Live webinar 29.04.2024 19:00 GMT
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I'm so proud of this course! All 8 chapters are now live and ever growing! Currently 9 hours of content plus the addition of a new live menu of monthly Zoom sessions with some of the incredible professionals that I get to work alongside ❤️✨️
The best day at Potten Farm Equestrian in the beautiful sunshine ❤️
Thank you so much for having me again!
I have written and rewritten this caption and the words just aren't good enough... I absolutely adore every single facet of my job and the incredible horses and humans I get the privilege of working with ❤️
How blessed am I that I get the privilege of calling this my job... this is just everything to me ❤️
Another gentle soft tissue release ❤️
Marvels Equestrian
Jesper enjoying a lovely little atlanto-occipital mobilisation ☺️
This was at the tail end of his session with @osteopathinsuffolk, where I thoroughly enjoyed watching and learning from Jim.
A collaborative approach between professionals helps everyone to grow - as well as helping the patient!
I love the idea that the industry is stronger if we work together, rather than seeing professionals sitting in their solitary echo chambers, compounding their biases!
A little excerpt from today's session with Rachael and Noodle - read for more info 👇👇
Noods is rehabbing from kissing spines and mild arthitic changes at the base of his neck.
The changes in the base of his neck make it harder for him to find vertical balance - with preferred posture presenting as jack-knifing at the base of his neck and ears up Rachael's nostrils 😅
The intervention so far:
- Lateral baited stretches to develop range of motion (ROM) of the neck
- Lunging in a square without training aids to attain vertical balance
- Walking over raised poles for limb ROM and to target spinal dorsiflexion (lifting the back)
Now we've introduced a rider, it's important that at this stage Noods doesn't feel restricted by the rein contact which may trigger him into old movement patterns.
What we want right now is a basic stretch and vertical balance.
Once this is firmed up, we can then think about inputting energy, cutting more shapes, shortening the reins and lifting the forehand.
But until the horse is confident in to a forwards, downwards and outwards posture, adding energy and challenging balance through smaller shapes, shortening the reins etc. will be counter productive.
So for now, they're on the lunge whilst Noods develops confidence and Rachael works on her skills of controlling the movement from her seat -
Something that, from experience, a lot of people talk about doing, but not a lot of people actually do!
Well done Rachael - you're working so hard and it's paying off!
#builttolast #equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #foodforthought #loosenyourdamnreins #horsesofinstagram #horseriding #dressage #showjumping
A rainy Saturday afternoon spend prepping Halloween activities for Brook Cottage Farm Riding School 🎃 👻
Training your horse out of the saddle.
#builttolast #equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #foodforthought #loosenyourdamnreins #horsesofinstagram #horseriding #dressage #showjumping
I still don't love training aids.
Getting our reps in.
#builttolast #equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #foodforthought #loosenyourdamnreins #horsesofinstagram #horseriding #dressage #showjumping
Appropriate riding is more than your horse being off the forehand.
#builttolast #equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #foodforthought #loosenyourdamnreins #horsesofinstagram #horseriding #dressage #showjumping
"I'm trying to find these rare moments where you feel completely illuminated. Facts don't iluminate you. The phone directory of Manhattan doesn't iluminate you, although it has factually correct entries, millions of them. But these rare moments of ilumination that you find when you read a great poem, you instantly know. You instantly feel this spark of ilumination. You are almost stepping outside of yourself and you see something sublime." - Werner Herzog
I haven't ridden in a while - the yard where I keep Falcon has strangles. So I decided its best for the time being that he stays in his field to keep him and my clients safe.
I miss riding, of course. But looking at the bigger picture, the moments I truly love don't revolve around the riding.
But the silly interactions with him, touching targets, hand grazing and breakfast in bed ❤
(Thanks @theandrew.tracey for sharing that awesome quote)
#builttolast #equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #foodforthought #loosenyourdamnreins #horsesofinstagram #horseriding #dressage #showjumping
I love maintenance therapies ❤
It doesn't have to be complicated to keep your horse ticking over, especially if you're strapped for time - physical or emotional time that is.
Training Falcon to walk over poles and target to a cone has given me a disproportionate amount of joy - long gone are the days where I was chasing a dressage score 😅
#equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #horsesofinstagram
A lack of cognitive drive on my behalf calls for an easy session with F -
I think my favourite bit is him checking out to fixate on something else and then checking back in to carry on with the game.
This sort of controllability on his behalf (i.e. he can control the situation) will continue to develop his confidence in various situations.
This combined with 10 mins walking over poles means we've achieved a hell of a lot on a day where I was definitely not stepping up to the plate.
Training is all about giving yourself options - whether it's in a physical sense, or an emotional sense.
#equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #horsesofinstagram
Can we just talk about this trot 😍
#equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #horsesofinstagram #loosenyourdamnreins
Some easy Friday vertical balance work
#equinephysiotherapy #equinerehabilitation #horsesofinstagram #loosenyourdamnreins