Brinsley Animal Rescue

Brinsley Animal Rescue 🌍Located in Nottinghamshire
Registered Charity 1135508
We rescue wildlife, pets & farm animals. Run by volunteers for animals.

Brinsley Animal Rescue is a Charity run for animals by volunteers, we rescue wild animals, pets and farm animals.

This hoglet arrived today, only 68 grams!! He should still be with his mum.He was out in the daytime, he arrived cold, d...

This hoglet arrived today, only 68 grams!! He should still be with his mum.

He was out in the daytime, he arrived cold, dehydrated, with fly strike and tics. This chap wouldn't last a few more hours in the wild, thankfully he was found.

Now on a heat pad, fly eggs and tics removed and fluid therapy started. Hopefully he'll soon start eating, then we can get a poo sample examined for internal parasites.

Its touch and go at this stage, the next 48 hours will be critical.

Ok so we have managed to squeeze in 1 more cat yesterday who was dumped in a bin but now we’ve had 2 more dumped on the ...

Ok so we have managed to squeeze in 1 more cat yesterday who was dumped in a bin but now we’ve had 2 more dumped on the drive. As a rescue we have to take in based on our resources, our funds, our volunteers time and the room available. We do not have limitless capacity which is why we’ve turned away over 300 cats this year. Yesterday’s little girl already needs an expensive dental, spay and bloods doing and one of this pair has a skin infection that needs urgently treating. The bills mount up and we have to raise all the funds to treat these poor souls that get cast out like an old tv set or a broken piece of furniture. Sometimes we feel like the local tip, a tip and dumping ground for last seasons animals and unwanted sentient beings. We will never understand a lot of human traits but at least we can try and amend what is wrong with society and do something proactive but at the moment it feels like a tidal wave of pets being cast out in the most harsh and callous manner.

We are currently trying to find the owners as 1 of these is microchipped. In the meantime we must start treating the skin complaint urgently for the welfare of the cat. At the moment they are extremely frightened and we have no choice but to find the resources for these 2 intakes.

Always, always ADOPT, DON’T SHOP!!! We need to stop this unnecessary breeding and buying of more unwanted animals and PLEASE GET YOUR PETS NEUTERED!! TODAY.

If you can help with any of the vet bills for these latest intakes the link is in the bio. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 thankyou.

When I walked into the kitchen this morning it was a day like any other and we’d just turned away yet another cat. Over ...

When I walked into the kitchen this morning it was a day like any other and we’d just turned away yet another cat. Over 300 this year already and we know that a local vet is even housing 11 that are in desperate need of rescue space.

For some reason though this one needed us more than ever and our bathroom was currently empty, this is how desperate things are sometimes!! This one had also been dumped in a bin and a small local community have been trying to catch and help her. They’d also taken her to the vet to see if she had a microchip to no avail. This girl needed a rescue quickly so we rang the caller back.

We knew that although our hearts are so heavy at loosing Tommy we could now help another soul that was in need and if Tommy was looking down on us with his carefree attitude then he would want us to carry on in his honour.

So, meet this gentle girl we’ve called Molly. She has such sass and confidence and such a purr that she has fitted in already. No coaxing or dreamies needed. She’s already booked into the vet on Monday for bloods, microchip and a dental check and we are hoping that Molly will be looking for a home soon. She is such a loving girl and someone will find this lady a perfect companion. She is sitting on my lap as I type this and we are so glad we squeezed this little lady in.

Fingers crossed for Mondays vet appointment and hopefully she will find herself on our adopt list very soon and a new owner will not be disappointed at all the love and purrs she has to give. The past is behind you Molly and a new life is ahead.


This year we have admitted more waterfowl than any previous years. We have now successfully reared and released 30 mallards with 7 more in our care, we have also successfully reared and released 6 greylag geese, including this pair released this week. We still have 3 more greylags which will go this weekend.

Of the 9 greylag geese, 6 were siblings', they were brought to us as tiny goslings, sadly their mother was hit by a car as she crossed a road with her broad. We hope mum was looking down on her family, now healthy, living in the wild.

☀️RAFFLE & TOMBOLA PRIZES NEEDED!🌟We are very much in need of Raffle and tombola prizes for our open day on September 1s...


We are very much in need of Raffle and tombola prizes for our open day on September 1st.

They are needed before the event.

NEW items only please for both Raffle and tombola. If anyone of any companies have anything to gift, it would be very much appreciated to help us raise vital funds for the animals.🐑🐇

Thank you.

Jon, Beth, David, and Amanda
Brinsley Animal Rescue

This has taken us days to come to terms with and still we are crying at the sudden and tragic loss of our beautiful 25 y...

This has taken us days to come to terms with and still we are crying at the sudden and tragic loss of our beautiful 25 year old Tommy. We actually brought Tommy with us to Brinsley after we adopted him from Animal Accident Rescue Unit. He has been part of our lives forever and all our neighbours new him with some even calling him ‘Tommy Two Dinners’ but we later found out that he was visiting at least 3 neighbours for more lunches!!

When Tommy came to us he had been shot and had a deep infected wound that needed numerous operations and drains put into his stomach. Necrotic tissue had to be removed and he eventually ended up with quite the tummy tuck that gave him misaligned ni***es. We were only supposed to be fostering Tommy at the time but after weeks and weeks of nursing we fell in love with the laid back little fella. On the day we were going to put him up for adoption he reached up to the breakfast bar and tapped us with his paw whilst we were eating breakfast. A friend who was staying with us said ‘I think he’s telling you he wants to stay’!!! So stayed he did.

He has been a huge part of our volunteer room for all the years we have existed and has so many cuddles from every volunteer that has come and gone. He has had near misses with his life 3 times and been put on drips and in later life was on thyroid medication and had regular blood tests but has never once lashed out or scratched or bitten despite every procedure he had.

In the early days of the rescue Tommy even featured on the Derek Acorah show and sat and purred away on Dereks big pink sofa whilst Derek proceeded to tell us about Tommys history and thoughts.

We miss him so deeply and our job here never ever gets any easier and we feel such pain with the losses of such huge characters that have been part of our lives for so long.

Rest in Peace Tommy we miss you so much 💔💔💔😢

This Cygnet from Friends of Gedling Country Park was reported to be injured, the rangers managed to catch them and bring...

This Cygnet from Friends of Gedling Country Park was reported to be injured, the rangers managed to catch them and bring them to us. The cygnet struggles to stand and walk, in particular they are struggling to put much weight on the right leg.

There's no obvious injury showing on the x-ray, we have them on antibiotics, pain relief and anti inflammatory mediation, we are hoping for signs of recovery over the coming days.

Meet Flossy! She came in a few weeks ago because we generally are All Creatures Great and Small and she’s currently one ...

Meet Flossy! She came in a few weeks ago because we generally are All Creatures Great and Small and she’s currently one of the smallest looking for a home. She came in as she was biting her previous owner who also had no time for her. Shes been living with one of our fosterers and has now learnt to trust humans and can now readily interact with her foster mum.

If you can offer Flossie a home and give her the environment she deserves then please get in touch with the rescue.

Three weeks ago a Tawny owl arrived, having been found handing from a tree by one wing, he was wrapped up in fishing lin...

Three weeks ago a Tawny owl arrived, having been found handing from a tree by one wing, he was wrapped up in fishing line. After X-rays to confirm no internal injuries, it was a case of treating his wounds then a period in one of our large aviaries to allow him to preen his feathers.

Yesterday he was released along with a young Tawny who'd arrived as a fluffy chick back in May, now mature enough to fend for themselves.

We will continue to put food on the aviary roof and in it, often the birds initially return to feed as they settle in the wild.


Another 4 Mallard ducks released this week, bringing the total to over 20 released this season. We have two more groups at different ages in our care which will be released in the coming weeks.

We are so pleased that the Cuckoo we admitted recently, has made a full recovery following treatment and has been releas...

We are so pleased that the Cuckoo we admitted recently, has made a full recovery following treatment and has been released and we are so delighted!!

The Cuckoo was admitted when found grounded, they had poor coordination, they couldn't even walk let alone fly, common signs of neuroglial problems. They were tube fed appropriate feed and given medication. Once on medication, we like to see an improvement within 24 - 48 hours for this type of condition, if there is no improvement, sadly its often euthanasia. We were so please to see slight improvements after 48 hours, then it was onwards an upwards day by day!! In less than a week we were test flying them.

With wildlife its always a balance between the considerations of captivity and continued recovery and the stress that causes, over release. This Cuckoo has to fly back to Africa soon so after proving they could fly, it was time to say good bye to this rare bird on the endangered list.

We took on a baby stoat some time ago, after weeks of hand rearing, then weaning onto solids and time to grow and become...

We took on a baby stoat some time ago, after weeks of hand rearing, then weaning onto solids and time to grow and become wild, they were successfully released this week.

Summer open day!Sunday September 1st, 11 - 4pm.

Summer open day!

Sunday September 1st, 11 - 4pm.


The boys Speedy and Freddie bonding, with Gracie getting on with life in the background.

This is a very rare admission, in the years that we have rescued thousands of birds, only once before have we ever had a...

This is a very rare admission, in the years that we have rescued thousands of birds, only once before have we ever had a rare cuckoo. This cuckoo was found grounded and quite bedraggled, they could not fly or even stand up.

After treatment and being tube fed a suitable rearing formula, we have seen a remarkable improvement, they are now standing, walking and have even flown a short distance!! Whilst this is amazing news to see such progressive improvements, thier are a long way from being released, they have to be perfect to make the epic migration to Africa for the winter.

Sunset over the sanctuary

Sunset over the sanctuary

Here we have two x-rays completed today by our wonderful vets Vets4Pets Eastwood. Although x-rays are very expensive, of...

Here we have two x-rays completed today by our wonderful vets Vets4Pets Eastwood. Although x-rays are very expensive, often they are essential in allow us to fully assess to determine the chances of a full recovery as well as help with any treatment plan.

The first is of a hedgehog that was admitted this morning. Hogs often require expensive x-rays, so that they can be uncurled and be examined fully. Sadly this one has had some major trauma, thier spine has been broken, they are no longer suffering, we had no choice but to put to sleep.

The second x-ray is the Tawny owl that arrived on Saturday having been found handing in a tree by thier right wing, tangled up in fishing line. Despite hanging for an unknown time by the one wing, there are no breaks, they are now recovering from the anaesthetics, we will continue with thier treatment plan.

Today we admitted this tawny owl, they were spotted hanging upside down high up in a tree, thankfully members of the pub...

Today we admitted this tawny owl, they were spotted hanging upside down high up in a tree, thankfully members of the public managed to get help to free them, they found that he was in fact tangled up in fishing wire.

We removed the fishing wire, it has caused injury to his wing and extensive feather damage, the owl arrived very weak, we do not know how long they had been hanging upside down from their wing.

We have managed to give some food, they remain in balance, only the next few days will tell if they will survive. We hope that they will be strong enough for an x-ray on Monday, we are very concerned for the right wing.

We receive several calls each and every week for wildlife trapped by carelessly discarded fishing line, hooks and weights, in many cases we are unable to help due to a lack of resources or often, the animal in need of rescuing is on water. When we do manage to rescue them, the devastation caused by fishing line can be quite horrific with deep lacerations and often amputations.

Just as we rehome our last three goats, three more arrive to fill the space, we are always at capacity, 1 out 1 in.

Just as we rehome our last three goats, three more arrive to fill the space, we are always at capacity, 1 out 1 in.

Too often with wildlife rescue, we have to let animals go to end suffering.Today was such a case, we took a call for thi...

Too often with wildlife rescue, we have to let animals go to end suffering.

Today was such a case, we took a call for this grounded Heron. We easily caught them, thats never a good sign. A quick examination, they were extremely emaciated and weak.

A thorough examination at the vets revealed an old injury to his leg and an amputated toe. Its likely that this debilitating injury led to his decline.

We couldn't save his life, we have undoubtedly saved him from suffering.

We have received many more calls than normal this year  to take on so called cade lambs, these are lambs that for whatev...

We have received many more calls than normal this year to take on so called cade lambs, these are lambs that for whatever reason need to be hand reared. We take on what we can, hand rear then find life-long homes as pets. When we can't help and often we can't, we try to make contact with other rescues. We believe that the increase is largely impacted by the high costs of lamb rearing formula.

This trio came from a farm some months ago, we have hand reared them and this week moved them to a great new home where they'll be loved and live a full natural life.


Update - The new born fallow fawn we took in nearly three weeks ago is doing well. She arrived having been found trapped in a wire fence shortly after birth.

We are still treating her wounds, it is taking some time to heal, however it's stopped getting worse, the healing is now in process.

As deer get very stressed, hand rearing is particularly difficult especially during the initial stages, we are not mum! She was a very reluctant feeder taking only a small amount, we were feeding her from dawn until dusk. Now, although thankfully still very wild, she is drinking well.

Deer are herd animals, it's important that we get her with other fawns of the same species as soon as we can and minimise all human contact. Once her wound gets the all clear, she has a bit of a journey to another rescue to join two other Fallow deer fawns.

Big thanks as always to the lovely bikers who attended the 40th Cow Pat Rally and donated all their seating bales to us....

Big thanks as always to the lovely bikers who attended the 40th Cow Pat Rally and donated all their seating bales to us. ❤️. Thanks so much.

Our three goats went to a great new life-long home last week, the new owners love them, its great to know they have sett...

Our three goats went to a great new life-long home last week, the new owners love them, its great to know they have settled in.

We are always at full capacity, its 1 out 1 in and as we have 3 sheep also going to thier new home this week, we allready have more goats and sheep lined up to come in. On arrival they will be health checked and treated, the males castrated and assessed ready to be put up for adoption.

Meet Chloe, Patch, Matthew, and little Eddie.Three super lovely cats and a kitten all looking for their forever home.Vis...

Meet Chloe, Patch, Matthew, and little Eddie.

Three super lovely cats and a kitten all looking for their forever home.

Visit our cat rehoming page on the link below for more information on them.

If you wish to make an appointment for a viewing, please use the email address listed on each cat profile.

They are all so adorable and deserve the to find their perfect home.

A big thanks to our foster carers for taking such good care of them while they look for their new home.

Can you remember Stevie the abandoned Angora rabbit we took in?When Stevie arrived, he had been severely neglected, his ...

Can you remember Stevie the abandoned Angora rabbit we took in?

When Stevie arrived, he had been severely neglected, his fur was so matted, he could hardly move, he had maggots in the dirty matted fur and his back end very inflamed and sore. It took us several hours of clipping, washing and then treating his wounds regularly.

Once healed, he had the all clear to be castrated.

Now just look at him, he has a new home with an experienced rabbit carer where he'll live with other bunnies, be loved and cared for and never again be neglected.




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Our Story

2017 - 667 Animals Rescued

2017 has been another good year for the charity. During the year the charity has taken in 667 animals, pets, farm and wild animals.

--In total we handled 667 animals. --We rehomed 308 into loving, life long homes. This includes rabbits, guinea pigs, poultry and ponies.

– 80 wild animals were rehabilitated and released.Including owls, foxes and hedgehogs.