Zero to full control in less than an hour… it doesn’t need to be hard work I promise👏🏻 work with the dog infront of you, the dog will show you what is rewarding to them and what it wants to work for so we use it and look at the engagement you get back, clear communication is key 🔑
This dog was the biggest puller I’ve ever had… wouldn’t think it from seeing this would you👀 he’s dragged over fully grown men, it was a brace yourself and hold on for dear life kind of walk, there is no before video as it was unsafe to allow this dog to continue the behaviour any longer, so we got to work🙏🏻
Pulling dog with a new born baby = recipe for disaster, so we had to fix that👀
Bruno the german shepherd.Safe to say this boy was extremely big and extremely strong… results speak for themselves his lead walking was fixed in under and hour✌🏻
Rudy came in for lead pulling and lack of impulse control… safe to say I think he left here alot better✅
The most important thing to start helping any behavioural issue…
Group training classes 🐾 45 minutes squeezed into a 20 second video! Most dogs who initially came to these were either dog and or human reactive, everyone is now smashing it! We do these classes every Monday, twice a month at my training facility and twice a month in the real world. It’s a great opportunity to practice everything around several dogs and people 🤩
Life after reactivity🙌🏻 Please don’t let anyone tell you it cannot be fixed (I am talking about reactivity not aggression) Harley the boxer was reactive to dogs, cats, cows, horses you name it… she was explosive and would try and run across roads to get to what she wanted. Fast forward to now… we have a very different dog🙏🏻 hard work really does pay off.
Lovely 10 month old working line GSD. Came to me today with some pretty severe dog and human reactivity, the foundations to changing this behaviour is fixing lead walking first, trying to tackle any type of reactivity without fixing your foundations first it will fall apart in the long run, stay tuned 👀
Meet Boo, 3 year old Pomeranian who has been reactive from 6 weeks old. Today he came to me for lead pulling, extreme reactivity to dogs and generally ruling his owners life with the constant yapping. We made some great progress today with lots of homework for our next session 😊
Luna 🐾
Luna came to me to work on lead walking, dog reactivity and general obedience, day 3 into being with me we are already in a much better place🤩