Fetch Club

Fetch Club Actively helping you and your dog. We offer dog training and dog walking services in Bedford.

Meet Barbie!A few months ago, we came across a 16 month old German Shepherd who had gone back to the breeder after her i...

Meet Barbie!
A few months ago, we came across a 16 month old German Shepherd who had gone back to the breeder after her initial family’s situation changed.
We took her in for a couple of weeks to trial her as Steve’s sport dog, and totally fell in love with her. She’s been living with us since March and she goes everywhere with Steve - some of you may have even already met her playing stooge in training sessions!
Barbie is a confident, stable and drivey little thing, social with people and dogs and a perfect fit for our little family.
Welcome home, Barbie.

Perceived kindness:Unlimited cuddlesMeeting lots of people and dogsLots of toysPlush bedsTaking your dog everywhereDaily...

Perceived kindness:
Unlimited cuddles
Meeting lots of people and dogs
Lots of toys
Plush beds
Taking your dog everywhere
Daily dentastix

Actual kindness:
Affection at the right times
Guidance on how to navigate tricky situations
Believing in the dog’s ability to overcome
Structure and down time
Advocating for your dog
Doing activities your dog enjoys
A good quality diet

This is not to say that everything on the first list is bad, it isn’t! But what we perceive as kind isn’t always what’s right for every dog. Sometimes the kindest thing we can do for our dog is shed the ideals of what WE want for them and to do with them, and try to observe what THEY want and is good for them.

If in doubt, ask yourself: am I doing this because I want to do this even if my dog doesn’t really like it or can’t be successful? Or am I doing this because I think my dog will enjoy it, and be better for it?

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It’s been a busy weekend as I competed my dog Red in a PSA trial I hosted at our training field. He had a terrible perfo...

It’s been a busy weekend as I competed my dog Red in a PSA trial I hosted at our training field. He had a terrible performance on the first day and was a naughty boy 😈
But then on day two, he not only brought his A game, but smashed it out of the park completely and won the trophy for the highest protection score of the weekend, with an impressive 227.5 out of 240 losing only 12.5 points (he kept 95% of the available points!!)
This weekend epitomises my journey with him. He’s always been a bit of an underdog but underneath the intensity and downright challenge of a dog that he is, there is some really incredible intelligence, clarity and a whole lotta training.
I’ve cried many happy tears over the last 24 hours - this is a dog who as a puppy I thought I had seriously failed and let down. And now he’s winning a trophy at a really, really challenging competition. My Redred ❤️ 🏆

Becka is crushing her training 💚 She checked in for her Board and Train just over 2 weeks ago and came to work on genera...

Becka is crushing her training 💚 She checked in for her Board and Train just over 2 weeks ago and came to work on general obedience like lead walking and calm behaviour in different environments.
Like most Weimaraner owners I’ve met, Becka’s owners want an inclusive lifestyle with their dog where they can take her anywhere and out for long days. They love going on long 6km walks and stopping for a coffee, and they want Becka to be part of their world in every way possible.

Becka arrived to me pretty overstimulated by the world around her but also most noticeably to me after she was dropped off, surprisingly low in confidence. For some dogs, this overstimulated energy is actually a reflection of feeling a little anxious and unsure.
With Becka, I set my own goals that I think will make her life exactly what her owners want to enjoy with her.
We’ve worked on getting her off lead and reliable recall, more consistent loose lead walking, place training and tonnes of confidence building in different environments with lots of people and dogs around.
The change in her already is beautiful to see, and I’m excited to see what we can achieve in our final few days together before she goes home next week.
Sweet girl Becka 🫶

Watching dogs thrive in a group setting is truly a rewarding experience. It’s more than just a sit and stay - a dog’s ab...

Watching dogs thrive in a group setting is truly a rewarding experience. It’s more than just a sit and stay - a dog’s ability to do obedience whilst surrounded by other dogs is a demonstration of them being a well-rounded, mentally healthy dog.

Whiskey’s first obedience competition at Diss & Harleston’s Open Obedience Show. She came 2nd in Pre-Beginners and I cou...

Whiskey’s first obedience competition at Diss & Harleston’s Open Obedience Show. She came 2nd in Pre-Beginners and I couldn’t be more proud of her.
She’s had a rough go of things recently after breaking a canine and having to have general anaesthetic on Tuesday to have the remaining tooth removed, and weeks off of work and training. It’s been a lot of sleepless nights for me worrying about her and how she’s feeling, so the best part of today was how confident and happy my girl looked!
The judge and steward were very kind about her and to me. She actually tied first place on points but after a very tired second round to determine the winner I pulled her as she’d simply had enough, and decided to very happily take second place.
There’s a phrase on the Obedience circuit which is “win or lose, you always take the best dog home” and I truly love that sentiment.


This super couple moved heaven and earth to help their dog, and stuck with him through some of the most upsetting behaviour imaginable.

You get a dog thinking you'll get nice countryside walks, to visit the beach, to pop in the car and go and visit family, and all go for a nice pub lunch together with the dog.

Baxter never liked the car, and over time his behaviour worsened to where he would go on the attack if he thought he might get put in one. He would pick up on all the signals: coats on, boots on, bags in the hallway, keys picked up.

His owners sought help from a veterinary behaviourist, who suggested a concoction of medications to see if his behaviour improved. But after months, it didn't.

When he came to me, Baxter had to take 8 pills every day! His owners had been given no clear plan to help tackle his problem, and the only advice they had received was to coax him into a parked car with food and sit in it, and walk him around the block before any actual car journeys.

Their life with him had become a series of highly coordinated events. If one thing came up unexpectedly, the wheels would come right off the track. They've often been rendered stuck due to his behaviour, unable to leave home or pick him up from relatives houses in good time.

Life couldn't continue this way, so they enlisted my help and we got to work teaching him to tackle the car, and all of the coat/boot/keys cues head on. We practised in multiple vehicles, both climbing in and out, and going on journeys. We assessed the best way for him to travel comfortably, and I worked hard on teaching obedience behaviours to help navigate the lead up to getting him into the car (ie don't run and hide).

4 weeks after his Board and Train was completed, and his follow up has gone very well. His owners say they love their 3 week post-training plan so much they want to keep it in place. They've had no biting incidents, they can put him straight into the car when they want to, and they say he is much more affectionate than he used to be. They've started weaning him off of the medication, which will take some time, but early prognosis is good and I'm very hopeful that the outcome will be great!

Emma and one very muddy gang at the end of a walk, ready for a quick wash and a towel down before heading back to their ...

Emma and one very muddy gang at the end of a walk, ready for a quick wash and a towel down before heading back to their homes to have cosy naps for the rest of the day!

Reggie and Ronnie are just over halfway through their Board and Train.They came to me with a few goals to work on includ...

Reggie and Ronnie are just over halfway through their Board and Train.
They came to me with a few goals to work on including working on lead manners, solving their dog reactivity, stopping resource guarding fights at home and their owners want to be able to take them to busier environments.
The dog reactivity and lead walking are going excellently! Today I took them to a busier park than I would usually frequent. They passed by a lot of dogs and even got rushed by a couple of dogs, but weren’t phased at all. Their lead walking was exemplary and they got lots of compliments as they sat still while I took their photo.
Being rushed by off lead dogs is frustrating, especially for dogs who are in training, dog reactive or working dogs, but it is an unfortunate fact of life. The best thing I can do as a trainer is prepare the dogs in my care for the inevitable fact that other people’s loose dogs will approach them, and these two are handling it like pros.
At home, there have been no fights and I’m slowly working on introducing more resources that they could possibly guard and seeing how they’re getting on. So far, so good!

Proud is an understatement!Emma and her Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Bryson.Emma joined us last year after much persiste...

Proud is an understatement!
Emma and her Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Bryson.
Emma joined us last year after much persistent badgering from me to come and join our team. Emma came to us as a client a couple of years ago to work on some basic obedience with her dog, and I immediately saw in her not only talent and passion but commitment and dedication. She obviously not only loved her dog, but clearly loved the process of training her dog.
Fast forward to now where she is part of our team, trained up and delivering multiple dog pack walks with confidence and 1:1 training with the same air of passion and commitment I saw in her to begin with.
Emma is the type of person who plans ahead for her sessions, for her days, even for her training plans for her own dog. She is laid back to be around and yet extremely earnest in delivering the very best work that she can, both with clients and with the gundog training she does with Bryson. She’s the type of person who goes above and beyond just because she wants to be proud of her efforts, and I can’t tell you how proud I am of her because of that special quality.

New year, new venture!After the success of Fetch Club in Bedford over the last *almost* 5 years (wow, how time flies!) w...

New year, new venture!
After the success of Fetch Club in Bedford over the last *almost* 5 years (wow, how time flies!) we decided we’d like to dip our toes in the water of something new.
Introducing .suffolk!
Babs was a dog trainer long before she joined us last year to help us deliver Board and Trains, and now we’re taking our relationship to the next level with Babs as she heads up a new branch of Fetch Club from her home in Sudbury, Suffolk.
In Sudbury and surrounding areas, Babs will be delivering pack walks, 1:1 training and Board and Trains with the same ethos and standards as the Bedford business.
We’re VERY excited to see if the little business we grew here into what we feel is something special can be replicated in a wonderful place like Sudbury! Babs is incredibly lucky to have some wonderful local businesses and gorgeous countryside to use as a base for the dogs she’ll get to work with.
Follow .suffolk to see how we get on with our new venture!

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s that time where naturally I take stock of the year I’m leaving behind.This year saw an ex...

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s that time where naturally I take stock of the year I’m leaving behind.
This year saw an explosion in Board and Trains for our business, a busy schedule of 1:1 training and our pack walks stayed.. well.. packed!

New things that occurred were:
- Bringing the marvellous Emma on board into the Bedford business.
- Outsourcing Board and Trains to incredibly talented trainers; Babs, April and Holly under the Fetch Club banner.
- The acquisition of a field to rent and use to train on.
- Junior classes began.
- I took a big trip to the USA and spent time with remarkable American dog trainers.
- Basic Training and Obedience classes were added to the program ready to begin in the New Year.

In amongst lots of wins for our business, it’s hard not to think back on the year and think of those we lost. A much loved client passed away this year, as well as dogs we worked with and came to love unfortunately passing over the rainbow bridge. That side of this business never gets easier, but is a reminder of how lucky we are to have such wonderful clients and such wonderful dogs to work with and get to know. May those we lost rest in peace.

Goals for next year include:
- The successful start up of Basic Training and Obedience Classes
- Continuance of our pack walk program, which we adore
- Continued professional development for myself and all staff members
- More Board and Trains delivered, and dogs lives changed for the better
- The expansion of the business, details TBA
- We might need a new van… 🤪 the little one is possibly too little for our needs now!
- Simply put, more of the same of exactly what we’ve had. I love this little business, I love the people in it and the people we get to work with. I love how our clients respond to us both in a 1:1 setting and in classes, and I love being able to make small yet monumental changes to help dogs have better lives with their owners.

Happy New Year 🥳 See you in 2024.

Babs and her four dogs; Aggie, Ruby, Thora and Onyx.Babs is a wonderful trainer who operates Board and Trains for us fro...

Babs and her four dogs; Aggie, Ruby, Thora and Onyx.
Babs is a wonderful trainer who operates Board and Trains for us from her licensed home in Suffolk. Due to the nature of the Board and Train service, many of our clients come from towns and cities up and down the country. For many, location is not as important as knowing their beloved dog will stay in a clean home environment with a trainer who really cares. Babs covers the Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire area for us, and travels to clients homes to collect and drop off their dog for their onboarding and handover processes.
Babs also travels to see us in Bedford so that we can all train together, which is always lots of fun!

Holly and her dogs, Junior the Greyhound and Finan the Portuguese Water Dog.Holly has been working with us for over a ye...

Holly and her dogs, Junior the Greyhound and Finan the Portuguese Water Dog.
Holly has been working with us for over a year, operating Board and Trains from her lovely home in Northamptonshire and joining us every Friday for Exposure & Training packages, socialisation packages and generally just being a lovely person to hang out with!
It’s evident to most that dog trainers and people who work with dogs are heavily involved and there’s very little downtime. For those of us who deliver Board and Trains, it’s a 24/7 job! But even for those who don’t, there’s always more dogs to walk or train or take care of. It’s important to ensure the people in our lives are the type of people who fill up our cup, and having colleagues like Holly who are simply a pleasure to work alongside deliver exactly the social refreshment needed!

One of the new classes I’m excited to be starting in the new year is our Basic Training Class.Having run puppy classes a...

One of the new classes I’m excited to be starting in the new year is our Basic Training Class.
Having run puppy classes and delivered a lot of 1:1 training for a few years now, I feel there is a group of dogs being slightly overlooked.
For a new dog owner, it’s somewhat expected or standard that puppies will go to puppy class, but for many that will be the only training that dog will receive.
The next time those dogs will see a trainer (if they do) will be to help remedy problem behaviours.
But there are a group of dogs somewhere in between, which is the group of dogs this class is aimed at. The 6 week Basic Training Class is designed for dogs who don’t have behavioural challenges but either somehow missed foundational training (like that which you may see at a puppy class) or need some help and recaps getting the basics down. Adolescence in dogs can mess with the training a bit, and this class is an offering for those dogs - the young (or even old ☺️) adult dogs who need to get really good at the important stuff. Sometimes rescue dogs come into our lives a little bit older than puppyhood, and so often miss the age limit in order to be eligible for a puppy class, but still require the basic skill set and some time training with their new owners.
So whether your dog has aged out of puppy classes, somehow missed foundational training or could really use some quality time and work on solidifying the basics, this is the course for you.
If you want to read more about it involves, check out the Basic Training Class under Training Classes on our website.

What do you think is the most important skill for a dog to know?In my view, it’s recall.Yes, good recall affords fun wit...

What do you think is the most important skill for a dog to know?

In my view, it’s recall.
Yes, good recall affords fun with freedom and of course our trust, but it also keeps our dogs safe from running up to objects/environments/other animals that may harm them.
But what if you plan to never let your dog off the lead? Recall is STILL important. In the event your dog gets free from their collar, or somehow escapes the house, you’re going to need to be able to call them back.

The most important skill your dog has should be rehearsed every day and should be well paid. If you want to increase the likelihood of a behaviour happening again, it must be rewarded. If we like recall, we need to be sure to reward it as much as possible. Praise, toys or food, or a combination of those will ensure your dog enjoys coming back when called and doesn’t find it an arduous task.

So, what do you think is the most important skill for your dog?

Photo of Blue by

Milo has completed his Board and Train with Babs! 🌻He’s a wilful young Labrador who needed plenty of work on lead walkin...

Milo has completed his Board and Train with Babs! 🌻
He’s a wilful young Labrador who needed plenty of work on lead walking, recall and generally being a more settled and calm dog. He’s particularly excited around other dogs which presents it’s challenges when asking him to keep that calm mindset and recall, but he’s worked through it beautifully and, to quote his owners during their handover today, has been “transformed”!
A key part of our Board and Trains is that although we do all the hard work, it’s up to the owners to keep up with the training when they go home. We love to prepare our clients by giving them in-depth lessons during their handover, and being available for questions and follow ups at any point after their residential service is complete. We want our clients to succeed just as much as they want their dogs to!
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We finally have a photo of Caroline!If you’ve ever sent us an email, it’s likely you’ve spoken with Caroline! Here she i...

We finally have a photo of Caroline!
If you’ve ever sent us an email, it’s likely you’ve spoken with Caroline! Here she is, with her rescue JRT cross, Monty. Caroline is our Administrative Assistant and keeps us all organised on a day-to-day basis. Not only do I not know how we’d get by without her, but she is just wonderful at her job! Many of our clients love to tell me how great Caroline is, and I love hearing it because I agree!
Caroline is also partner in our sister business, , after she brought us the idea of a shop that offered natural dog treats whilst on the hunt to find some for her own dog, Monty. From there we went on to expand the range of the shop to include equipment and treats that we as trainers like to use. Check it out if you’re interested!

Ernie the Irish setter has completed his Board and Train! He came to us to work on loose lead walking, recall and settli...

Ernie the Irish setter has completed his Board and Train! He came to us to work on loose lead walking, recall and settling outside of his crate. By the end of his stay we had Ernie walking beautifully, we found his top motivation for recall so he was zipping back to us at a moment’s notice and he was able to relax and fall asleep on the place bed without a tether.
Just an absolutely stunning dog and we loved having him to stay!

The Fetch Club family! 🩵💙

The Fetch Club family! 🩵💙

5 signs I know I have a client who will succeed: 1 When we talk, they’re picturing how to implement my advice into their...

5 signs I know I have a client who will succeed:

1 When we talk, they’re picturing how to implement my advice into their daily life

2 They’re ready to put their dog’s training needs over their own emotional needs

3 They arrive to me honest and eager to learn

4 They are comfortable with the idea of advocating for their dog’s space around other people and dogs

5 They are willing to change multiple areas of their dog’s lifestyle in order to succeed, instead of focusing on only one ‘problem’ area

Prince the Rottweiler has checked in for his Board and Train! At nearly 10 months old, he’s hit adolescence and his owne...

Prince the Rottweiler has checked in for his Board and Train! At nearly 10 months old, he’s hit adolescence and his owners are looking to cement in some training including looking at a little bit of mouthiness, some jumping up and pulling on the lead. Some guarding behaviours have also appeared so we will start the process of systematic desensitisation to our presence around items of value, as well as working on obedience commands to support.
Prince is an utter goof and clearly has no idea how big he is - he shows a little shyness around other dogs so I’m looking forward to building confidence there!

Class photo on point 🌾

Class photo on point 🌾

Holly and Milo on his exposure and training package 🌳🌲

Holly and Milo on his exposure and training package 🌳🌲

Jack the smiley Labrador.This dog has so much desire to play and it means we can teach plenty of great behaviours like r...

Jack the smiley Labrador.
This dog has so much desire to play and it means we can teach plenty of great behaviours like recall and the drop, and really work on building a relationship through something he finds motivational. I love dogs who like to play!

It’s been a cracking week! Our team are exhausted but happy after a week of hard graft walking and training, working thr...

It’s been a cracking week! Our team are exhausted but happy after a week of hard graft walking and training, working through simple issues to complex aggression cases and spending some sunny walks in the fields with some of our favourite dogs on earth. Another week where I’m so grateful to be able to live this life that I do.

Nuala 💚Border Terrier x Bedlington Whippet

Nuala 💚
Border Terrier x Bedlington Whippet

Basset Hounds Willi and Otto have come over all the way from Germany to check in for their Board and Train with trainer ...

Basset Hounds Willi and Otto have come over all the way from Germany to check in for their Board and Train with trainer April. They’re here to work on some lead manners, as well as some destructive behaviours when left at home alone. We’re very excited to have them with us!

The best thing you can be to a dog is obvious. Be clear and decisive about your intention. Dogs like clarity and predict...

The best thing you can be to a dog is obvious. Be clear and decisive about your intention. Dogs like clarity and predictably. Unpredictably and a lack of clarity increases anxiety. Lots of dogs don’t like sudden movements or surprises, but if they know what to expect of you then that will help them feel confident. If your message is muddied they will find you confusing and indecisive, so it’s worth thinking about whether your dog understands your intention with a task. If you’re confused, anxious, unsure or nervous, it’s likely your dog will feel that too. Moving decisively and exercising patience will put a dog right at ease with you. Day in day out we work with dogs of a wide range of temperaments and we consistently see them respond to this kind of cool, calm energy.

What they rehearse is what they will be good at.The pack walk dogs are really good at sit stays because they practise ev...

What they rehearse is what they will be good at.
The pack walk dogs are really good at sit stays because they practise every single time they come out with us. They exercise patience whilst we get them all into position and whilst we get a nice photo of them and they know that as long as they wait they will each be rewarded.
If you want your dog to be great at something, all it takes is rehearsal and some clear guidance from you.
On the flip side, if your dog practises a naughty behaviour every single day… they will continue to do it.
Find a way to encourage the rehearsal of great behaviours, and to help your dog not rehearse the bad behaviours. It may take some patience but have faith! If you need help, reach out to a trainer.



Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm


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Why choose Fetch Club?

Our mission is to actively help dogs and owners achieve their ideals, and to provide top quality mental and physical stimulation to dogs throughout Bedford.

A note from Jen, Head Walker and Dog Trainer

Here at Fetch Club we feel that dogs thrive on being challenged according to their needs. This is based on experience and repeated reports from clients that their dog seems happier, calmer and more enjoyable to be around after their walks with us. This is because a Fetch Club walk is not simply a case of letting dogs off the lead for an hour of mischief before being taken home. Every walk is tailored according to the dogs involved and every dog will be individually challenged in a way that helps them to grow. That could be growth in confidence, physical fitness or behaviourally. What’s important to us is that we provide a service that prioritises the overall wellbeing of your dog and how we can positively affect that in our time with them.