not alone and I'm in only ONE industry. Every business you upset has a family. That family has friends.
Sounding familiar?
What you used to build your business is exactly what will destroy it.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
How many small businesses did you help us build?
How many did you consequently injure through updates not well thought through?
How many of THOSE were able to contact your company to explain, and how you could fix the mistakes YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW YOU HAD MADE?
BUT REPLY TO JUST one person that your business has damaged. Just one. Pick the worst story. Cos I know people post on thier pages and hope that a bot picks it up and sends it to you so you will hear!
Watch some Netflix films. Before you buy that too. Watch the class suits. And tell me that that can't happen to you?
Yes. We have choice.
We also get addictions.
Or other damage .
Social media is sneaky, insidious, mean and affects peoples whole lives.
Don't get me wrong, I've learned a lot more about my chosen job from it.
But I was in my late 40's then.
And I can fund it addictive.
When kids
can access it as young as 10?
If for no other reason, that is where you may get sued! Might take 20 yrs or more. Won't be me. I'm UK. We don't really do class actions!
But I hope you are saving!
I don't expect this to even get to my page.
Buts it's well copied first!

And I'm not paranoid. But if I discuss something I might like to buy, or need, on the phone to a friend, I get ads about it on my fb feed within hours! Without having looked it up on Google or amazon!
So much so, that when I get back to work, I'm buying an old brick phone. So I can't be pestered for appts at midnight and I'm not subject to social media no matter how hard I try to avoid it!
Thanks to you, FB.
I'll forego the fun. The jokes. Etc.
And there's a point! You are happy to ban me from replying but I'm still allowed to see my friends and groups?
Are terrorists still allowed to watch but not reply?
As far as I know, nit one person I have spoken to has deleted me from thier friend list. I've deleted a couple. And not from the groups that caused the bans! In friendly banter ( where people use far worse words than me or are more aggressive) OR in using anatomically correct words that MAY discuss sexual in*******se, but only about dogs. Yet I can join sexually explicit groups with FAR WORSE LANGUAGE and possibly abusive language.
I don't even dare join the banter or click on like in case I get banned. All I want to know is why I was banned when people on all kinds of groups get away with far worse?
I'm repeating myself now.
Ban me then, Fb.
I'll not lose those friends who matter and I'll get less angry on a regular basis!
Look forward to the reply that I won't get!


3 Clement Terrace, Hollybush

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 10pm
Thursday 8:30am - 10pm
Friday 8:30am - 6pm




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