My gran finally got her place in the care home and got transferred from hospital midweek.
I think it’s safe to say she’s settled in nicely and had a ball at her wee Christmas party dancing with my Son ❤️❤️😂😂
Thank god she’s closer to home now 🙏
If you happen to be walking by dark fields and hear this, don’t worry, it’s just MAVIS being MAVIS 🤦♂️😈 #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #treeswing #intothewoods #intothedarkness #intothedark #horrorjunkie #adrenalinejunkie #dutchshepherd #dutchshepherdsofinstagram #dutchshepherdlovers #belgianmalinois #belgianmalinoisofinstagram #malilovers #maligator #swinglifeaway #riseagainst
You don’t get a Mali pup and then complain that it’s biting 😂, they get called Maligators for a reason. I remember MAVIS pups literally tore these trousers wide open and had my legs bleeding and this was from like 5 weeks old onwards. Don’t choose a pup because it’s cute and/or cheap…. Research a breed and choose a pup which suits your lifestyle and capabilities. I f*ckin love REAL DOGS though 😁😈🔥🔥 #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #bosslife #maligator #maligatorpup #dutchshepherd #dutchherder #dutchshepherdsofinstagram #dutchshepherdlovers #mali #malinois #malinoisworld #belgianmalinois #realdogs #dogattack #rippedjeans #rippedbody #devildogs #devildog #TRUSTTHEBLOOD #trusttheprocess #trustgenetics
It’s your dog, it’s your choice as to what you would like them to do to fit into your lifestyle 👌….. I don’t think any of my dogs actually gives a paw, but getting a paw is of zero interest to me #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #dutchherder #belgianshepherd #dutchshepherd #dutchshepherdsofinstagram #dutchshepherdlovers #belgianmalinois #belgianmalinoisofinstagram #belgianmalinoislovers #recalltraining #offleash #bombproof #consistency
‘KING, FREYA and DiOR’….. 3 XL bully’s from 3 different households, meeting for the first time, not a single bit of reaction(and remember meeting on-leash is always a no-no and then the muzzles themselves can cause their own issues with restraint and literally barrier frustration to a degree). But the bully’s no matter what bully I work with, always seem to be the most relaxed and easy going…. A minority ruined it for the majority, but it is what it is, and I like to just show them off and change public perception 💯💯. #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #MuzzledUp #xlbully #xlbullylife #dior #freya #king #abkc #dontbullymybreed #endbsl #endbsluk #americanbully #americanbullyuk #americanbullies #americanbully4life #bullysquad #teamboss #bosslife #pocketbully #xlbullys #westlothian #dogwalking
💥💥 STOLEN 1K REWARD 💥💥 BMW S1000RR with Black/Red/Blue decals….. any info, get in touch. All shares appreciated. #bmw #s1000rr #s1000rriders #s1000rrlove #bmwmotorrad #bmwlove #knockhill #britishsuperbikes #superbikelife #superbikesgram #gen3 #stolen #stolenmotorbike #westlothian #edinburgh #glasgow #scum #rewardpaid
I’ve not been as busy with putting posts on lately as I’ve been trying to make changes to allow me to have more time with my grans ❤️❤️
I’ve had an absolute scunner of a week after my motorbike was stolen and I’ve been hearing all the rats and their stories but this visit to my gran in hospital right here had me and the kids with actual sore sides with laughing by the time we left and it was great to forget all my own stresses for a while and just spending time on what really matters…..
That wink at the end is priceless. Alzheimer’s is horrible but as long as we can all keep laughing together and making more memories, that’s all that matters….. ARIA brings out a different side to my gran and the patter just flows and is amazing.
Make sure to Value every single minute in life, I’ve been so busy unintentionally focusing on the wrong stuff lately, but we defo don’t get time back.
I’ve taken the weekend off and going to spend it on myself for once and I’ll get back to all enquiries on Sunday night.
Have a good weekend folks 🙏😎
Like A Boss.
‘BELLA’…… just out doing some roadwork instead of running about fields, we always do a bit of both as I like to show the big dogs in public. #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #belgianmalinois #malinois #malinoislife #malinoispuppy #bella #ecollar #dogwalker #dogwalking #adayinmylife #bigdogs #realdogs #wedonthide #letswalktogether
‘FREYA’….. I really like this big girl ❤️, my kinda dog 💯💯. #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #xlbulliesuk #xlbullys #xlbully #americanbully #americanbullies #americanbullylife #xlbullylife #MuzzleTraining #muzzlemovement #looseleadwalking #hereyes #pocketbully #classicbully #standardbully #endbsl #dontbullymybreed #freya
‘ARIA’ and ‘FRED the Sausage’ 😂. I didn’t want to let Fred n Dante off-leash as it was a new walk and I didn’t know what was around the next corner but ARIA tired them out anyways 🤣, wee man’s legs going like the clappers. #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #daschund #daschundsofinstagram #daschundpuppy #sausagedog #sausagedogcentral #letsrun #LetsRunTogether #dogtraining #dogwalking #gingerkid #chuckydoll #justfun #fred #bff
‘NALA’….. little reactive rocket NALA coping with a few triggers literally running shoulders with her. She used to go from 0-60 in a split second, reacted to all dogs, would bite your feet when they moved etc, super arousal to anything that moved. She’s still got work to do, not all dogs are the same, but she’s improved tenfold and just needs to keep a calm head in busy exciting environments. She’s a dog that needs to just go to the park and sit around, go down the street and sit on a bench etc. Just because a dog is high energy doesn’t mean high energy activities are the answer…. Tbh, it can sometimes make the habits worse. Do Less, Achieve More. Slow n steady wins the race 👌 #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #frenchbulldog #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchies #frenchielove #dutchherder #dutchshepherd #dutchshepherdsofinstagram #dutchshepherdlovers #belgianmalinois #malinois #maligator #reactivedog #crazyfrenchie #dogtraining #scooter #daddaughterlove #daddaughter #weworking #happydaysarehereagain
‘KING’…… out doing some work with me on Saturday. Really well rounded young bull 💯💯. We went to visit the horses and he was a dream. #bossk9s #walklikeaboss #endbsluk #endbsl #xlbullys #xlbully #pocketbullysofinstagram #pocketbullies #xlbulliesuk #xlbullysofinstagram #abkc #abkcuk #bullylife #bullymagazine #bullyverse #dontbullymybreed #dogtraining #looseleash #merlebully #puppiesofinstagram #puppylove #pupsoffacebook