Jodys Pet Care

Jodys Pet Care A friendly, professional dog walker and pet carer.

Fridays only group walk. A mucky stroll but the crew enjoyed it 😊 Rusty was interactive for the second half, which was n...

Fridays only group walk. A mucky stroll but the crew enjoyed it 😊 Rusty was interactive for the second half, which was nice to see. I didn't let go of him though, I'll wait until he's back to how he was before Xmas, just to make sure he doesn't forget me in that huge field. Amber and Ollie mooched together, they found a really interesting patch half way up the path and inspected it for ages. Rusty paid no attention to the area so it wasn't wildlife smells, I wonder what it was πŸ€”

Digging? Me? Noooo, definitely not πŸ˜‚

Digging? Me? Noooo, definitely not πŸ˜‚

My solo with Orla, minus Murphy but with added Dylan. We shared a couple of treat searches without any bother and visite...

My solo with Orla, minus Murphy but with added Dylan. We shared a couple of treat searches without any bother and visited the rabbit warrens for the first time with a friend. We haven't braved the area before as it's quite enclosed and I didn't want Orla to feel trapped. They both happily mooch about, Orla checking the holes and Dylan having a splash. Plus she didn't try and jump him once when he rolled, which was amazing after being allowed to do it to Skye. I didn't have to redirect her once πŸ™Œ

Thursdays walk 1, minus Len and Pugs. A nice sunny bumble up to the pill house, as that's the direction they wanted. We ...

Thursdays walk 1, minus Len and Pugs. A nice sunny bumble up to the pill house, as that's the direction they wanted. We didn't go behind it like normal as Ollie managed to cut himself back there in the bushes before Xmas, and I don't know what happened or what he got cut on as it's too thick to see in, so best to avoid the area. We wandered into the wild field too, but left the mound as it leads to the same bushes we were avoiding, the crew enjoyed the long, rustling grass to walk through though, before we turned for home

Thursdays walk 2, minus Lola, who's still not well enough to join us 😞 Bear did well without sister, she did falter gett...

Thursdays walk 2, minus Lola, who's still not well enough to join us 😞 Bear did well without sister, she did falter getting to the van, but once at the walk she hopped out the van happily, and was giving me her cheeky smile on the walk. She even asked for a game with me, and bounced at Skye when she barreled past her. Skye was super lively, wriggling on the floor to get Roo to play, which he doesn't understand because it's not normal behaviour 😁 She even ran at me once for no reason other than fun. It's lovely when she's feeling good and lively. Monty mooched with the girls while Roo did his own thing for the first half of the walk, and joined the group more for the second half

Wednesdays walk 1. It took us ages to get through the pond bit, there were so many smells to sniff 😊 Rusty was back to h...

Wednesdays walk 1. It took us ages to get through the pond bit, there were so many smells to sniff 😊 Rusty was back to his attentive self, which was lovely. He's figured out night feeds are boring and he's better off staying in bed, so is now getting better sleep, which means he can concentrate more on walks πŸ™Œ Monty hung with me, he's never far away when I've got Rusty as there's plenty of treats being tossed, and he might just get one 😁 Roo doesn't care about food that much, the difference between a hunting type and a pet/show type, the hunters are often far less foodie. He happily sniffed about, coming back when he'd wandered too far

Wednesdays walk 2. Everyone was very happy to be out with their friends 😊 Jess was super lively and chatty, hanging with...

Wednesdays walk 2. Everyone was very happy to be out with their friends 😊 Jess was super lively and chatty, hanging with me and Josh making us laugh with her conversational woos. Skye, Dylan and Rolo hung together, finding the good sniffs and checking the rustlings in the bushes. They make a good team, although no one caught any dinner 😁

My solo with Orla, with added Skye. A quick meet on Orlas street to make sure she remembered Skye, which she evidently d...

My solo with Orla, with added Skye. A quick meet on Orlas street to make sure she remembered Skye, which she evidently did, then in the van to our regular field. Orla sniffed, rolled in fox poo and found treats while Skye mainly lay down, which was fair, she'd already done one walk. Skye rolled about playfully a couple of times, getting Orla running round her and coming in to 'attack' her. It'll be interesting getting Orla to understand the difference between Dylan rolling, which is not play, and Skye, who is, but she's smart so I think she'll get it. Next is a walk with both Dylan and Skye, then she'll be joining the Wednesday walk with her brothers crew, meeting Rolo on the walk as he's too far to do solo meets really, and is luckily little and unassuming enough I don't think it'll matter much 🀞

Tuesdays walk 1, minus Ollie and Murphy. That was three very wet, grubby dogs and two equally wet humans. Big up to Nala...

Tuesdays walk 1, minus Ollie and Murphy. That was three very wet, grubby dogs and two equally wet humans. Big up to Nalas mum who still joined me in the down pour, I'd have handed Nala over and closed the door if it was the other way round πŸ˜‚ Roo and Nala mooched together while Pizza dug for mice, with Nala occasionally joining in the hunt with her own dig

Tuesdays walk 2. A rather soggy bumble, which is normally good for Rusty as the birds are hiding, but he was a bit distr...

Tuesdays walk 2. A rather soggy bumble, which is normally good for Rusty as the birds are hiding, but he was a bit distracted today. Totally expected after a couple of weeks off, especially as he's been too tired to concentrate much before the Xmas break. We'll soon be back to where we were with him, which will please his two mates, who both aren't keen on the long line getting their old, achy legs

My solo with Orla. We got lucky and the rain left us alone, which was good as we had enough trouble with the wind sendin...

My solo with Orla. We got lucky and the rain left us alone, which was good as we had enough trouble with the wind sending noises and smells from everywhere. Lots of little treat searches to help keep her calm, with some impressive and totally unnecessary acrobatics in the trees, because she can reach all the treats from the ground quite easily, but why do that when you can do a good impression of a squirrel 😁

Not the most festive picture but it's one of my favourites of this year 😊 a massive thanks to you all for your continued...

Not the most festive picture but it's one of my favourites of this year 😊 a massive thanks to you all for your continued support and custom this year, especially with Pizzas illness. Without you guys trusting me with your wonderful dogs I wouldn't have the best job ever. I am truly grateful for every day I spend with my four legged friends, the joy they bring and the things they teach me. Even the worst, hardest days are better than any days in any other job. Thanks, and here's to another joyous year β™₯️

Fridays only group walk, minus Amber and Ollie , but with added Len and Pugs. Rusty's still a bit distracted, going a bi...

Fridays only group walk, minus Amber and Ollie , but with added Len and Pugs. Rusty's still a bit distracted, going a bit further than normal. He's very tired from all the nighttime feeds his brother needs so it's understandable. He's safe here though as there's fencing and not many birds on the path, they tend to stay in the fields and trees. Len and Pugs bumbled with me, Rusty is too erratic and in the undergrowth for Len to follow, and it was nice for Pugs to have his brother with him. He does love his big bro but struggles to keep up with him now, when he's off hanging with the big dogs

My solo with Orla and Murphy, with added Dylan. A rather busy field made for a slightly edgy walk, with Orla reacting a ...

My solo with Orla and Murphy, with added Dylan. A rather busy field made for a slightly edgy walk, with Orla reacting a few times. She coped really well with two people playing footie that we had to pass. Lots of sausage for looking at them took her down from wooing to being able to watch calmly, and they kindly paused their game as we went by to make it easier for us. Murphy snapped at Dylan over a smell, mum said he's been a guarding bit more at home too. Unusual Dylan snapped back, it must have been an amazing smell, or he was surprised by Murphys reaction. Of course Orla wooed in worry but no harm done and a few treats for each to find separately soon settled the situation. The 'poos played together, and Dylan played with me. Interestingly, Murphy didn't join in when he normally would with the groups. Orla just ignored us and carried on sniffing, so he took his cue from her

My solo with Billy. I've missed this lad, it's been ages due to sickness and unstoppable appointments. We got to walk ar...

My solo with Billy. I've missed this lad, it's been ages due to sickness and unstoppable appointments. We got to walk around his old area as him mum was sorting out his old house. He was much more confident here, especially near his old home, he stopped to sniff more and sniffed for longer at each place, which was nice to see

Thursdays walk 1, minus Len and Pugs, but with added Rusty. Rusty was a little distracted today, he's got a new human br...

Thursdays walk 1, minus Len and Pugs, but with added Rusty. Rusty was a little distracted today, he's got a new human brother who's decided the household doesn't need to sleep, so it's understandable he's not totally himself. He was on the full length of lead but I didn't risk letting him go, there's an awful lot of field to run about if he did struggle to recall. Ollie struggled too, he has issues with chest infections due to his missing bottom jaw, and has been on meds, it meant coming of his steroids though, and he started gasping for breath after half hour. We headed straight back to the van and he's been to the vets with his mum for a steroid injection, which has helped. Phew! Let's hope he stays comfortable over Xmas 🀞

Thursdays walk 2, minus Lola as she hadn't been well. As we didn't have our springer we took to the fields, nice and ope...

Thursdays walk 2, minus Lola as she hadn't been well. As we didn't have our springer we took to the fields, nice and open for Bear, and lots of different sniffs as we rarely make it into these fields nowadays. There was plenty of stopping to sniff the air too, as the wind was bringing plenty of smells. Roo led the way, solo for once as I had hot dog in my pocket, and the smell was too good for Monty to walk away from. He kept me company with Skye and Bear, who weren't begging but are always close by, and Roo rejoined us when he'd wandered too far

These dogs are all weirdos 😁 Skye has decided the usual play bow, or play bounce isn't the way to get a game going. It's...

These dogs are all weirdos 😁 Skye has decided the usual play bow, or play bounce isn't the way to get a game going. It's best to lay on the floor and roll about grabbing your tail. It's not at all confusing and definitely works, every time (I hope you can hear the heavy sarcasm in that sentence) πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ stoopid dogs 😁β™₯️

Wednesdays walk 1. Another busy path, we barely made it past the lake, and part of me wished we'd just stayed up there, ...

Wednesdays walk 1. Another busy path, we barely made it past the lake, and part of me wished we'd just stayed up there, there's a lot more rude or stupid walkers here than there used to be. There were ducks on the lake, making good viewing for Ollie and Rusty. Dogs in the field next to us, which Roo always likes as he's rewarded for looking at me when he spots one. Monty is always and eternally happy, just bumbling with his friends and begging for treats 😊

Wednesdays walk 2. Rolo off lead for the wooded walk to the field, he's not put a paw wrong so far with recall, but we'v...

Wednesdays walk 2. Rolo off lead for the wooded walk to the field, he's not put a paw wrong so far with recall, but we've kept it easy as we're in a quiet area without many other dogs or humans to distract us. They all bounced, Murphy feeling brave enough to not immediately run to me when Dylan bounced at him. He's beginning to realise these guys aren't into chasing, so he's safe if he moves away. Hopefully he'll have the confidence to really play with the big ones one day. Rolo got cheeky in the van and broke into the middle section, then growled at Dylan and Skye for being in there πŸ™ˆ no harm done, Skye and Dylan don't take offence easily with their friends, and he got tied to his cage door so he couldn't try it again. I'll be fixing the holes over Xmas so he won't get the chance again. Cheeky chap 😁


Amber verses the ditch 😁

Tuesdays walk 2. A soggy bumble up to the mound for a nice view of the ponies. We spent ages at the ditch, it's now has ...

Tuesdays walk 2. A soggy bumble up to the mound for a nice view of the ponies. We spent ages at the ditch, it's now has a stream at the bottom so is extra enticing. Amber still can't make it down there though, no matter how hard she tries. It's amazing how just needing to turn her body at the bottom has stumped her for over a year. Silly boxer 😁

My solo with Orla. I thought I'd try her in a jumper to protect her from those annoying rain drops. It was hit and miss ...

My solo with Orla. I thought I'd try her in a jumper to protect her from those annoying rain drops. It was hit and miss whether it would work, as the jumper touching her could be just as annoying. She did roll a couple of times, evidently irritated by it, but on the whole it worked well, and she was definitely less manic than she is in the rain. How lucky she's the same size as Pizza, and I think the security jumper rather suits her 😊

Popped Orla into the middle section while I sorted towels and dog washer, opened the door to find her here. Not sure tha...

Popped Orla into the middle section while I sorted towels and dog washer, opened the door to find her here. Not sure that's the perfect position, on the cages rather than in them πŸ˜‚

Another Xmas jumper for Kas. Now he's happy to wear them I've got a feeling he's going to have a whole wardrobe full by ...

Another Xmas jumper for Kas. Now he's happy to wear them I've got a feeling he's going to have a whole wardrobe full by the end of winter 😁

Mondays walk 1. Roo, Dylan and Rolo had some excellent bounces, but they were right under my feet, and I couldn't move a...

Mondays walk 1. Roo, Dylan and Rolo had some excellent bounces, but they were right under my feet, and I couldn't move as I was protecting Jessie from getting trod on, so no decent pictures or videos. We're definitely getting used to this area now, after Xmas I'm going to see if Rolo fancies going in the lake field. We're at the top end from where we start, so the walk down to the lake will be towards traffic, but he can always say no of he doesn't want to. We might have enough trust between us now so car noises won't be so worrying, and I won't know unless I ask the question

Mondays walk 2. We found a way up the hills where it wasn't too steep, much nicer all round as people tend to stick to t...

Mondays walk 2. We found a way up the hills where it wasn't too steep, much nicer all round as people tend to stick to the path so it's quieter here. Nice for Skye too as she likes a good view, and you can see all the way to town from here. Kas ran about until I had to take his jumper off, while Monty and Skye plodded together. Monty must have been feeling a little tired as he normally likes to run bout with the Kas at the start of the walk

Five minutes without a jumper because he was getting too hot, and not only does he roll in fox πŸ’©, he blows me raspberrie...

Five minutes without a jumper because he was getting too hot, and not only does he roll in fox πŸ’©, he blows me raspberries when I'm trying to take a photo of his shame 😁

Orla choosing to lay down with Skye. She actually started by wanting to jump her brother, but he kept sniffing, ignoring...

Orla choosing to lay down with Skye. She actually started by wanting to jump her brother, but he kept sniffing, ignoring her, and she slowly settled, first into a sit, then laying down. Normally she'd need to be redirected, or she'd settle herself and sniff too, I think she chose to lay as Skye was. Skye will hopefully make a great friend for Orla as she'll feel her calmness and emulate that, fingers crossed


A rainy recall 😊

Fridays only group walk. A grubby bumble up our field. Rusty trailing his lead once we'd got out there and I'd had a qui...

Fridays only group walk. A grubby bumble up our field. Rusty trailing his lead once we'd got out there and I'd had a quick scan for birds. Amber and Dylan mooched together while Ollie stuck close to me and the treats. Rusty gets rewarded for looking at me or coming back to me, which he does regularly, and Ollie always checks to see if he'll get lucky too

My solo with Orla and Murphy, with added Skye 😊 that went so well I took Orlas long line off after ten minutes. It's alw...

My solo with Orla and Murphy, with added Skye 😊 that went so well I took Orlas long line off after ten minutes. It's always interesting watching the dogs together, Orla really picks up the energy of the other dog, so she's more chilled with Skye that she was with Dylan, even though Dylan is actually a better communicator. Orla laid down once and sat once, imitating her new floofy friend, who's generally in those positions unless we're moving. A couple of walks with both Dylan and Skye and we'll be set to join the Wednesday group πŸ™Œ

Thursdays walk 1. A lively bumble up the field. We spent a lot of time sniffing one area, the grass had been flattened s...

Thursdays walk 1. A lively bumble up the field. We spent a lot of time sniffing one area, the grass had been flattened so possibly a deer has made its bed there for the night. Len and Amber kept half bouncing, they both like to be chased, rather than do the chasing so they don't quite get it together and connect. Silly gooses 😁 Len tried to join Dylan and Ollie down the ditch but the sides were to steep for his hips and he just ended up sitting down. Amber still hasn't made it down there, but she can jump over it now. Pugs is far to sensible to even try, who'd want to splash in cold water anyway, he is part cat after all 😁

Thursdays walk 2. A quiet bumble through the fishing lake to our path today, we also popped into the field opposite. We ...

Thursdays walk 2. A quiet bumble through the fishing lake to our path today, we also popped into the field opposite. We often end up in there to let other dogs by, so Lola has become practiced at hanging by the gate area, sniffing about. We extended the area by me walking a few steps down the path, then rewarding Lola for sniffing in that area. We'll slowly build up to the whole field in the hopes of having her walk through it rather than run 🀞 fields are much better for her sister, as there's more room, and much better for the whole crew, and me, as they're not used as much as the path, so we just have to get Lola to not run in them and they'll be the perfect space for us

Wednesdays walk 2. Those fields are definitely getting muddy now, luckily just as Rolo has got used to the dog washer, a...

Wednesdays walk 2. Those fields are definitely getting muddy now, luckily just as Rolo has got used to the dog washer, although he had a few complaints about the temperature of the water today, and I agreed, it had gone rather cold compared to normal. Skye and Dylan had a bounce, not long enough for Rolo to notice and join in though. Rolo chased a pigeon, first time I've seen his prey drive. He chose to come back once he'd had his fun, so he got a big reward for such an excellent choice 😊

My solo with Orla and Murphy, with added Skye. That all went swimmingly, especially considering the rain came down, whic...

My solo with Orla and Murphy, with added Skye. That all went swimmingly, especially considering the rain came down, which raises Orlas anxiety. She's already more settled with Skye than she was with Dylan, I think Skyes natural chilled nature helps, she might be big but she's often just sitting, ignoring the 'poos. She's also smart enough to have figured out the dogs with me don't do anything scary already, which will have helped. We had to contend with kids and dogs on the way back, sure we barked our head of a few times, but Orla was easy to redirect and it was understandable, there was things going on all around us at a couple of points, it was enough to make anyone "woo woo" with worry

Tuesdays walk 1, minus Nala. I tried to encourage the crew to head the opposite way to normal, so we could go through th...

Tuesdays walk 1, minus Nala. I tried to encourage the crew to head the opposite way to normal, so we could go through the wooded area to the other fields. Something we don't do often as there's a rather rude man that owns the fields, that I'd rather not run into. The crew decided otherwise though and we ended up on the same route as usual. Murphy and Ollie mooched together, keeping a good eye on Pizza who finds all the best hunting spots. Roo wandered ahead, following his nose and returning to the group when he'd gone too far

Tuesdays walk 2, with added Rusty 😊 a rather soggy walk, not that these gremlins mind. Amber zoomed about, splashing thr...

Tuesdays walk 2, with added Rusty 😊 a rather soggy walk, not that these gremlins mind. Amber zoomed about, splashing through the puddles. She's gone off cold water a bit though, no wading or laying in it like she normally would. She's started to avoid the long line too, so we think she's beginning to feel her age and is a bit achy in the joints. I let go of Rusty after about 15 mins, no birds about in that weather and he was his usual excellent self, so I think we're almost there with this field and he'll be off the line properly soon. Dylan mooched with Amber, occasionally getting lively enough for a run with her 😊


8 Roselaine





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