Wishing all my clients - past, present, and future! - a very merry Christmas and all good wishes for a happy and healthy 2025.
Things We Love:
Today’s offering is a twofer because this video is showcasing a place AND an object (you’re welcome).
For the place: secure fields. Great for anxious or reactive dogs, dogs who need to improve their recall before being off-lead in public spaces, or just because you want some private time with your own dog and don’t live close to an environment where this might be possible. There are lots of reasons why secure fields might be beneficial for your dog. Check out Dog Walking Fields - enclosed dog walking areas for hire or free public use to discover all the fields near to you - there are quite a few within about 30 minutes from Brighton and new ones being opened all the time.
For the object: the jolly ball made by Jolly Pets. This is a football sized ball made of a durable plastic which doesn’t require air, so it can take a lot of punishment from canine teeth and nails and cannot be punctured/deflated. It’s also too large to be carried in the mouth, so is fun for chasing and herding, if either of those are things that your dog enjoys (if your dog likes fetching then you can also buy the same ball with a handle).
As you can see, combine the two and you have canine delight and a sight of rare beauty.
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It seems like just yesterday that I was posting about enrichment activities that you could do with your dog if it was too hot to take them out for their usual walks…Ah, how times change! Now, of course, it’s time to think about offering some of those activities when extreme wind and rain are preventing you from enjoying your usual walks together (although enrichment activities are a wonderful addition to your dog’s day every day, no matter the weather!).
Here are 3 ideas to get you started:
1. The puzzle box: a great activity for any day (please see my earlier post about how to set this up - boxes inside boxes can add an additional challenge for seasoned snufflers!).
2. Find it games around your home: ask your dog to wait as you hide treats or toys around your house, and then release them to go and find all of those treasures. (If you need help with how to train any/all aspects of this, then please do get in touch!).
3. The Bob-a-Lot. I’m not on commission from Starmark Pet Products, the makers of this toy (although I totally should be), but it really is a fantastic treat dispensing toy which can provide both mental and physical stimulation for your dog.
And remember: these activities aren’t a substitute for time with you, they are an addition to that - spending time with you is also enriching for your dog.
Stormy weather doesn’t have to be a source of boredom and frustration - it can be an opportunity to come up with new activities to offer to (and share with) your dog. So get creative and don't let the bad weather spoil your or your dog's fun!
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"Forever - is composed of Nows" - well said, Emily Dickinson.
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Want some ideas for activities to keep your dogs entertained at home when it’s just too hot to go out and about for their adventures? Well here’s one great, simple idea that your dog might enjoy:
For the dog who’s new to this:
1. Get an old cardboard box and remove the top flaps so that it’s open.
2. Fill the box up with scrunched up bits of paper (newspaper, magazine, packing paper, etc.).
3. Sprinkle some treats in amongst the paper.
4. Let your dog snuffle them out!
For the more experienced snuffler:
1. As above, but in amongst the paper, also put other, smaller boxes and the inner, cardboard bits of toilet/kitchen rolls, into which you’ve packed individual treats scrunched up in paper - a sort of doggy Pass-the-Parcel, if you will (and they will).
2. If your dog loves a good shred then you could leave the top flaps attached and close them so that getting into the box itself is the first part of the activity (but be sure that this doesn’t create frustration/concern for your dog before they’ve even started!).
3. Let your dog snuffle the packages out and rip them apart in order to get to the treats!
Note: Always supervise this activity to ensure that your dog isn’t eating the paper and/or packaging.
Many dogs will love this activity as it will get them to use their noses to sniff out the treats and sniffing is a hugely enriching activity for most dogs, satisfying their scavenging, foraging instincts and stimulating their amazing sense of smell. As well as loving this activity, it is also likely to be tiring - in a good way - for your dog, something which is obviously particularly useful if you’re not able to walk them as much as you might usually do.
So let the shredding begin!
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We must dig deep in order to uncover a full understanding of the needs and emotions that drive our dogs’ behaviour. When trying to understand that behaviour, it is important to explore motivations before addressing manifestations.
As psychologist Ashleigh Warner puts it, “Beneath every behaviour there is a feeling. And beneath each feeling is a need. And when we meet that need rather than focus on the behaviour, we begin to deal with the cause not the symptom”.
If you are struggling to cope with any aspect of your dog’s behaviour, then contact Planet Dog today to find out how we can help.
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Planet Dog bursting onto the scene like....
If you'd like help training a reliable recall in your dog, then please get in touch.