Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce The Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce exists to connect and support local businesses which are registered within Bridgnorth and the surrounding areas.

All businesses, large and small, are encouraged to apply to join the Chamber. The aim of Chambers of Commerce is to promote, advance and protect the commercial, professional and general interests of the community and the local economy. A Chamber of Commerce has existed in Bridgnorth for over 40 years, and has been instrumental in protecting the rights of the town’s historic market, which is protec

ted by Royal Charter. Bridgnorth received the earliest Charter granted to a Shropshire Town by Henry II in 1157. Bridgnorth CofC relaunched itself in November 2014 with a newly elected Council determined to grow the membership and work on new initiatives to support them. Monthly social meetings now take place on the last Thursday of the month, where members can drop in and network with other members in a more informal setting, and discuss any issues with the officers of the Chamber. Affiliation with Shropshire Chamber opened up the opportunity for members to attend the breakfast meetings held at other Shropshire Chamber groups


A message to anyone looking towards their future career.

Covid has caused so many problems for people, and whilst we hope we are now coming out of the final lockdown in the UK, we really have no idea how many more problems we will have to overcome.

It was disappointing that I was unable to visit Oldbury Wells school last year to talk to the latest sixth form students, and that the plans made with the students of the previous year all had to be cancelled.

I can only imagine the concerns so many students and parents must be feeling with all the upheaval they have faced, but our economy is currently improving and the future is not as bleak as the media might have us believe.

It was Benjamin Franklin who said "Out of adversity comes opportunity”, and the situation we find ourselves in is surely one of adversity right now. The opportunities do exist if we have the tenacity to find them. Those who do will find success will surely follow.

If I could give a message to our young people right now, it would be to say everyone is in the same boat, many will bemoan their lot, worry about things they have no control over, and lose ground by doing so. Some will look for the opportunities, go forward despite the difficulties, and find themselves one step ahead of the rest.

Aim to be in that second group. Believe in yourself. Everyone has something they are good at, skills they can develop, things they love doing. Look at the changes that have happened over the past year, consider the way they affect us all, and what needs are not now being met. I have always advocated looking to do what you love doing, for if you love doing something it is not 'work', your heart will be in it, and you will succeed all the more because of that. Consider what you enjoy doing, look for the opportunities and go for it. Believe in success and you will achieve it.

People have changed their shopping habits this past year, it is highly likely they will not merely revert back. This has led to opportunities. Local businesses across the Country have found there is higher demand for local goods.

Many people have changed the way they work. Working from home, working remotely, brings its own challenges and new needs. More opportunities for budding entrepreneurs who can recognise them.

So, for example, if you love making healthy lunches from local produce and delivering them to people's homes, maybe right now could be your opportunity to build your future empire to compete with the likes of McDonalds and Deliveroo. Set yourself a goal and strive to achieve it. Work hard now and the rewards will come. Aim to be the best in whatever you do, think successful and you are well on the way to being successful.

Every big company started with a good idea that met a need. There are still as many needs as there ever were, its just that over the past year some have changed. Recognise this and you're already half a step ahead.

Steve Robbins

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce offers free advice and assistance to any local business or individuals looking to set up in business. Please contact us if you are looking for help.

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce has launched its 'Shop Local This Christmas' campaign with new banners promoting the init...

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce has launched its 'Shop Local This Christmas' campaign with new banners promoting the initiative on traffic islands around the town.

The Shop Local initiative was first launched by the Chamber in 2015 but the original banners disappeared two years later. Now, more than ever, supporting local traders is vital for their survival, and we are redoubling our efforts to encourage everyone to do that.

30th September 8:30am - 9:30amBridgnorth Network is organised by Shropshire Chamber and will operate on a monthly basis ...

30th September 8:30am - 9:30am

Bridgnorth Network is organised by Shropshire Chamber and will operate on a monthly basis via Zoom until such time as the events can be held in a physical capacity.

Why Network?

• It raises your company profile among other local businesses
• Creates trading opportunities
• Builds profitable and valuable relationships
• Learn from members and see how you could work together

Who virtually attends the meetings?

All business sectors are invited to take part. An example of the business types who attend include: Motor Vehicle Main Dealers, Financial Advisory, Estate Agencies, Human Resources, Accountancy, Colleges, Local Authority, Care Homes, Solicitors, Marketing, Print and Design, Public Relations, Office Cleaning and Travel Agencies to name but a few.

What happens at a typical meeting?

• Zoom waiting room opens 8.20am
• Meeting is held between 8.30am and 9.30am
• Every member has the opportunity to deliver a 60-second presentation promoting their business
• One member delivers a 10-minute presentation about their business
• Testimonials and AOB before meeting closes

We welcome businesses to visit the Network Clubs, please check with the Events Team for more details [email protected] or call the Membership Team on 01952 208 200

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce is affiliated to Shropshire Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Ltd, and is a part of its ...

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce is affiliated to Shropshire Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Ltd, and is a part of its outlying Chamber network.

As such, members of Bridgnorth Chamber are able to participate in events and other business functions organised by our parent Chamber.

Following recent discussions, we are pleased to announce both parties are looking to work together more closely going forward, in order to improve opportunities for our members, many of whom are experiencing difficult trading conditions currently.

We hope this will make membership of the Chamber more beneficial for all of our members.


Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce has promoted the 'Welcome Back to Bridgnorth' campaign with a banner on Squirrel Bank, and has so far purchased and distributed over 3,500 face masks in the town, in an effort to help support local retail and assist in making it 'Safe to Shop'.

The Chamber has also worked with local retailers and market traders in and around the High Street to understand the problems faced on Saturdays, and this information has been used to formulate the plan currently being used by Shropshire Council to provide a town centre where there is sufficient space for safe shopping, whilst also giving necessary traffic the access it requires.

The Chamber of Commerce has procured an initial stock of 2,500 face masks which have been put in shops in town for peopl...

The Chamber of Commerce has procured an initial stock of 2,500 face masks which have been put in shops in town for people to take with our compliments if they need one.

Masks are available in the following shops, amongst others:
Giovanni's, Beamans, Parker Taylor, M&Co, Roobarb, The Old Sweet Shop, Indoor Market, Hallmark, Tanners and Gadsby's. You are very welcome to pick one up to help everyone stay safe.


Bridgnorth High Street will be closed to traffic on Saturdays from 25 July 2020 (apart from emergency vehicles) between its junctions with Whitburn Street and Listley Street from 5am until 3pm. This measure has been put in place by Shropshire Council to enable thos shopping to do so in a safe, socially-distanced manner.

The Chamber of Commerce has contacted Steve Brown, Interim Assistant Director of Infrastructure and Communities, asking why the measures agreed in May have not been implemented which would still allow safe shopping whilst retaining a route through the High Street for traffic needing to access shops and market stalls.

He has now said: "We envisage this closure taking place on Saturdays for no more than three to four weeks while the necessary arrangements are made to ensure compliance with social distancing guidelines and allow for safe shopping and trading in Bridgnorth. There are no plans to make this a permanent feature, however it is a necessary response to the current COVID-19 advice from Public Health England and the Government."

Whilst the Chamber is deeply disappointed that Shropshire Council have failed to act in a timely manner and make the necessary arrangements following the meeting in May, and we understand the negative impact this will have on some businesses both on and off the High Street, we would like to assure everyone we have done everything we can to get this issue resolved as quickly as possible and will continue to do so.

It is in everyone's interest to have a safe High street to encourage people to come into the town on a Saturday, and that remains our main priority going forward.


Old Smithfield Update

Many have asked what the current situation is with the planning consent for five retail units on Old Smithfield car park.

At the Public Inquiry the developer named 5 National Retailers who, they claimed, were going to occupy the new units. The Chamber of Commerce contacted the 5 Companies but none appeared able to confirm this.

Following the Public Inquiry the Secretary of State granted permission for the development to go ahead on the strict understanding that no changes could be made to the plans agreed at the Inquiry.

Changes were subsequently made by the developer to reduce the size of the two largest units, these were accepted by Shropshire Council as 'non material' despite their reducing the size of the development by 20% and causing changes to all of the development drawings.

The Chamber of Commerce has challenged Shropshire Council over their decision that this could be reasonably deemed as a non material change, and has advised the Inspectorate of the situation. Should the development proceed the Chamber will look to taking this matter back to the Secretary of State.

In order for the development to proceed the current Car Park Management Agreement between Shropshire Council and Sainsbury's will have to be changed. Whilst it was claimed by officers of Shropshire Council that this had been done, the Chamber has subsequently received confirmation from the Chief Executive of the Council that it has not. The Chamber have advised Shropshire Council that any decision to change the Agreement must be that of the Councillors, and not of the planning officers. The Chamber is prepared to challenge the Council in Court if necessary.

According to the developer's own website "the development is expected to be trading by the end of 2016 / early 2017."
The Chamber of Commerce has so far delayed this by 3 years, during which time the retail sector has seen significant decline particularly in the area of National Retailers who are closing shops rather than opening new ones. Currently no efforts appear to be being made by the developer to effect a start, and as above, there are still issues to be overcome before that can happen. Planning permissions usually expire after three years which would mean there are now 20 months remaining.

The developers themselves stated that the development would cause an annual loss of trade to the High Street of £1 million. This did not take into account the loss of parking spaces, only the trade that would be taken from the current retailers by the new shops. Shropshire Council considered this to be not significant, although some traders are already close to going out of business.

The Chamber of Commerce, by preventing this development up to now, has protected the town's traders. However, had the development been built three years ago, it is highly likely that Bridgnorth would now have a white elephant in five empty retail units on Old Smithfield and 150 less car parking spaces in the town.

The Chamber is aware that there were members of the public in favour of the development, but it is hoped that all can now see the Chamber has acted in the best interests of the town and not just of its members, and continues to do so on this matter.


Bridgnorth can soon look forward to a new Town Guide which is planned to be published in the next few months to attract more tourism to the town.

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce have asked Sam Cole, who has produced a number of Guides for other towns in Shropshire, to work on one promoting the many attractions and benefits the town has to offer visitors, and featuring the wonderful range of local shops, restaurants and pubs who will support the printing of the guide together with the Chamber.

It is hoped sufficient interest will be obtained to print 30,000 copies initially.

This is something the Chamber has wanted to do for a while, and we are delighted to have Sam Cole on board. We have discussed the design and layout of the Guide and are now looking at distribution which we want to be across the West Midlands area and further South. Sam has a lot of experience and recognises the importance of the independent traders in our local economy and the appeal they will have to tourists.


Bridgnorth Park & Ride is dog friendly!
Apparently some other (inferior) Park & Rides don't allow dogs, or it is at the discretion of the driver!
In Bridgnorth every dog has its day, and can come along for the ride into town in air conditioned luxury.

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce is looking for local businesses who would like to advertise in an 'artistic' way on the s...

Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce is looking for local businesses who would like to advertise in an 'artistic' way on the shuttered up windows of Newmarket Buildings in order to brighten it up.
To show what can be done we have decorated the first window space to promote the Park and Ride.
Anyone interested please contact the Chamber to discuss.


Land adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, Old Smithfield, Bridgnorth (APP/L3245/V/17/3174452)

The Public Inquiry ended this evening after 4 days of evidence and cross examination between agents for Ziran Land (Bridgnorth) Ltd, Shropshire Council Planning Dept and Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce.

This has been a complex case with a number of matters coming to light during the Inquiry which had not been considered by the applicant or LPA despite the application having been approved in March. These matters, some of which concerned public safety, have had to be addressed by those parties during the Inquiry, and in particular a decision will be taken by the Inspector as to whether the proposal to allow public parking behind the units adjacent to the loading bays will be permitted as part of the application, given that Shropshire Council are not willing to take responsibility for this area.

The Inspector will now make visits to the town and produce a report for the Secretary of State who will make a decision on this planning application. That decision is expected in Spring of 2018.

The Chamber would like to reassure members that this is NOT an appeal, and no costs can be awarded against it if the decision is that the planning application can go ahead. The Chamber believes it has put a strong case for refusal of the application on behalf of members and remains hopeful that the Secretary of State will find in its favour.

Land adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, Old Smithfield, Bridgnorth (APP/L3245/V/17/3174452)The above application was c...

Land adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, Old Smithfield, Bridgnorth (APP/L3245/V/17/3174452)

The above application was called in by the Secretary of State. The Public Inquiry takes place this coming week.
The Chamber of Commerce will be speaking in opposition of the proposals on the grounds the substantial loss of parking will have a significant adverse impact on the viability and vitality of the Town Centre.
The agent acting for the applicant has now released a list of retailers who may occupy the 5 units. They are:
Pets at Home
Costa Coffee
Mountain Warehouse
Pound Stretcher
No evidence has yet been submitted to confirm the above.

The Chamber wishes to thank all those who have most generously supported us with financial contributions, we do still need more to cover our legal costs.
Please look out for the donation boxes in shops in the High Street displaying the SOS posters, you can contribute cash or cheques made out to 'Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce',
or you can make a bank transfer online to the Chamber's account, sort code 30-91-19 A/C No. 00028037.


Apparently someone has asked for clarification on the below information given by Shropshire Council, and why it means the Chamber of Commerce will NOT be liable for the costs of the other parties in the Old Smithfield public inquiry regardless of the decision.
Whilst it appears to be quite clear, I will break it down in order to assist those who are not members of the Chamber, yet still seem concerned it might find itself facing costs for some reason.
1. All three parties, the Council, the Applicant and the Rule 6 Party (The Chamber of Commerce) are liable for their own costs in preparing and attending the Inquiry. It is not a case of the loosing party paying the cost of the winning party. Costs are only awarded on planning appeals where there has been unreasonable behaviour.
This means regardless of the outcome of the Inquiry, the Chamber will not be required to pay any costs incurred by the other parties. This is because it is the Secretary of State who has decided to hold the Inquiry, it is not the result of an appeal by the Chamber.
2. All parties are expected to behave reasonably to support an efficient and timely process, for example in providing all the required evidence and ensuring that timetables are met. Where a party has behaved unreasonably, and this has directly caused another party to incur unnecessary or wasted expense in the appeal process, they may be subject to an award of costs.
This means as long as the Chamber follow the instructions of the Inspector who is in charge of the Inquiry, and do not deliberately delay proceedings, no costs can be awarded against it.
3. Local planning authorities, appellants and interested parties who have taken part in the process, in this case the Chamber of Commerce as a Rule 6 Party, may apply for costs, or have costs awarded against them. A party applying for costs may have costs awarded against them, if they themselves have behaved unreasonably.
This means if any of the parties does deliberately disrupt the progress of the Inquiry they could be required to pay any resulting costs of other parties. This is an entirely reasonable ruling which protects a party such as the Chamber, who have limited financial resources. The Inspector has set out the timetable for the Inquiry so the Chamber know how much their legal costs will be. If another party delays the Inquiry so that the Chamber's legal costs increase, the Chamber can claim the additional costs back from that party.
4. An Inspector or the Secretary of State may also, on their own initiative, make an award of costs, in full or in part, in regard to appeals and other proceedings under the Planning Acts if they consider that a party has behaved unreasonably resulting in unnecessary expense and another party has not made an application for costs against that party.
This means even if the Chamber did not apply for the costs mentioned above, the Inspector or Secretary of State could still award them to it.
5. An award of costs is an order which states that one party shall pay to another party the costs, which may be in full or in part, which have been incurred by the receiving party during the process by which the Secretary of State’s or Inspector’s decision is reached. The costs order states the broad extent of the expense the party can recover from the party against whom the award is made. It does not determine the actual amount.
This explains what an award of costs means.
6. For more information please see the Government website
This means if you still don't understand it all, go and have a look at the Government website.
I really hope this explains the situation fully. It is nice to know people are concerned for the Chamber, we are fortunate to have a legal team who are highly experienced in planning matters and are in contact with the Inspectorate and ensuring we are meeting their requirements.
The Chamber has contacted its members to reassure them with regard to the above, following receipt of information that some members had been told they would individually be facing huge legal costs if the Chamber "lost the appeal". Why anyone not involved with the Chamber would want to spread such misinformation is unclear, but the Chamber acted quickly to correct it following the resignation of one member who had been told this.

Great "Grease" night last night at the Endowed School Old Hall. Here's a few video clips !

Great "Grease" night last night at the Endowed School Old Hall.
Here's a few video clips !

The Bridgnorth Chamber of commerce held a "Grease Night" at the Bridgnorth Endowed School "Old School Hall" The event was held to help raise funds towards co...




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