Good Morning from Whitehills.
For us it’s a little different today in the sense that we open as usual but close at 2:30 PM for family time, fear not we are back on the go tomorrow as usual.
Christmas is always a time to reflect for us as a family and business owners, what is undoubtedly the busiest time of the year has its ups and downs and issues to deal with but somehow we always seem to get there.
What we do here in Whitehills, Banff, Turriff and Myrus would not be possible without you our customers and our amazing staff.
Times are not easy for many and we get that and yet week in week out we are so well supported by so many, same faces, new faces, it just keeps repeating and without this we would not be here, you really are an amazing bunch of people and across our four places, The Seafield Arms, Gillys@Bairds, Gillys Turriff and Gillys@Myrus we cannot thank you enough for all the support you show us, we are truly grateful and truly humbled. THANK YOU.
Wow, what can I say, we are truly blessed with the most amazing group of employees who work in all locations. Staff (and in our case brilliant staff) are the backbone in making any business work, many years ago someone gave me some advice and that was that if you look after your staff they will look after you, that was probably one of the best pieces of advice I have ever taken. As it is across four trading locations we employ 34 people at present all of whom have different roles and all of whom do their said roles with love, dedication and loyalty.
On the subject of staff, one of our team and indeed my best friend James had a tough start to 2024 when he was diagnosed with Prostate cancer, he embraced the battle and whilst we did keep you updated his last Dr visit showed that it has now totally gone, James on behalf of us all we are delighted that you overcame the challenge, well done pal. Oh and by now you will know who got you in secret santa.. 😁
So, to all our staff, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO, you are truly special people and much loved, much valued and so respected.
So, enough of my waffle, folks have a great day and we hope Santa was good to you.