Maidenhead Aquatics Summerhill

Maidenhead Aquatics Summerhill Established in 1984, Maidenhead Aquatics is the UK's largest aquatic retailer. This store

Plant delivery arrived this week Alternanthera bettzickiana Red Blyxa Japonica Bolbitus HeudolottiPurple CabombaRed Cabo...

Plant delivery arrived this week

Alternanthera bettzickiana Red
Blyxa Japonica
Bolbitus Heudolotti
Purple Cabomba
Red Cabomba
Cyperus Helferi
Echinodorus Bleheri
Elodea Densa
Egeria Najas
Hair grass
Water Wisteria
Juncus Repens
Rotala wallichi
Saggitaria Subulata
Giant Vallis
Java Moss

Aquarium Fish Delivery arrived todayRosy BarbRosy Shiner Clown Loach Panda GarraEllioti CichlidBocourti CichlidBriedorhi...

Aquarium Fish Delivery arrived today

Rosy Barb
Rosy Shiner
Clown Loach
Panda Garra
Ellioti Cichlid
Bocourti Cichlid
Briedorhi Cichlid
Red Terror
Reticulated Hillstream Loach
Spotted Hillstream Loach
Bronze Cory
Panda Cory
Sterbai Cory
Trilineatus Cory
Peppered Cory
Venezuelan Orange Cory
Lemon Tetra
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Male Dwarf Gourami
Red Neon Male Dwarf Gourami
GlowlightMale Dwarf Gourami
Cobalt Blue Male Dwarf Gourmai
Veiltail Male Fighting Fish
Harlequin Rasbora
Blue Rainbow
Red Rainbow
Neon Dwarf Rainbow

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259

Aquarium Fish Delivery arrived last week Argentine Pearl Killifish PairBrochis Multiradiatus Jaguar CichlidRainbow Cichl...

Aquarium Fish Delivery arrived last week

Argentine Pearl Killifish Pair
Brochis Multiradiatus
Jaguar Cichlid
Rainbow Cichlid
Red Spotted Gold Severum
Albino Red Oscar
Bandit Cichlids
Gold Marble Angelfish
Platinum Angelfish
Rio Manacapura Angelfish
Clown Angelfish
Electric Blue Red Head Ram
Red Neck Severum
Jack Dempsey Cichlid
Yellow Lab
Blue Lipped Williamsi Cichlid
Perlmutt Cichlid
Venustus Cichlid
Striped Talking Catfish
Hoplo Catfish
Tyre Track Eel
Rocket Gar Characin
Black Ghost Knifefish
Khuli Loach
Long Nose Elephant Fish
Ornate Bichir
Zebra Snail
Amano Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Orange Shrimp
Blue Shrimp
Synodontis petricola leucistic
Gold Laser Cory
Yellow Congo Tetra
Green Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Diamon Flame Tetra
Black Neon Tetra
Emperor Tetra
Neon Tetra
Penguin Tetra
Rosy Tetra
Rummynose Tetra
White Fin Bentosi Tetra
Reed Tetra
Blue Diamond Male Guppy
Golden Sunset Male Guppy
Black Molly
Gold Black Lyretail Molly
Saffron Molly
Dalmatian Molly
Balloon Molly
Kohaku Ricefish
Green Jade Tiger Barb
Albino Cherry Barb
Pentazona Barb
Paradise Fish
Albino Bristlenose
Lemon Bristlenose
Crying Whiptail
Calico Oranda
Red and White Oranda
Calico Ryukin
Calico Dragon Eye

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259


New arrivals!

Green Tiger Barb
Green Jade Tiger Barb
Torpedo Barb
Zebra Loach
Queen Loach
Emerald Catfish
Panda Cory
Sterba Cory
Bolivian Ram
Fire mouth Cichlids
Dwarf Gourami
Variatus Platy
Tuxedo Platy
Dalmation Molly
Black and Gold Molly
Koi Swordtail
Gold cobra Guppy
Blue Diamond Guppy
Female Guppy
Rumynose Tetra
Female Fighters
Hellboy Male Fighters
Half Moon Male Fighters
Amano Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Bamboo Shrimp
Horned Nerite Snail

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259

Black Friday Deals available in store now!

Black Friday Deals available in store now!


New Arrivals

Smudge Spot Cory
Golden Zebra Danio
Leopard Danio
White Gourami
Galaxy Rasbora
Emerald Dwarf Rasbora
Yellow-Tail Congo
Silver Arowana
Asian Bumblebee Catfish
Zebra Plec
Neon tetra
Red Snake Guppy
Blue Guppy
Glowlight Danio
Zebra Snail
Ruby Onion Snail
Albino Tiger Barb
Golden Dwarf Barb
Giant Danio
Opaline Gourami
Yellow Honey Gourami
Honey Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Blue Tiger Parrot
Red Parrot
Male Betta
Rainbow Snakehead
Gold Mountain Minnows
Cardinal Tetra
Zebra Danio
Sunset Platy
Apple Platy
Red Swordtail
Red Wagtail Platy
Elephant Ear Plakat Male Betta

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259


Take advantage of our 3 for 2 offer on our exclusive AquaCare food range! For a limited time, you can mix and match any AquaCare food item, and the lowest priced product is free. It is the perfect chance to stock up on high-quality nutritional food which is tailored to all types of species.


Get 3 AquaCare foods for the price of 2 (in-store only) this November!

AquaCare fish foods include natural innovative ingredients, resulting in a range that is crammed with goodness for all Tropical and Coldwater fish, plus a whole host of specialist foods including those specifically created for Cichlids, ‘L-numbers’ and catfish. The ingredients used throughout the range have been chosen to make the foods extremely palatable, to supply optimum health and to give fish bright, vibrant colours.


New Arrivals for the week!

Discus 5cm Assorted
Ryukin Calico
Black Moor
Panda Oranda
Three Spot Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Zebra Loach
Polkadot Loach
Red Tail Shark
Veil Tail Betta
Marble Molly
Coral Red Platy
Red Tiger Platy
Koi Swordtail
Lyretail Molly
Silver Molly
Black Molly
Gold Black Molly
Crowntail Betta
Koi Betta
False Juli Cory
Sterbai Cory
Panda Cory
Javanese Ricefish
Amano Shrimp
Red Cherry Shrimp
Orange Shrimp
Yellow Shrimp
Red Rili Shrimp
Green Rili Shrimp
Orange Rili Shrimp
Blue Velvet Shrimp
Crystal Shrimp
Red Ramshorn Snail
Orange Rabbit Snail
Salvini Cichlid
Albino Threadfin Acara
Threadfin Acara
Red Head Geophagus
Geophagus Sveni
Neon Green Rasbora
Agassizi Cory
Skunk Cory
Cupid Cichlid
Tenellus Trimaculatus
Upside Down Catfish (True)
Butterfly Fish
Armoured Shrimp
Long Finned Alestus
Regani Pike Cichlid
L025 (small)

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating


New Plant Delivery Has Arrived!!


Hi everyone!

More New Fish This Week!

Yellow Firemouth
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Albino Threadfin Acara
Corydoras Septentrionalis
Duplicate Corydoras
Green Spotted Pufferfish
Pygmy Puffers
Kelberi Peacock Bass
Red Chili Oscar
Kuhli Loach
Network Cory
Salt and Pepper Cory
L191 Broken Line Pleco
Spotted Panaque L330 (Only 1 Available, Stunning)
Marble Molly
Orange Molly
(New) Spring Molly
Black Phantom Tetra
Half Moon Male Betta
Xl Jack Dempsey (Only 1 Available)

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259

Freshwater Tropical Fish delivery arrived this week L191 Pale Eye Panaque L330 Watermelon Royal Panaque Salt and Pepper ...

Freshwater Tropical Fish delivery arrived this week

L191 Pale Eye Panaque
L330 Watermelon Royal Panaque
Salt and Pepper Cory
Agassizi Cory
Marble Molly
Saffron Molly
Spring Molly
Black Phantom Tetra
Half moon Male Fighter
Rhombocellatus Barb
Albino Tiger Barb
Chilli Rasbora
Hengeli Rasbora
Copper Harlequin Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora
Silver Shark
Red Tail Black Shark

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259


Full List of New Arrivals This Week:

Ember Tetra
Pearl Gourami
Golden Gourami
Honey Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Male Betta’s
Red Eye Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra
Blue Emperor Tetra
Cherry Barb
Filament Barb
Moonlight Gourami
Lamp Eye
Golden Cobra Guppy
Leopard Guppy
Spotted Green Guppy
Diamond Guppy
Metallic Rainbow Guppy
Blue Lyretail Guppy
Female Guppy Mixed
Electric Blue Acara
Blue Mickey Mouse
Pineapple Swordtail
Black Marble Swordtail
Reticulted Hillstream Loach
Spotted Hillstream Loach
Figure of Eight Puffer
Five Banded Barb
Tucano Tetra
CW106 Corydoras
Axelrod Cory
Ruby Tetra
Marbled Hatchet
Bumblebee Catfish South American
Celebes Rainbowfish
Albino Peppered Corydoras
Sterbai Corydoras
False Juli Corydoras
Albino Bristlenose
Madagascan Rainbows
Neon Dwarf Rainbows
Chiseltooth Cichlid
Fire Eel
Blackbury Metynis (Myloplus schomburgkii)

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259


Discus Have Been Re-Stocked!!

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259

We have had a big re-stock on L Numbers this week!! L128 Blue PhantomL134 Leopard FrogL18 Golden NuggetL262 Spotted Arab...

We have had a big re-stock on L Numbers this week!!

L128 Blue Phantom
L134 Leopard Frog
L18 Golden Nugget
L262 Spotted Arabesque
L47 Magnum Plec
LDA33 True Snowball
L273 Red Titanic

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star rating

Please PM for more details or call the store on 01268522259

Freshwater Tropical Delivery arrived this week Platinum Yellow Tail Male GuppyBlue Snakeskin Male GuppyCherry ShrimpOran...

Freshwater Tropical Delivery arrived this week

Platinum Yellow Tail Male Guppy
Blue Snakeskin Male Guppy
Cherry Shrimp
Orange Shrimp
Amano Shrimp
Bolivian Ram
Fishnet Flying Fox
Weather Loach
Male Veiltail Siamese Fighter
Black Molly
Marbled Molly
Silver Molly
Neon Tetra
Penguins Tetra

Pet shop license number: A04005079
Basildon Borough Council, 5 star

Aquarium Plant Delivery arrived this week Alternanthera bettzickania red Hornwort Cyperus HelferiEchinodorus Bleheri Elo...

Aquarium Plant Delivery arrived this week

Alternanthera bettzickania red
Cyperus Helferi
Echinodorus Bleheri
Elodea Densa
Juncus repens
Limnophila aquatica
Lobelia Cardinalis
Rotala wallichii
Rotala wallichii long leaf
Giant Vallis
Spirallis Vallis
Purple Cabomba
Water Chestnut


Pipps Hill Road North

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm




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