Boo Boo likes to bring me his progression book to Scent class UK Sniffer Dogs
Lovely video of Woody’s trail with a “wait” built in. You will see he ignores the decoys on the trail, no hesitation on the turn and a beautiful sit indication when he finds his trail layer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This dog has only had three sessions I believe 🤔
A hotchpotch of Puppy, Junior and Adult Socialisers to help you through a Monday morning! Saturdays at DTCE are heavenly for dogs, handlers and instructors alike. We always look forward to catching up with you, and are ready to answer your questions and share advice when needed 💙
Our agility instructor, Mighty Mark, and his Magnificent Molly, the plucky little Queen of the A-Frame, have won their way into Grade 7 Agility, and thus the Championship Classes. These are large classes, with the top 20 dogs in each heading to a final, the winning dog of which qualifies for Crufts. Another massive step on this truly incredible journey!
Mark and Molly, you're inspirations to us all 💙
Dynamic Dylan!! 🧨 This little Dude had the most technical trails today. All the trails were short and in the woods due to the heat 🥵 but he smashed a 100m double blind from a scent article start, had a high hide up a tree, was stopped for one minute mid trail and carried on when instructed and a water crossing. Just brilliant! 🤩
Book your mantrailing induction ➡️
Well What can I say about amazing Ayla!! First progression session and she smashed an intensity 100m double blind , also had a trail
Layer up high on a tree. 🌲 Prior to this she’d done a scent detection class followed by agility. No stopping her 💕💕
Wonderful Woody’s Mantrailing today saw a 100m double blind with delayed starts, fabulous indications on his trail Layers- one of which was up a tree 🌲 he’s only on his 6th session!! And a double water crossing. Ab Fab 🤩
With a Rebel yell he cried more more more!!! Super day with two delayed starts, fantastic indication on his trail layers and a 100m double blind 💥
Mantrailing ➡️
Incoming! Raven just loves the manhunt Mantrailing UK
Woody’s first go at mantrailing- didn’t he do well- with lots of encourage from Mike his trail layer 🥰
Ain’t no branches stopping me! Dylan found his trail layer and a lovely indication for his reward Mantrailing UK
Raven’s beautiful indication that she’s found her trail layer. Come and get addicted and book an introduction session we have space for June in Brentwood
Nala working that proximity scent Mantrailing UK
Taking homework very seriously and practicing the “hold”
259m trail no problem for little George! Look at that lovely indication 🎊