Lottie has a strong desire to chase. Though I wouldn't recommend repetitive toy chasing, controlled chase and play give her a much needed outlet for this.
Excuse the terrible throw...usually we incorporate hunting play too, where she needs to hunt the toy in the long grass. This time she's straight to it.
Spring is finally just around the corner. If you have hunting type dogs like me it may be just the right time to recharge your recall!
If you would benefit from a recall refresher, or if you are just beginning to teach recall, drop me an email on [email protected] titled 'recall workshop' for details of upcoming recall workshops!
4 bits of kibble lasting about 2 minutes. Gotta be good!
Dave is growing so quickly. 11 weeks old today! We've been concentrating on bonding - play, focus & fun recalls so far. Now the training steps up! Vids to follow. I love these guys so much...😍
Bin the Bowl!
The best use for a dog bowl... catching the bits that ooze out of a Kong stuffed with dog food!
This was just a 10th of Lottie's daily food allowance and lasted her around 15 mins. Put in a bowl it's gone in 15 seconds (and she's far from greedy). Your dog is a natural forager, provide challenging feeding opportunities for a happier, more relaxed dog!
Introducing the Muzzle Session 2 16.11.16
Introducing the muzzle, session 2. It really can be done without causing stress (except the burping up a piece of chicken...). If Lottie ever needs to wear a muzzle, for travel or vet treatment etc. making it fun could really pay off.
Introducing the muzzle Session 1 16.11.16
This is Lottie's 1st introduction to the muzzle, she has never worn one but has been trained other tasks using the clicker. Despite me missing opportunities to reward she figures out what I want pretty quickly. Session 2 was only 10 minutes after this one, coming up!...