A message to anyone looking towards their future career.
Covid has caused so many problems for people, and whilst we hope we are now coming out of the final lockdown in the UK, we really have no idea how many more problems we will have to overcome.
It was disappointing that I was unable to visit Oldbury Wells school last year to talk to the latest sixth form students, and that the plans made with the students of the previous year all had to be cancelled.
I can only imagine the concerns so many students and parents must be feeling with all the upheaval they have faced, but our economy is currently improving and the future is not as bleak as the media might have us believe.
It was Benjamin Franklin who said "Out of adversity comes opportunity”, and the situation we find ourselves in is surely one of adversity right now. The opportunities do exist if we have the tenacity to find them. Those who do will find success will surely follow.
If I could give a message to our young people right now, it would be to say everyone is in the same boat, many will bemoan their lot, worry about things they have no control over, and lose ground by doing so. Some will look for the opportunities, go forward despite the difficulties, and find themselves one step ahead of the rest.
Aim to be in that second group. Believe in yourself. Everyone has something they are good at, skills they can develop, things they love doing. Look at the changes that have happened over the past year, consider the way they affect us all, and what needs are not now being met. I have always advocated looking to do what you love doing, for if you love doing something it is not 'work', your heart will be in it, and you will succeed all the more because of that. Consider what you enjoy doing, look for the opportunities and go for it. Believe in success and you will achieve it.
People have changed their shopping habits this past year, it is highly likely they will not merely revert back. This has led to opportunities. Local businesses across the Country have found there is higher demand for local goods.
Many people have changed the way they work. Working from home, working remotely, brings its own challenges and new needs. More opportunities for budding entrepreneurs who can recognise them.
So, for example, if you love making healthy lunches from local produce and delivering them to people's homes, maybe right now could be your opportunity to build your future empire to compete with the likes of McDonalds and Deliveroo. Set yourself a goal and strive to achieve it. Work hard now and the rewards will come. Aim to be the best in whatever you do, think successful and you are well on the way to being successful.
Every big company started with a good idea that met a need. There are still as many needs as there ever were, its just that over the past year some have changed. Recognise this and you're already half a step ahead.
Steve Robbins
Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce offers free advice and assistance to any local business or individuals looking to set up in business. Please contact us if you are looking for help.