So, I’ve been a bit quiet as of late since my post looking for freelance work! This is due to the overwhelming response that I’ve had due to all of your shares, tags in posts, comments, likes and recommendations! I’d just like to give a little update on a handful of horses that I’ve been working with since!
First up is Billy who I first started riding in the middle of September as he was rearing every time he was asked to walk forward. By the second ride he had stopped the rearing but still had quite a bit of head shaking and napping. As suspected, he had a few sharp teeth that were causing him a considerable amount of pain and though the rearing had stopped, we have started his jumping education and continued lateral work as he was a late starter and was only backed last year. We took him to his second ever show on Saturday to Barleylands (a new venue for him) where he jumped a beautiful double clear and took 1st place out of a class of 25 which I and his owners were absolutely over the moon with! He then jumped the second class for an unfortunate fence in the jump off but still took home a 4th place. In this time we had also taken him X-Country training which he proved to be an absolute machine at- even jumping some of the 90cm/1m fences (absolutely bold as brass!) Billy also came out this morning to Barleylands to jump his first ever Affiliated clear round where he had a couple of lazy poles but jumped his biggest and most technical track to date proving lots of ability!
Next up is Barley, I have only ridden him a handful of times but we also brought him to Barleylands on Saturday where he had an unfortunate fence in the jump off of his first class but finished in 6th place. In his second class, he again had an unfortunate fence in the jump off but finished up with a 3rd! Barley too, came to Barleylands for his first Affiliated clear round and jumped a lovely clear which we were all absolutely thrilled with!
Next up is Ozzie, Ozzie’s mum had sadly had a fall due to him cat-leaping a fence which had knocked a bit of confidence in them both. After his second ride, Ozzie seemed to have gained his confidence back and hadn’t cat-leapt over a single fence! We also did a touch of desensitising. Next job is for Ozzie’s mum to hop on so we can work on getting both of their confidence back to where it was before!
I have recently started backing 3 year old Bally who has made my job incredibly straight forward. In just two sessions, we have lunged, long reined for the first time in both walk and trot in two different arenas, laid over him, sat on him ba****ck and walked him around the ménage ba****ck (being led) with no fuss whatsoever- taking absolutely everything in his stride!Something tells me he has walked this earth before! He will soon go on his winter break to mature until his 4th year, when his real education will begin.
Due to our fields recently being shut due to the horrendous weather we have had, I have been given the job of taking 18 month old Barnaby for walks in areas that he’s not been before. He has been an absolute star so far and has even got over his fear of puddles, in the dark too! He has not put a single toe (hoof) out of line and is being an absolute pleasure to work with.
Apologies for the incredibly long post. I just wanted to thank absolutely everyone who has supported me on this new path- especially my clients. But also to each and every single person who has tagged me in posts, recommended me, shared my post, commented and even liked.
I have been absolutely overwhelmed with the response and as a result, I have been inundated with PMs, text messages and WhatsApp’s. Please bear with me while I respond to you all, I am making my way through them all as quickly as I can and thank you all so much for considering me to come and work with you and your horses.
Again, thank you all so, so much, I really am incredibly grateful to everyone and all clients who are entrusting me with their steeds!
Photos attached of all horses mentioned- posted of course with their owners permission!🤩
Owners- if you are happy for me to tag you in this post then please drop me a message and I will edit it🥰
Unfortunately the page will only let me post photos, so attached are some beautiful pictures of those I’ve been working with! iWill Photo