“Poppy is a tiny Border terrier who was found straying and ended up in the local council pound.
It had been two years since I had a dog in my life after losing my last boy at nearly 18 years old. I wasn’t sure I could go through the heartbreak again.
As soon as I saw Poppy, I knew she was coming home with me. She was so scared and Kennels were no place for her, she was just eight months old.
Two years on she is a fully qualified Pets as Therapy dog and we visit Dementia patients. It’s quite remarkable seeing the bonding between her and her patients.
She’s really heaven sent and she definitely came to me for a reason. She’s my best friend and I couldn't love her more.”
What a lucky girl Poppy is that you came into her life Lynne, and it sounds like the feeling is mutual in that you need her as much as she needs you. That love is irreplaceable. N x