Bark to Basics dog training and rehabilitation

Bark to Basics dog training and rehabilitation Dog training, puppy training, puppy obedience, dog recall training, dog resource guarding,dog jumpin

***Photo just for cuteness of some recent dog training clients 🥰***Dogs are opportunistic creatures and know who they ca...

***Photo just for cuteness of some recent dog training clients 🥰***

Dogs are opportunistic creatures and know who they can overstep the mark with.

How a dog behaves with different family members is a good indicator to me during a session of who in the family attempts to uphold some form of structure and rules. It also shows me who the dog views as just a sibling or play friend.

Owning a dog is very similar to being a child’s parent in many ways. Just being a ‘friend’ and always giving in to them isn’t likely to create a relationship that will benefit you in many situations that you are likely to encounter.
It’s better to be viewed as the fun, cool teacher that they like hanging out with and really want to impress. That will more likely yield a dog that is biddable and less confrontational as well as one that likes you too. You can certainly have both the respect and the love coinciding together.

If you are having problems with your dog not listening to you or being generally pushy or hyper. Try shifting how you are with them first. Be a little more like that cool teacher. Be firm but fair and see if you can start to turn it around just by making these small lifestyle changes.

Feel free to like and follow my page for tips and advice or get in touch for assistance if needed 🐾🐾.

RAISE THE BAR.Quite often that’s all that is needed to get a fairly obvious improvement in general behaviour from a naug...


Quite often that’s all that is needed to get a fairly obvious improvement in general behaviour from a naughty doggie is asking more of them. Not just asking more but also then following through with your request.

Dogs really are capable of so much more than owners think if a consistent approach is used.

If you are still unsure about what I mean by the above, here are some examples of how to raise the bar on what you ask of your dog:

* To wait for permission to go on the sofa, come out of the car, go through a doorway etc.
* Teach them to see guests arrive and not get petted until they lose interest in the guest. Do this by having a lead on them and stand on it so that they are unable to jump up.
* Take them to areas that have hustle and bustle such as dog parks, cafes and shopping centres and carry out training. This helps teach them to be centred on you in areas with distractions.
* Get them accustomed to seeing the lead, your walking coat and everything else that you take on a walk but not get amped up to the eyeballs. This entails moving these items around frequently and not going for a walk to desensitise the sight of them.
* Getting them to respect your space by not allowing them to follow you everywhere just because you are available. Don’t shut a door to achieve this, simply use your body and walk towards them to back them away from you.

The list goes on and on for useful things that you can do daily to help create a more respectful and calm relationship with your dog.

The photo is of a dog I recently had for a session and the change he showed in his demeanour from doing some of the above was immediate. Often what’s needed is looking at the small stuff to get progress with the big stuff too.

If you would like help with any dog related issues feel free to get in touch 🐾🐾.


The next Beginners Obedience course will be starting on Monday 20th Jan at 6.20-7.20pm

Dates are below:
Jan 20th,
Feb 3rd, 17th, 24th
March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

Should the unlikely event of something needing to be attended to by the course trainer it may be needed to push on one or two of the dates on a week.

The content of the classes will show you how to teach:
Sit, down and holding these positions until they are given a release cue from them.
Stand, wait and stay and the difference between the two commands.
Loose lead walking as well as heel on the left and the right.
Play and drop of the toy.
Targeting, back, recall, eye contact.
The difference between yes and no as well as a rapid response to their name.
Some easy agility type activities that you can do when out in your walks on everyday objects as well as some other fun exercises.

These will be held in a unit in Brackla Industrial Estate. It will be for 8 weeks at a cost of £115 for the course.

These are suitable for dogs that are sociable with humans and other dogs.
All dogs must be vaccinated or at least be in their first vaccine and booked in for their second.

Class notes will be emailed after each session so that if any are missed it is possible to catch up. There will also be access to closed Facebook groups for videos of what is taught in each class to be viewed to assist in your training should you miss a class.

Should you miss any of the sessions during the course you will have access to the videos for what was taught in that session to catch up.

There will also be an option of continuing onto a further course after completion of the first which concentrates on enhancing what is learnt in the first course and more complex material to keep you and your dog learning together.
Please note your place will be reserved on receipt of payment and this is non refundable should you wish to cancel/postpone unless your place gets filled after your cancellation.

If you would like a place email on [email protected]
or message through the Bark to Basics FB page🐾🐾.


Training for everything with dogs needs to be a lifestyle that you adopt and practice frequently rather than only for 15 minutes or so of tricks in the kitchen.
I often hear people saying that their dog is just dumb and not worth training (the usual scenario here is that the owner generally can’t be bothered to and use that as the excuse to not). Your dog won’t learn what you don’t teach them to do.

Another stumbling block for dogs behaving well that I see is people teaching their dog the basics I.e sit, paw, down etc and then say that they don’t need to do training as their dog is ‘trained’.
This level is purely the beginning as in it would be a nursery level if we are talking in human terms.

There is then a huge discrepancy between what the dog has been ‘trained’ for and what the owners are then expecting from the dog. The owners will often want the dog to be able to recall from playing with dogs, to sit and relax whilst they chat to people on a walk, to be calm when people arrive at the home etc. This level in human terms is more akin to sixth form or university for some dogs depending on what their temptations are.

Hence we have millions of dogs that are nursery level that are being asked to perform actions and skills that are waaaaay above their skill set.

Ever thought of it that way?
If you have issues that you are struggling with your dog, it may be time that you do 🤔.

If you are needing assistance with any dog related issues feel free to get in touch or follow my page for more tips and tricks 🐾🐾


****sold out***

The next Beginners Obedience course will be starting on Tues 14th Jan at 6.20-7.20pm

Dates are below:
Jan 14th, 21st, 28th
Feb 4th, 18th, 25th
March 4th, 11th

Should the unlikely event of something needing to be attended to by the course trainer it may be needed to push on one or two of the dates on a week.

The content of the classes will show you how to teach:
Sit, down and holding these positions until they are given a release cue from them.
Stand, wait and stay and the difference between the two commands.
Loose lead walking as well as heel on the left and the right.
Play and drop of the toy.
Targeting, back, recall, eye contact.
The difference between yes and no as well as a rapid response to their name.
Some easy agility type activities that you can do when out in your walks on everyday objects as well as some other fun exercises.

These will be held in a unit in Brackla Industrial Estate. It will be for 8 weeks at a cost of £115 for the course.

These are suitable for dogs that are sociable with humans and other dogs.
All dogs must be vaccinated or at least be in their first vaccine and booked in for their second.

Class notes will be emailed after each session so that if any are missed it is possible to catch up. There will also be access to closed Facebook groups for videos of what is taught in each class to be viewed to assist in your training should you miss a class.

Should you miss any of the sessions during the course you will have access to the videos for what was taught in that session to catch up.

There will also be an option of continuing onto a further course after completion of the first which concentrates on enhancing what is learnt in the first course and more complex material to keep you and your dog learning together.
Please note your place will be reserved on receipt of payment and this is non refundable should you wish to cancel/postpone unless your place gets filled after your cancellation.

If you would like a place email on [email protected]
or message through the Bark to Basics FB page🐾🐾.


Happy new year you wonderful dog people! Hope you all had a good one 🐾🐾😁

Owners may not realise the importance of this, the way you live with your dog each moment is what will create effective ...

Owners may not realise the importance of this, the way you live with your dog each moment is what will create effective or ineffective training.
Training is constant. 🐾🐾

Truth of the day:Your dogs bad behaviour won’t change without you changing what you hold them accountable for first.You ...

Truth of the day:

Your dogs bad behaviour won’t change without you changing what you hold them accountable for first.

You are the driver of the adjustment in their behaviour.

Most owners don’t realise that only trying to address the big issue that bothers them without touching on the small things, they will always lose.


***sold out**

The next Beginners Obedience course will be starting on Weds 8th Jan at 5.45-6.45pm

Dates are below:
Jan 8th, 15th, 29th
Feb 5th, 19th, 26th
March 5th, 12th

Should the unlikely event of something needing to be attended to by the course trainer it may be needed to push on one or two of the dates on a week.

The content of the classes will show you how to teach:
Sit, down and holding these positions until they are given a release cue from them.
Stand, wait and stay and the difference between the two commands.
Loose lead walking as well as heel on the left and the right.
Play and drop of the toy.
Targeting, back, recall, eye contact.
The difference between yes and no as well as a rapid response to their name.
Some easy agility type activities that you can do when out in your walks on everyday objects as well as some other fun exercises.

These will be held in a unit in Brackla Industrial Estate. It will be for 8 weeks at a cost of £115 for the course.

These are suitable for dogs that are sociable with humans and other dogs.
All dogs must be vaccinated or at least be in their first vaccine and booked in for their second.

Class notes will be emailed after each session so that if any are missed it is possible to catch up. There will also be access to closed Facebook groups for videos of what is taught in each class to be viewed to assist in your training should you miss a class.

Should you miss any of the sessions during the course you will have access to the videos for what was taught in that session to catch up.

There will also be an option of continuing onto a further course after completion of the first which concentrates on enhancing what is learnt in the first course and more complex material to keep you and your dog learning together.
Please note your place will be reserved on receipt of payment and this is non refundable should you wish to cancel/postpone unless your place gets filled after your cancellation.

If you would like a place email on [email protected]
or message through the Bark to Basics FB page🐾🐾.


Here’s the truth…. People love spoiling their dogs daily.
They don’t love training them daily. One leads to well rounded dogs, the other leads to hyper delinquents 🙈🤔


I worked with a client earlier this week and we started off some early stages of what is done to get your dog to walk to heel and be aware of your position in relation to theirs. The objective is for your dog to learn to self regulate and correct their position once they realise they are out of line with you.

The early stages of this is painfully boring and progress is incredibly slow. This is the reason that this type of training often doesn’t get taken very far by lots of owners and to be honest, I don’t blame them one bit! Not everyone has the time to work diligently for months for the smallest glimmer of movement in the right direction.

However, if owners do continue with this training, the results are super useful.

Here’s a random video of my lot and me using the off lead heel work. Having one of the dogs do heel work whilst the others are off doing their own thing.
You’ll see her correcting herself at times to position herself next to me again.
Oh and she was having to do this for a bit as penance for being a k**b a few minutes prior 😂🐾🐾.

Straight to the point and could be more true.  Unfortunately most dog owners are reactive to the issues they have with t...

Straight to the point and could be more true.

Unfortunately most dog owners are reactive to the issues they have with their dogs rather than being pro active.

Getting stuck in with training straight away has the huge advantage of often being able to navigate through problems without them becoming properly manifested.

Saying ‘I don’t need to take the to training as they don’t have a problem’, is putting yourself in a situation where you are pretty far behind in the race when you do encounter one.

Be one of the clever dog owners not the ones that assume it’ll be plain sailing ………until it’s not 😂🙈🐾🐾.


Having two completely different energy levels in both of my dogs means that I need to cater for both of their needs.

My Pointer is just a firecracker for needing to run and just absorbs any form of training I throw her way with endless enthusiasm.
My lurcher on the other hand, has very limited drive for ‘training’. A small walk a day is sufficient and most of that is spent turtling behind me in hope of sneaky snacksies when the pointer isn’t looking 😂.

Watch until the end to catch sight of the snack hunter 🥰🐾🐾.


I saw this quote recently and thought how well it applies to many struggles of life.
Choosing the easy option gives short term pleasure and is the most frequently selected due to the tempting nature of it. By doing so on that day, the struggle remains wholly unchanged on the next.

You may see reflections of your own internal battles in these statements and have a tendency to select the easy option but continue to be frustrated with a lack of progress.

Why not take a chance and opt just for now, for the more difficult choice. You may just surprise yourself that it wasn’t as tough as you had expected. You might even enjoy it more than you realised. Stick with it and the goals you were hoping to achieve but had thought were beyond your grasp begin to seem possible in the end!

Go on. Take a gamble. What’s the worst that can happen? 😁🐾🐾

Adding more dogs into the family is a joyous and rewarding experience for many. This is not always the case. Some person...

Adding more dogs into the family is a joyous and rewarding experience for many. This is not always the case. Some personalities don't take to each other very well and conflict can ensue.
This was the case in this recent clients situation.
There were four dogs in the house and this had shaken up the balance of things. One dog was feeling entitled to bully and reprimand the others.
During the session we broke things down to basics in terms of getting the dogs to view the humans as the decision makers of the household. Getting the dogs to view the things that are important to them as not being theirs to guard is vital to diffuse tension.
Examples if these are:
* Attention and affection.
* Sofas and other resting areas.
* Proximity to the owners.
* Toys and other possession.
As well as the above it is important to adequately satisfy each of the dogs for their mental stimulation and physical needs. Having a knowledge of how to navigate past issues before they surface due to knowing the best way to co tell the flow of movement around each other is also hugely advantageous.
Great session with a lovely owner and some super cute doggies
Feel free to get in touch if you are struggling with dog related issues.

Getting frustrated when your dog refuses to listen is a common reaction.  Owners often describe being confused and annoy...

Getting frustrated when your dog refuses to listen is a common reaction. Owners often describe being confused and annoyed at their dogs lack of compliance.

The question you should be asking yourself as an owner might then be, “how does my dog feel it’s acceptable to ignore my requests”?

If you start looking closer and really dissecting the nitty gritty you can see how small, seemingly insignificant permissive acts of non compliance pave the way for larger more important ones.

Dogs will learn by what you show them. If you want them to listen when you ask something of them almost every time, you will need to show them that you mean it when you say something, every time.

There’s no need for being over powering, shouting, being heavy handed or any of that malarkey. Just a simple calm insistence is all that’s required. Each battle you have will get slowly easier and quicker as your dog learns that ‘oh hey, you mean what you say!!’

Give this a try if you are having issues with your dog doing what you ask of them.
Whatever you ask them, stay calm and patient and wait for them to give in. Repeat this with everything religiously for a couple of weeks and watch what starts to happen ✨ 🪄 😁🐾🐾.


I do so love the enthusiasm of the dogs when they arrive at classes. Here’s one gorgeous boy that has been with me through several levels of courses. He’s full of waggy tails and happy vibes when he realises he’s at the class venue ♥️😂.

He knows he gets to see some of his doggy mates, have a blast for an hour doing some fun stuff and get a good amount of chicken from his mam along the way 🥰😆.

If you would like to join in with the fun that the classes offer for you and your dog feel free to get in touch 😁🐾🐾.


The next Beginners Obedience course will be starting on Tuesday 3rd Dec at 5.15-6.15pm

Dates are below:
Dec 3rd, 10th, 17th
Jan 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
Feb 4th

Should the unlikely event of something needing to be attended to by the course trainer it may be needed to push on one or two of the dates on a week.

The content of the classes will show you how to teach:
Sit, down and holding these positions until they are given a release cue from them.
Stand, wait and stay and the difference between the two commands.
Loose lead walking as well as heel on the left and the right.
Play and drop of the toy.
Targeting, back, recall, eye contact.
The difference between yes and no as well as a rapid response to their name.
Some easy agility type activities that you can do when out in your walks on everyday objects as well as some other fun exercises.

These will be held in a unit in Brackla Industrial Estate. It will be for 8 weeks at a cost of £115 for the course.

These are suitable for dogs that are sociable with humans and other dogs.
All dogs must be vaccinated or at least be in their first vaccine and booked in for their second.

Class notes will be emailed after each session so that if any are missed it is possible to catch up. There will also be access to closed Facebook groups for videos of what is taught in each class to be viewed to assist in your training should you miss a class.

Should you miss any of the sessions during the course you will have access to the videos for what was taught in that session to catch up.

There will also be an option of continuing onto a further course after completion of the first which concentrates on enhancing what is learnt in the first course and more complex material to keep you and your dog learning together.
Please note your place will be reserved on receipt of payment and this is non refundable should you wish to cancel/postpone unless your place gets filled after your cancellation.

If you would like a place email on [email protected]
or message through the Bark to Basics FB page🐾🐾.




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