It’s that time again! Please be REALLY careful with the grass this week. I have been out to a couple of horses (not native fat ponies, but a shod thoroughbred and a very fit/lean warmblood) who both have raised pulses and sore feet after being turned out for one day on “better” grazing. I also received a phone call this afternoon about a 3yr old pony with no history of laminitis, who is rocked back off her toes. Finally, tonight I came home to find that my own highland has a rock hard neck and looks bloated, even on very restricted strip grazed track. The grass out there is frankly dangerous at the moment. Please, please be cautious! Call your vet if you see any/early signs, and TELL YOUR HOOFCARE PROVIDER. They might need a longer appointment slot than usual, or a shorter cycle, or to ask you to request markers on your xrays, or to bring extras like therapy boots/pads, a different type of shoe, or they might just have some nuggets of wisdom.