Maes Glas Vets

Maes Glas Vets Maes Glas Vets is one of the largest practices in the South Wales area.

We are proud to provide veterinary services for the Dogs Trust in Bridgend and to the South Wales Police Dog section in addition to many local and organisations and our reputation for a quality service over a large area of South Wales speaks for itself. With over 20 vets, a large number of qualified support staff, and 6 branches, we are equipped and able to deal with a range of problems from choco

late poisoning in dogs to fracture repairs in cats. Our veterinary team bring a wealth of experience to the practice and have individually obtained high standards of professional qualification.

Meet the very handsome Huckleberry who is 17 years young 🐾💕Huckleberry comes into the surgery monthly for his Solensia i...

Meet the very handsome Huckleberry who is 17 years young 🐾💕

Huckleberry comes into the surgery monthly for his Solensia injection.

Solensia is a injectable therapy that helps relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA) in cats.
It's a monoclonal antibody that targets Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and works similarly to naturally produced antibodies.
Solensia is administered once a month and can help improve a cat's mobility, comfort, and well-being.

Signs that a cat may be experiencing OA pain include:

🐾Difficulty running and jumping.

🐾Difficulty using a litter tray.

🐾Not as playful and reduced activity.

🐾Temperament changes such as irritability and hiding more.


🌟Tuesdays Tips🌟

🐾Importance of microchipping your pet and keeping the details up to date 🐾

Thousands of pets are lost every year infact as a practice we see so many lost pets brought into us. Microchipping gives your pet the best chance of being identified and returned to you if lost or stolen. Sadly we see quite a lot of pets with microchips but the details are not up to date 🥲

You can usually check and update your details online by visiting the database your chip is registered with.

Check your pets details are correct today!


How do you support children with pet loss?

Books can be a great tool to help your child prepare for the procedure (if time allows) and process their grief afterwards. You might find that, if they’re old enough, they prefer to take time alone to read, or they might want your company, explanations and support. Try to make time to answer any questions that they have, and if you’re not sure of the answer, make a note to ask the vet – we’re happy to help address any concerns they have.

Here are some of the best-rated books about pet loss for children, based on Amazon UK reviews this month:

1. The Invisible Leash by Patrick Karst – this book is American, and that’s apparent in some of the language used. However, it’s still a very comforting, emotional and beautiful story.
2. The Rainbow Bridge: A Visit to Pet Paradise by Adrian Raeside – this is a lovely story for children who have just experienced the loss of a pet. However, it does contain references to human death (so be prepared) and at the end of the story, the child gets a new pet, which might lead to an upsetting conversation if you don’t intend to.
3. My Pet Memory Book by S Wallace – now this is a little bit different, in that it’s not for your child to read, but to write in and add to, documenting their pet’s life and memories. For many children, this could help them process their feelings. Be aware that some readers have found this book a little bit basic, so you might prefer to make your own memory book.
4. A Rainbow Bridge for Gus by Barbara Bareis Rigabar – this book is sweet and simple, making it perfect for younger children and toddlers.

Have you found a particular book helpful in supporting you or your children through the loss of a pet? We’d love you to share your recommendations in the comments so that they might help other pet parents.

***URGENT*** do you recognise this beautiful lady? Involved in a road traffic accident this morning in Haddock Close, Br...

***URGENT*** do you recognise this beautiful lady? Involved in a road traffic accident this morning in Haddock Close, Brackla. Currently in our Brackla branch receiving emergency treatment. Microchipped but phone numbers not up to date. Please contact the surgery on 01656 652751 if you have any information. Thankyou xx

🌟Check your Pets chip is registered and up to date! 🌟

🌟Check your Pets chip is registered and up to date! 🌟

🛜 Moving house? New number? Remember to update the details linked to your cat’s microchip if anything changes, like your address or contact number.

🐈 Keeping your details up to date gives the best chance for you to be reunited with your cat if they ever get lost. Even indoor cats and cats with collars should be microchipped.

You can usually check and update your details online by visiting the database you are registered with. Your vet can also check the details for you, but they cannot update them.

More about microchipping 👉

Beautiful Ralph having cwtches with Pip 💕🐾

Beautiful Ralph having cwtches with Pip 💕🐾


🌟🗞️Our Llantrisant branch is looking for newspapers. If anyone has any please could you pop them into the surgery during working hours 🙏🗞️

The gorgeous Dexter came into our Brackla Practice recently and got a little over excited at being offered a treat and a...

The gorgeous Dexter came into our Brackla Practice recently and got a little over excited at being offered a treat and accidentally knocked our little glass rainbow bridge off the top of the reception desk and it broke. Obviously Dexter was very sorry about this and got his mum and dad to use his pocket money to buy another one, which was very kind of him! No need to feel embarrassed Dexter! We still love you and you’re welcome in Brackla anytime for treats but we will be keeping you away from the breakables!!


We're issuing a summer warning to dog owners after a study revealed that French and English Bulldogs make up over a third of emergency heatstroke cases. The study by Vet Compass reviewed 167,751 dogs we have treated at Vets Now and identified 384 heatstroke cases, showing Newfoundlands are over 15 times more likely to suffer heatstroke than Labradors. ☀️🐶

Flat-faced breeds, including French Bulldogs and Pugs, are at higher risk. It's crucial for dog owners to be vigilant, especially with vulnerable breeds. Recognising critical signs like heavy panting and elevated body temperature is not just essential; it's a responsibility we all share.

To keep pets safe, restrict exercise on hot days, provide cool water and shade, and never leave dogs in parked cars. If heatstroke is suspected, contact a vet immediately.

Fabulous info from the PDSA 🐾

Fabulous info from the PDSA 🐾

Have you heard of leptospirosis? 😧

Leptospirosis, often shortened to lepto, is a disease caused by bacteria that damage vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys. It’s very serious and often fatal in dogs.

Dogs can catch leptospirosis from:

- Another infected dog
- Sniffing/licking the ground where an infected dog has urinated
- Urine from an infected cow, pig or rodent
- Infected wet ground or fresh water - lepto can live in wet ground and fresh water for several months

Leptospirosis can also be spread to other dogs by infected dogs, mice, rats and cows but can also be caught from infected water. So, if your dog lives on a farm, kills rodents or spends a lot of time swimming, they’re at a much higher risk of catching it ⚠️

There are a few different types of leptospirosis bacteria and each one is slightly different. Fortunately, we can vaccinate against the types of lepto bacteria commonly found in the UK. Find out more:

[Visual description: Black and brown dog, Kelpie, in the back of a vehicle on a cattle farm.]

🌟Tuesdays Tips🌟🐾Over Exertion- hypoglycaemia 🐾🌟- This is a very rare condition which is more common in very lean, active...

🌟Tuesdays Tips🌟

🐾Over Exertion- hypoglycaemia 🐾

🌟- This is a very rare condition which is more common in very lean, active, working dogs .

🌟 It occurs due to low blood glucose where demands exceed glycogen stores.

⁠ 🌟Be very careful not to over exercise them, especially if in the water. Even if they want to keep going- some dogs don’t know when to stop.

🌟May need to enforce rest if out for extended periods of time

- ⁠🌟Signs to watch out for 🌟

If your dog ever seems quiet, wobbly or subdued during or after extensive exercise offer them a treat, pop honey on the gums and contact the vets immediately.

Meet the gorgeous Fudge who recently came in suffering from this condition. Fudge has a love for swimming but on this occasion it was just a bit too much for him. Luckily his lovely parents called us immediately and brought him straight in to us as he had collapsed. He received intensive treatment from our vets and nurses and a stay at the hospital where he made a full recovery.
We are so happy to see him bright and well again 💕🐾🐶 #


Things Your Cat Wishes You Knew!

Our cats are perfect in every way, of course, but they are definitely particular in how they like their world to be!

So here are some of the things I think they wished you knew!

🐱 They love hiding!

Our cats are predators but they are also prey, so they prefer to rest in places where they feel safe.

This is why they love boxes so much, the sides keep them hidden! It is also why raised beds on radiators and cat trees, and covered beds are so great.

🐱 They hate sharing!

Cats can be social but they are very selective about this. They don’t need the companionship of other cats to be happy and they definitely don’t like sharing!

Feral cats will live in related colonies, but each cat is responsible for their own hunting and for themselves.

Which means coming together for meals is not something they usually enjoy and can find stressful. If you have more than one cat, even if they seem to get on, you need at least one feeding station each, spread apart so they don’t feel pressured at mealtimes.

These sharing rules also apply to things like litter trays, water bowls and beds!

🐱 They do like water - but it has to be perfect!

Cats have a reputation for not being big drinkers, and while this is true to an extent - they are descended from desert animals so have a naturally low thirst - they are also very particular about how they want it!

In the wild if they catch prey near water, that water can be contaminated with waste, so they are hard wired to avoid drinking close to where they eat. Which is why water bowls near food are often ignored and why many favour moving water like fountains or taps.

They also prefer wide, flat water so their whiskers stay dry and they can see around them while they drink – again because being prey ,they like to keep an eye on their surroundings.

🐱 They love a big scratching post!

Cats scratch to mark their territory, exercise and look after their nails.

They love to stretch to their full height and put all their body weight into it. So the little posts in most pet shops don’t cut it, which is why they are ignored.

To help them leave your carpet or sofa alone you need a tall, solid scratching post, or one on the floor or attached to the wall!

🐱 They don’t like change

Again, because of their independent nature, cats are naturally suspicious of anything new and prefer consistency.

This is why they can be ‘fussy’ with their food. It’s not that they don’t like it, it’s just that it’s new! So offering it regularly alongside their current diet will help them get used to it.

And also why some cats get stressed when you go away or move things around.

🐱 They like little meals often

In the wild cats spend a great deal of time hunting and catch several small prey a day.

This means they are ‘little and often’ eaters. So when you put their food down and they only take a couple of mouthfuls, it isn’t that they don’t like it, they only wanted that much right now.

Leaving a bowl of kibble available is fine as long as they don’t gorge (some cats with disordered eating will) but what is better is mimicking that natural behaviour by using treat balls and puzzle bowls.

What things does your cat do that seems odd to you but probably makes sense to them?!

😻Found on Brynna Road- 5-6 week old kitten - male - please phone our Llantrisant branch on 01443 220580 😻

😻Found on Brynna Road- 5-6 week old kitten - male - please phone our Llantrisant branch on 01443 220580 😻

Today is   Cat Day 2024😻🐾 A day to celebrate one of the most ancient pets. CATS are one of the coolest beings on the pla...

Today is Cat Day 2024

😻🐾 A day to celebrate one of the most ancient pets. CATS are one of the coolest beings on the planet they are adventurous, inquisitive, independent and make the most loving pets. We are very proud as a practice to be awarded as a Gold standard cat friendly clinic.
Post below pics of your cats or tell us how they impact your life 😻💕🐾


🌈😿Sadly we have had a deceased male grey/white kitten approximately 12 weeks of age - brought into our Porthcawl branch. Found West Rd. please phone 01656 782345 😿🌈



The Importance of Water for bunnies 🐰💧

In short, water is vital. Rabbits must have access to plenty of fresh water at all times. It has four main functions, all of them absolutely essential:

- It keeps every cell and organ of the body alive
- It is a major part of blood, and your rabbit wouldn’t be able to live without that
- It keeps everything moving in the gut
- It flushes out excess calcium

Tip: Bowls are better than bottles as lapping from a bowl is more natural to rabbits.

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🌟Tuesday Tips🌟🌟 It’s really important to check your pets paws regularly. 🐾🌟As part of our Pet health plan you can have y...

🌟Tuesday Tips🌟

🌟 It’s really important to check your pets paws regularly. 🐾

🌟As part of our Pet health plan you can have your pets nail clipped at no extra charge. If you would like more information on this visit our website and click on the link to sign up.

🌟You can book in with a nurse to have your pets nails checked and clipped. There is a charge for this.

Noah rocking this morning his summer outfit for his nurse appointment with Jessie 🥰Our out of hours team wishes all our ...

Noah rocking this morning his summer outfit for his nurse appointment with Jessie 🥰
Our out of hours team wishes all our clients a lovely weekend and we would love to see your pets enjoying the weather. Please post a pic on comments of your pets 😍 and always remember, if you need us we are here for you 24/7 💗💗

Beautiful Basil has been keeping cool  this week watching over the admin team! 😻

Beautiful Basil has been keeping cool this week watching over the admin team! 😻


Sometimes, people are not keen to put their cat inside a carrier when bringing them to the veterinary clinic 🩺🐈‍⬛

Maybe it's difficult to place their cat in the carrier, or they don't travel well. Perhaps the cat has been trained to wear a harness at home and their owner doesn't want to restrict their cat's movements. These reasons are understandable, but they do not trump what is most important - to keep cats safe.

🩺A veterinary environment is not the same as a home environment. There are loud noises, strong smells, bright lights and lots of unfamiliar people and animals, all of which may startle a cat. The first choice for a frightened cat is to run away and/or hide in order to remove themselves from a threat....

🙀If a cat is held in someone's arms or is on a harness in the waiting area and then becomes startled, they will have nowhere to hide and may attempt to quickly run away. This risks them injuring themselves, their owner and even escaping outside the clinic building (I have seen this happen!)

🙀An exposed cat that is not secured safely in their carrier is at risk of being attacked by dogs waiting inside clinic, or those entering/exiting the clinic. Remember that some dogs have a high prey drive and many of those waiting may be anxious, ill or in pain, and as such may react in a way that puts cats at risk of being injured (this is not the dog's fault, just the reality of the situation).

🚗It's also much safer for all to travel to the clinic with cats secured in their carriers.

😺 Cats visiting the clinic in their carrier are safer, less likely to be injured and escape and can hide in a covered carrier elevated off of the floor.

If you are asked to place your cat in a carrier upon arrival at the veterinary clinic, it's because your veterinary team wants to keep your cat safe 👍

Check out the International Cat Care Carer Guides If you'd like some more information about taking your cat to the veterinary clinic 👇😺

🌟Tuesdays Tips🌟🐾Brought to you by the British Veterinary Association 🐾

🌟Tuesdays Tips🌟

🐾Brought to you by the British Veterinary Association 🐾

⚠️ alert: Like us, animals can struggle in this hot weather.

Make sure your pets have plenty of fresh drinking water and shade, and avoid exercising them during the hottest parts of the day.

Take a look at more top tips 👉

Met Office BSAVA

🔥 Hot weather alert for today 🔥📣  When coming to any of our branches today please ensure cars are cool enough to travel ...

🔥 Hot weather alert for today 🔥

📣 When coming to any of our branches today please ensure cars are cool enough to travel in and try and park In shaded areas where possible.

Do not walk to our branches with your pets at the hottest times of the day. 🌡

💧 Water bowls are available please ask. 💧

🐾 If you have any concerns regarding heat stroke in your pet please tell our reception team straight away 🐾

Theo dressed for his appointment today wearing his cooling vest. 💕🐶


Walking your dog in hot weather can cause them as much harm as leaving them in a hot car. When to know it's too hot for a dog walk.


What plants are poisonous to bunnies? 🌿

We’ve compiled a handy list of the most common plants that are toxic to rabbits so that as rabbit owners you can be aware of what greenery you should be keeping your buns away from.

You can also find out more here:


🐇 A must read for every rabbit owner🐇

🐇 A must read for every rabbit owner🐇

Rabbit owners, do you know about flystrike? ⚠️

Flystrike is a painful, life-threatening condition caused by maggots burrowing under the skin and feeding on flesh.

Any rabbit can get flystrike if flies lay their eggs on their fur, however, there are some factors which put a rabbit at higher risk of developing this nasty condition:

- Time of year - Flystrike is more common in the warm, summer months when flies are most active.
- Dirty bottoms – Dirty, damp fur is the perfect place for flies to lay their eggs, so if your rabbit has a mucky bottom, they are at high risk of flystrike.
- Wounds – Flies are attracted to wounds and will choose to lay their eggs around them. If your rabbit has a wound, always have it checked by your vet as they'll show you how to keep it clean and protected.

Flystrike tends to develop very quickly. It only takes a few hours for their maggots to hatch, and they can eat deep into your rabbit's flesh in as little as 24 hours. So, if you see any maggots on your rabbits, contact your vet straight away 🏥

Thankfully, when treated early, rabbits can recover. But it’s really important to keep a close eye on your rabbits over the warm summer months to prevent flystrike. Here’s some advice from our vets:

[Visual description: Two white and grey rabbits in a large hutch together. In a pink circle is a picture of a fly and in a purple circle is a graphic image of maggots around a rabbit's bottom, with a warning symbol next to them.]

Beautiful Moose came in recently for a checkup and was a super good boy 🐶💕

Beautiful Moose came in recently for a checkup and was a super good boy 🐶💕

The gorgeous Suki and Ziggy came in today for their 2 nd vaccines. This pair of cuties are well known to us as our lovel...

The gorgeous Suki and Ziggy came in today for their 2 nd vaccines. This pair of cuties are well known to us as our lovely nurse Katie who is are feline friendly cat champion hand reared them from 3 days old. They were found in a bin tied up in a bag. Look how well they’ve come on and have now found a lovely new home 🐈💕

🌟Tuesdays Tips🌟🐈Cat nail trimming🐈Cats use their claws for all sorts of things. It’s really important to check your cats...

🌟Tuesdays Tips🌟

🐈Cat nail trimming🐈

Cats use their claws for all sorts of things. It’s really important to check your cats claws on a regular basis. Especially elderly cats who not as active as they used to be.

Cats having claws is perfectly natural, but sometimes, they can get a little too long and sometimes curl into their pads which can be quite painful for them .If your cat isn’t able to wear them down properly you may have to trim them yourself using a cat nail clippers or pop them down to our nurse clinics for us to do. If you are on our health plan all our nurse clinics are included at no extra cost.

⭐ 🐾🐈You should only trim your cat’s nails if they are too long, not because they are sharp. Once you’ve trimmed your cat's nails they will want to sharpen them again, so be prepared for them to scratch more (and sometimes in new places!) to get their nails back to their normal pointed shape. Make sure you have scratch posts available for them.

Here’s a pic of Alfred having a manicure with our vet Sara.

Who can resist a cute nose pic on a Monday morning to brighten up your day. Please show-us  pics of your pets snoot 🐽💕🐾M...

Who can resist a cute nose pic on a Monday morning to brighten up your day. Please show-us pics of your pets snoot 🐽💕🐾Maes Glas Vets


13 Church Acre

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm




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