Hi Everyone,
If you didn't already know, in July we will be spending 4 weeks in Cambodia with Camps International doing alot of community work. We will be posting more upcoming events over the coming months but in the mean time, and to give us a last push, we have a big ask and it WON’T COST YOU A PENNY! It will take just 5 minutes. All you need to do is click on the below link and follow the instructions. Then every time you spend money online at numerous of your everyday (7000+) shops, money will will be donated to our fundraising pot and this time of year we know alot of you will be Christmas shopping online.
A few examples - if you already do your supermarket shopping online with Tesco & sign up above - We will get £1.75 every time your shop is over £50!
Use Go Compare/Moneysupermarket/compare the market etc? Sign up & we will get between £12- £17 when you get a new policy!
Thank you all in advance from Archie, Cobi & Riley