Let’s talk foot care.. why is it important for short nails and trimmed under pads?
Pads: Not only can they be painful if cracked, the gap around them attract grass seeds and mud clots in the hair that continuously grows. This is like walking with a stone in your shoe- but no one can hear your frustration. How annoying.
All nails grow at different rates. Some never need trimming, some need weekly nipping. Lots of exercise on grass doesn’t reduce them, however concrete type surfaces can help- regular town walks etc.
Should they grow too long, it can send the whole alignment of the leg out of balance. They walk on the back of the foot to compensate. This could cause pressure in areas where it wouldn’t normally be present such as the elbow, creating inflammation or lead to arthritis.
The vein also grows to the end of the nail regardless. This hinders how much we can remove. BUT, not all is lost if you have long nails and a long quick (vein). Regular tiny removal of the tip ends gradually pushes back the vein over time.
How can we help? Well, even if you don’t have a dog that needs grooming, they may benefit from some special foot care. Here we have specific appointments just for feet. We can gradually push back the vein - painlessly (by non clipping) and remove all the hair inside the pads whilst checking for seeds & clumps. Easy!
These appointments are 30 minutes every 3 weeks to stop the vein growth that limits the progress.
Here is a dog I prepared earlier. Every 3 weeks without fail ❤️
Working dogs, competition & show dogs can be done weekly/fortnightly to really see positive results.