Kera now in foster care approx 7 years old very loving and sociable girl will be needing her forever home in the weeks to come. She will be vet checked and vaccined and chipped. This little lady has only half a tail due to an old injury but copes perfectly well. She would love a mature home as the only cat if possible. Home checks apply and adoption fee please message the page if interested and I will get back to you asap
I will be there tomorrow night
Come and see the beautiful lights at Nayling Road Rayne
No applications for adopting Panda at the moment
Panda coming into foster xx
Meet Diva the Cheetah on Friday night see you there
Thank you very much to Davina Cartwright for offering to do this for the rescue
Toffee and Muffin looking for their forever home
Zeus still looking for his forever home and his new playmate he’s full of energy and a real character please message the page if interested
We have numerous kittens up for adoption at the moment in order to take anymore in or put on waiting list they need their forever homes please message the page if interested
Panfield babies Willow Rosie Daisy Belle Joey and Jack enjoying playtime instead of teatime x
Braintree kittens and mum she was bred from the age of 6 months now in foster in Chelmsford plus two little extras kindly taken in to safety x