Juno enjoying his fun jumps
Mishka, would not respond to a recall command, she totally ignored he owner. So we focused our training on the way she was living with her in the house and bingo she started responding. Check out my website Dog Intuition for more details.
It was pouring down but a few hardy soles turn up to practice recalls through a group, well done Simon and Juno
The mother of these 2 chick was killed by a fox, so Nelly (not with us now) stepped in and became their guardian
Getting your dog to walk on the lead does not need to be a pain in the arm. David and Alfie went through my puppy classes and the follow on course and was still struggling to get to grips with Slack lead walking. After only 5 1-2-1 sessions with me he walked for a hour with out one pull on the lead, even with all life's distractions - Well done David and Alfie.
With the right motivation and training even Beagles can come back when called
Adult group doing recalls with distractions
Sheep chaser
Before training Jess had chased down sheep and one one occasion pinned a lamb to the floor. It was only a matter of time before she killed a sheep or was shot by the local farmer.
Her owners attempts to call her when Jess was in the zone, were always in vain. After a few weeks of recall training and socialisation with sheep, Jess will now happily walk through sheep off lead and return to her owner when called.
See full testimonial on my Website
Walking on the lead
This is Nala a 16 week Cocker spaniel x who had been to puppy class, but pulled like a steam train when she was out on the lead. Once I had explained to the owner why dogs pull on the lead and we introduced the clicker so that our reward timing was better Nala never looked back. This is after just 5 sessions, notice the change of pace and how Nala responds to it. Well done Jack and Claudia for following my instructions.
Having fun with our dogs
All the hard work finally paying off. Well done guys
See you all next Friday