S U M M E R T I M E 🌨️🌨️
There's rain and there's why-am-I-not-at-home-in-my-pjyamas-eating-snacks rain. Absolutely drenched. #summertimeblues #theblandforddogwalker #wetwalkies #soonbechristmas
R A I N R A I N ☔☔
Every morning, before I start the dog adventures, I see to this beautiful girl. I give her a morning feed, some hay, refill her treat ball, check her over, give her cuddles and poo pick her field. Today I am hiding in her field shelter. She won't use the shelter in the rain, she doesn't like the sound of the rain on the roof. Can you hear it? So loud! I am gearing up for much sogginess out with the Muddy Gang today, wish Aunty Muddy luck! And good luck to all you horse owners out in this, and to all you dog owners whose dogs won't go out in this! ☔☔ #goawayrain #comeonsummer
H O H O H O 🎅🎅
Happy Christmas, my Muddy Friends!!!!
R A I N Y D A Y S A N D M O N D A Y S ☔☔
Be a dog walker, they said. #flippineck #HappyMonday #blandfordforum #dogwalkerlife #auntymuddy #theblandforddogwalker
N O R M A L: S E R V I C E S O O N 🥰🥰
My Muddy Friends. I am so sorry I have been quiet these past couple of days, I am just finishing a 3 month Digital Marketing Course - 2 years of A Level packed into just a tiny window of time - and I am behind on my coursework. And it needs to all be finished today! I have been beavering away and my head is full of customer funnels, transformation statements, market segmentation, value propositions, vision and mission statements, SMART KPIs, GDPR - all the wonderful marketing terminology you could shake a stick at! Until I catch up with you next week, I leave you with a little GIF I created during one of the more enjoyable parts of my course. Happy Friday to you all, have a great weekend, see you on the other side! #myheadhurts #loveyoubye #comeonweekend #muddymarketer
E W O K E R Y 😍😍
New Ewoks! Be still, my beating heart! #sosososooooomuddycute #soinlove #puppymania #ewoks #ewokarmy #newrecruits #shihtzupuppy #shihtzulove #shihtzu #blandfordforum #blandforddogs #smalldogwalker #theblandforddogwalker
G I N G E R S 🧡🧡
Happy #tongueouttuesdays from the Tuesday Gingers, George and Bailey Labs. #tot #gingersrule #dogwalker #foxredlabrador #lovealab #sunshine #hurrah #blandfordforum #labralove #handsomeboys #countrywalks #countrywalkswirhdogs #theblandforddogwalker
P R O F E S H N I U L 🐾🐾
Tell me you're a dog walker without telling me you're a dog walker. #professionalpoopickerupper #nobinsonouradventures #countrywalkswithdogs #theblandforddogwalker
L I T T L E L E G S C L U B ❤️❤️
Here is Thursday's Gang. So Muddy cute. Come join us! #littlelegsclub #countrywalkswithdogs #theblandforddogwalker
S H O W O F F S 💕💕
The guys on this walk didn't have any photos posted from last Tuesday as it was throwing it down. Again. So they've asked for a video of today's Muddy Adventure, instead! #draggingauntyintothetwentyfirstcentury #persuasivepuppers #countrywalkswithdogs #theblandforddogwalker
S H I N Y A I R E D A L E 🧡🧡
Reuben Airedale looks as smart as a shiny new pin with his new haircut. And the bow on his collar from the Groomer is just the icing on the shiny Airedale cake! #somuddyhandsome #newdo #shiny #airedaleterrier #cutenessoverloaded #lovemymuddygang #countrywalkswithdogs #theblandforddogwalker
T E D D Y 🧡🧡
He may be grey of chops but he's still wayward of mind and nimble of limb - here we are having to go and fetch Ted Red Lab because he's b*ggered off. I do love him so. (Volume Up) #marchestohisowmdrumbeat #asqueakyballusuallygetshimback #butnottoday #tedted #og #happyted #beligerentted #gingerbutt #countrywalkswithdogs #theblandforddogwalker
K E E P T H E F A I T H 🐾🐾
Recall practice. Every day. Every walk. You never know when you might need it! Sossiges help... #countrywalkswithdogs #clevermuddygang #recall #recallrecall #sossiges #theblandforddogwalker
Charge of the Ewoks! Love visiting this crazy lot. 😍🥰🐾🐶 #somuddycute #ewoks #lovemymuddygang #shihtzulove #bassetlove #shihtzu #bassett #dorset #dorsetlife #dorsetdogs #theblandforddogwalker