Why training your dog as you play can be so beneficial?
In this video we are working on Buckys WAIT cue and his impulse control. For a lot of dogs, a toy being thrown is too tempting and they just have to chase it. But by asking Bucky to wait I’m building his impulse control but also his drive. When he eventually gets to chase it and retrieve the reward is even higher.
This is just a simple way of training while we play; but there are so many other ways to do it. In a lot of my classes we play training games when it comes to recall and loose lead, and that’s generally because it makes it more fun.
When it’s more fun it’s more engaging; the dog will want to participate more!
Feat woody in the background with his mint yaks chew
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #impulsecontrol #wait #retrieve #dalmatian
Another successful socialisation class this evening
#dogtraining #socialisation #dogsocialisation #neutrality
Having unneutered males doesn’t have to be a problem!
With the correct exposure; and training unneutered males can co-exist and even be friends
Here in this video we have Woody an 8 year old neutered male, Kit a 2 year old unneutered male and Bucky a 1 year old unneutered male.
All 3 dogs have been friends from the very beginning and have spent multiple walks and training sessions together.
All social sessions between them have been controlled to ensure for the most positive experiences.
While you can’t control what the general public does; you can control what your dog does.
Exposing them to unneutered males in a controlled and calm scenario can make all the difference. The same as exposing and training your dog to any new scenarios. It isn’t always straight forward, but we continue training!
Bucky will be coming to as many of my classes as possible, and going out on walks with my friends dogs (all unneutered males), to ensure that as he grows we don’t face any issues.
#dalmatians #labradors #unneuteredmales #dogs #dogtrainer #dogtraining
Friday night agility free play!
At the end of todays session everyone had 10 minutes to wander round the course and practice things they may be a little weaker on
Our agility classes are fun and friendly!
#agility #agilityclasses
Last night we did something a little different, we had a night without dogs!
Me and Toni had a night off to Cardiff to see one of our favourite bands before they hang up their mics and guitar pics for good
It’s important to remember to make time for things for yourself, without dogs.
Dog training, especially behavioural training, can be hard work and take its toll on your when it’s all your doing.
So remember to make time for yourself and the things you like to do!
#ymas #youmeatsix #finalnightsofsix #dogwalker #dogtrainer #nightoff
One of our crufts purchases and the boys loved them!
#cruftspurchase #dogenrichment #canineenrichment #dalmatian #dogtoys
@Tug-E-Nuff unboxing time!!
Code SPOTTHATDOG for money off!
#tugenuff #unboxing #unboxingtime #dogtoys #tugtoys
Our classes are very chilled, with the aim to fit all!
That even means you can come in pyjamas if you want 😂
In this socialisation class we worked on close proximity settling! This is a big thing for some dogs and they did so well!
#socialisation #dogsocialisation #vislapuppy #saluki #dogtraining
The suns out which means the secure dog fields are going to start getting a bit busier!
So here’s our guide to Secure Field Etiquette-
1) When you’re about to finish your time in the field ensure you tidy away all the toys and equipment you have used. All of these toys in the video have been used and left by previous field users of the day. What if the next dog/group of dogs have a resource guarder in the mix? This could cause a fight.
2) Pick up your dog poop and BIN IT! It is THE LAW to pick up your dog poop. Along with point number 1 I’m sure you all don’t live in a pig sty so don’t leave the secure fields looking like one after you’ve used it!
3) Ensure you are there for your allotted time slot ONLY. Do not turn up too early, do not leave too late! A lot of these fields are used by people with reactive dogs, who purposefully use them to avoid other dogs. Parking is also usually limited.
Use them and have fun but don’t abuse them! It’s someone’s land and business
#securedogfield #dogfield #securefield #fieldetiquette #dogowner #dogtrainer #dalmatian
Tonight we did double dog pub training
Woody is used to being a pub dog, but Bucky is just learning. He’s still got to learn to be patient; it’s another bit of environment training for him with different distractions around. His brother being one of them
#pubdogtraining #pubtraining #dogtraining #dalmatians