If you are approaching someone struggling to get their on lead dog under control when you’re out with your own dog, please stop and give them a little time to do that.
#nervousdog #reactivedog #rescuedog #dogwalking
You can’t train a dog -not- to do something, you can only train them to do something else instead, and to make this the most effective you will need to manage their environment to make it more difficult for them to repeat the thing you would rather they didn’t.
Over spring and summer, there were plants in the area where Barb had been digging, but now that they’ve died back, she has access to the soil again.
Since Barb enjoys digging and finds it rewarding, I’d rather she didn’t. I can’t be there all the time to cue her to stop it, so my only option is to cover the area she’s taken an interest in.
I also took her for a walk shortly afterwards as she was clearly bored and looking for entertainment.
Interrupt - “come away” is a well rehearsed and historically well rewarded alternative behaviour.
Manage the environment - Covered the dig spot.
Met the dog’s needs - took her out for a blast to blow away the cobwebs.
That’s how I reacted to the unwanted behaviour I saw.
I didn’t need to tell her off, I didn’t need to beat her about the bonce with a bucket.
I even said thank you to her for stopping.
#naughtydog #dobermann #dogtrainingtip #dogbehaviour #dogtrainingtip #dogtraining
What do you think?
#reactivedog #dogtraining #dogbehaviour #doberman #dobermann #nervousdog #eurodoberman
All dogs are inherently self preserving.
If an encounter makes them feel frightened or threatened, they will avoid putting themselves into that situation again. This is an adaptive behaviour, if they didn’t avoid bad things they wouldn’t last very long in the world.
They decide what causes them to fear for their own safety, not us.
My friend Mabel is a street dog with trauma who has taken three years to get out of the house an onto walks, she is a very sensitive soul and will always avoid conflict to keep herself safe.
However, all dogs will try their best to keep out of situations or provocations that may threaten them.
Some are more resilient and able to cope than others, but with others it can take just one frightening encounter to change their behaviour going forward.
#dogbehaviour #dogbehavior #traumainformedcare #streetdog #nervousdog #positivedogtraining
Ever trained your dog to focus on you so hard that they actually hold their breath?
Like, they stop breathing and stare at you so intensely, you spend over an hour trying every way possible to get them to understand, "Take a breath," "BREATHE LIKE A NORMAL DOG, BARBIE!"
And then you start questioning your entire training setup(s), but then spend 10 seconds with another dog who does it immediately, and you're left thinking, "Wow, my dog is actually a robot. Who sent her?"
No? 👀 Yeah, me neither. 👀
Here's a short clip from the -OVER 90 minutes, spread across TWO DAYS-, where I tried to get Barb to actually breathe instead of:
🤖A Task? 🤖bleep blorp 🤖eye contact🤖 BARKING 🤖bzzt brrrpt 🤖BARKING🤖 nose touch 🤖bloop beep 🤖BARKING?🤖
Meanwhile, Henrypup?
Spent 30 seconds rewarding him for doing the normal dog thing of... you know, breathing. And he got it no problem.
I watched Leslie McDevitt do a biofeedback skills lab at the conference the other week, and the five dogs—including the Mali—learned to take a breath on cue so quickly and clearly that I could see it from a distance.
It made me, the fool, think my dog (who I’ve -actively avoided- trying to teach this protocol to because I didn't think she could handle it without frustration) would be able to do it too.
After all, it's just marking a very natural and normal thing we all have to do —breathing.
Over the years, I’ve built in more "active" nervous system down-regulation protocols for Barb, including nose work and behaviour chains for focus and heavily relying on TTouch, all of which I have to do *to* her or set up *for* her.
My latest attempt to teach her a passive indication (instead of an active one) during scent work has made me realise she doesn't do much that isn’t active in some way.
For her, it’s always about DOING A TASK rather than simply *being*.
In an extreme example as in her video we are DOING EYE CONTACT and forgoing breathing entirely.
If you’ve ever heard someone say, ‘We can change your dog’s behaviour in one session,’ - I’m going stop you right there—LULZ, wot?!
There are no quick fixes in dog training or behaviour modification that aren’t based in making the dog feel sh*tty in some way.
Why does real, lasting change take time?
Because when you’re teaching a dog something new, you’re literally re-wiring their brain, building and strengthening those neural pathways.
Whether you’re training them to “send away” like a pro, asking them to reconsider mvrdring that squirrel or convincing them that the vacuum isn’t going to eat them, it comes down to one thing: creating new neural connections. Which takes time.
Every time you practice that new behaviour (yes, over and over and over again), those pathways get stronger and more efficient. That’s how behaviours become automatic. Practice and repetition might seem tedious, but that’s exactly why they’re key.
Remember, training your dog is just as much about the journey as the end result. It’s a time to bond, learn from each other, and deepen your relationship. LAWDY sometimes, it’s frustrating, but watching your dog figure stuff out and grow? Here for it.
There’s no rushing— take your time, stick with it, and “trust the process”. The results -will- come, and when they do, they’ll be super solid and you will be so glad you put in the work.
#dogtraining #predatorychase #doberman #dobermann #positivedogtraining #reactive dog #nervousdog #eurodobermann
Hashtag Woofing.
#doberman #dobermann #teamwork
Hi, hello, it’s not difficult.
Stop being reckless, thanks.
#dogtraining #dogwalking #dogsafety
If you have a dog that habitually barks at passersby through windows, limiting their access to those windows can help reduce this stressful behavior.
Covering the windows or stopping the dog going into rooms with windows they kick off through will help massively.
If you manage the environment to prevent the dog from rehearsing the unwanted behavior, you will have much more chance of working through training them not to do it.
#dogbehaviour #dogtrainingtip #dogtraining #naughtydog #reactivedog #nervousdog
’Tis the season for me to start telling wildlife to
🙌eff off🙌
Do you not want to live, you bin diving horror bags?!
#dogwalking #dogtrainer #skit #dogbehavior
A lot out there about sudden behaviour change and gait abnormalities as indicators for pain/discomfort but what got me onto the path of finding out Barbie had spinal degeneration was way more subtle than that. Coat pattern and colour changes can be early indicators of problems before more obvious signs like lameness or gait changes appear.
I first noticed the change in Barb’s fur three years ago and have been working to support her since then. Catching it early has meant she’s had much better quality of life for longer and only now am I seeing the impacts of degeneration more obviously.
Being aware of your dog’s coat patterns and colours can really help highlight issues that may not even -be- issues yet.
#reactivedog #dogbehaviour #doghealth #seniordog #dobermann
Who’s barking?
Is it a day ending in Y?
Then it’s probably Barbie.
#dobermann #eurodoberman #barking #loudnoises