I wanted to share the power of fascia work ! This was my own little horse who was 27, I am forever grateful for her lessons in fascia release. This was taking last year, but such a great example of dehydration and restriction within the fascia sheets.
🙌 The Body keeps the score 🙌
🙌These photos are 12 hours apart from myofascial release. 🙌
This lovely little lady holds a special place in my heart. At 27 years old and on her final journey with me , I am trying to make it a peaceful and happy one for her. ❤️
Arthritic change in a few parts of the body, issues with teeth due to age, and problems within the feet, this lady isn’t without her problems. All being addressed with veterinary care.
I always check in with my horses that are in my care, and yesterday I could see she was struggling, holding her body in tension. The thing is I know at this stage I am never going to change the long term damage caused, or improve posture, as the compensatory patterns are keeping her safe in survival mode….
What I simply wanted to do to help her was show up , be present and listen to her body, give her a space where she could relax , let go and allow the body to BREATHE again from its holding patterns.
Working on the fascia systems….
When fascia becomes restricted this causes dehydration, tightening and hardening, this decreases the space between the fibres and increases irritation in the fascia. This will cause restrictive mobility, and increased pain or fatigue.
This morning after 12 hours of fascia work , I was presented with a much more happier relaxed horse, the pictures speak a thousand words, and I am honoured you feel safe enough and trust me to work on the parts you feel vulnerable with.
The final journey is always the hardest, but I will do everything in my power to make it a safe peaceful one, my beautiful golden oldie. ❤️
Equine Physique & Motion