Wasn’t feeling too great so we did a lazy training session. The art of doing nothing. Bosco is incredibly high energy so I make sure to teach him that doing nothing is okay. I will be bringing this indoors a lot more soon as he will not settle if I’m not sat still. This will also teach him that existing without me next to him is okay 🥰
As you all know I introduced the e-collar to Bosco a couple months ago. After weeks of conditioning and positive reinforcement he is responding perfectly. You can see the second he feels the stim and how quickly he reacts 🥰 this dog is so happy to work and an absolute dream to train 🥰
Would you believe it if I told you my little ginger friend here was terrified of Bosco when I brought him home. He wouldn’t go anywhere near him, if Bosco happened to go up to him he would scream and cry because he was scared. Now I can’t get through a full training session without him coming out to asking to feed Bosco, he is always asking to see Bosco and he even asked to walk Bosco this time 🥰 it really does make me happy seeing how Bosco can help build confidence purely through the training I have done with him
Do you have a good relationship with your dog if you aren’t in that stream with them?
This is what trust looks like. Bosco is scared of water, this boy will walk around the smallest puddle. I wanted to see if we could make any progress on this fear as we had the perfect opportunity. He was hesitant at first but I gave him the time he needed to come to terms with it and then he walked right in with me. Made me so happy to see the trust he has in me and that all the work we have put in to build our relationship has paid off 🥰
Could not be prouder of this dog :))
If you want to build your relationship and gain more trust with your dog, book in a 1:2:1 and we can get that started ❤️❤️
I was doing housework and then I decided I don’t like being an adult so wanted to practice some positions with Bosco instead 😂
I think something a lot of people forget when training is to have fun, if you and your dog aren’t enjoying it you won’t get the results you want. It needs to be fun and stress free. This little session was only 10 minutes long purely because I wanted to make sure the next time I got the chicken out he was excited and ready to work for it.
I was able to get this video of how silly this dog is when we have random fun sessions 😂
Impulse control 🫣
Bosco has an incredibly high pray drive, if it moves he wants a chase. Impulse control has been a massive part of his training as I have 4 cats in my home that all share a single brain cell so are running around constantly 😂
His pray drive also means trying to dash out the front door when he sees a neighbours cat. So we work on this before every training session. He has learnt that he isn’t allowed over that threshold at the front door unless told otherwise. Unfortunately he’s still a teenager so tries to push his boundaries often 😂 all that means is repetition with some extra repetition. And look at him, absolutely smashing it ❤️❤️
Socialising your dog
What does that mean to you? Does that mean meeting all the dogs and people when you are out on a walk? Or does that mean going out and spending time with your dog in different areas?
I personally think socialising your dog is one of, if not the most important part of dog training. A common mistake a lot of people make is thinking that socialising their dog means saying hello to every dog and person they see. Despite their dogs training being in their best interest this could result in reactive dogs.
Socialising your puppy means taking them to different environments, allowing them to watch their surroundings and understand their surroundings. This includes hearing different noises they may not hear daily at home with you. A dog that can sit/down in a crowded space and be neutral is a well socialised dog.
This takes time and repetition, if you have any questions or would like some tips on socialising your pup send me a message.
It was pretty quiet in town today so I couldn’t show you Bosco’s socialisation at its best.
Been a quiet few weeks, crazy how much life gets in the way of stuff 😭 I am meeting with different trainers in the area to be able to grow my knowledge and be an amazing trainer for everyone’s pups 🥰
Also working on my own, Bosco is incredibly over friendly with other dogs and people. He insists that he must say hello to all pups and their humans 🐶 we have been working on this and have made progress. I can keep his attention on me and he can keep his cool around loads of other dogs 🥰 needs perfecting but we are slowly getting there ☺️
Any questions on training don’t hesitate to message as I am thinking of concentrating more on the training side of things compared to walking ❤️
What’s better than a smiling pup?
Nyx enjoyed a lovely sunny noon walk, I just can’t get over how gorgeous she is 😍
Weekend away for myself and Bosco, the inspiration behind all this. Went to see my grandparents and Bosco’s partner in crime. I look forward to being back and walking your pups from Monday ❤️
Nyx had a great time on her walks yesterday and today, absolutely loved the sound of the grass crunching under her paws today 🥰
Jack thoroughly enjoyed his birthday walk this morning ❤️
Lovely walk and chill out with Nyx, absolute star ❤️
First walk of the day with little man Jack, he was an absolute pleasure ☺️
I asked Bosco if he could test out the 100% natural and grain free treats I have for all your pups walks. He says they are very tasty and approves of them ❤️