Ava and I running the Hoopers course
One of our large veteran Hoopers mixed winners today
As we are still in lockdown I thought I would give you all a bit more information about Hoopers via an interview I did for Bridget Simms from Paws and Play. If after you have watched the interview you would like to have a go. I am looking at running some sessions through zoom. So, if you are interested do get in touch.
This video introduces Dog First Aid and is something we should all think about. Would you know what to do if your dog cut itself badly or if you found it collapsed? If you would like to join Bridget on one of her accredited courses contact her on @dogfirstaidoxfordberksbucks
As we all have time to do things with our dogs why not share a photo of you while you are training it? May be a prize for the best one this week?
Jennie and Nettie doing an agility run
This was taken at an Agility demonstration/ have a go event
Bailey searching boxes and luggage
Bailey searching boxes and luggage
Bella doing the exterior search for clove scent.
Bella doing the exterior search for clove scent. This one was hidden in the top box.
Bailey searching the boxes and luggage
the second Scenting workshop
Bella searching for the scents in this case there were treats ...
the second Scenting workshop
Issy looking for the scent
Scenting Workshop lesson 1, Saturday 13th May 2017
Bailey searching the boxes and luggage
Scenting Workshop lesson 1, Saturday 13th May 2017
Merlin searching a chair
Scenting Workshop lesson 1, Saturday 13th May 2017