When an owner shouts “it’s ok he’s friendly” as their dog is advancing at break neck speed towards your, under control on lead dog, what he’s actually saying is “my dog is totally out of my control and has absolutely no recall because I’m too lazy to train him”.
The “it’s ok he’s friendly” dog owner believes it’s his right to have his friendly dog off lead harassing others no matter where he is and we can safely assume therefore he has no manners himself either!
The “it’s ok he’s friendly” dog owner has no idea about dogs and is too lazy to learn. He doesn’t therefore understand that your dog may be recovering from an operation, may be nervous or anxious, or that you may actually be training your dog! He doesn’t really even care!
The “it’s ok he’s friendly” dog owner is generally looking for your dog or another person’s dog to entertain or wear his dog out so that he doesn’t have to do it himself!
The “it’s ok he’s friendly” dog owner often thinks that you, the owner who is being responsible and keeping their dog on a lead and under control, is actually the problem and that you shouldn’t be walking where his “friendly dog” with no training or recall has the right to run free!
The reality is that the “it’s ok he’s friendly” dog owner is a selfish and ignorant dog owner!
Don’t be an “it’s ok he’s friendly” dog owner.
Take responsibility & Train your dog and be aware of etiquette and other’s needs and rights too.