Why rechecks are so important!
This is particularly important when antibiotics are being used. We should always give antibiotics for the shortest length of time required to achieve a cure, however if a longer course is required this should be continuous for them to be effective and create the least antimicrobial resistance. Finishing a short course of antibiotics, seeing that symptoms recur, then restarting treatment is much less effective. This will usually require a longer total course of treatment (as bacteria will have multiplied again while treatment was not being given) and prove more expensive.
Sometimes a condition has improved but not resolved at the time of a recheck. Your vet will know what degree of improvement is expected in a particular timeframe and be able to decide whether your pet simply needs more time, or whether treatment plans need changing. If required, medication doses may be changed or additional medications can be prescribed. The earlier it is identified that a first-line treatment is insufficient for an individual case, the sooner we can intervene to achieve a cure in a timely and economic fashion.
For more information on why rechecks are important: vetcollection.co.uk/health/why-rechecks-areso-important