We have admitted a cat from the Horton View area of Banbury on Wednesday 8th January 2024. Sadly he is not identichipped and is not wearing a collar, so we are unable to contact his owners.
Normally we don't share photos of stray pets that we admit, but in this circumstance we are as he is a fairly common colour. Hopefully, by sharing his photo, we can find his owner quicker and also avoid any unnecessary worry for anyone else who is missing a cat matching this description.
The cat is tabby and white and is short haired. He is an entire male, he has not been castrated. We will not be releasing any more details.
If you are his owner please contact us as soon as possible on Banbury 259446. Please do not rely on posting a reply on here, as we are not able to monitor our page constantly. Any help sharing our post with family and friends in the local area would be much appreciated.
Many thanks. Hawthorne Lodge Vets, 1 West Bar, Banbury, OX169SD. Telephone 01295259446.