The real change of behaviour that has been practiced for a long time requires a long time the same as it is with changing any of our own habits. No quick fix is going to give you lasting results.
Neither exist – especially when it comes to changing behaviour.
Want to lose weight? A quick fix of diet pills, meal replacements or slimming machines will be short-lived even if it initially appears to be successful. To succeed we will need to put in effort, change our mind set, be mindful of emotions, eat less or differently and exercise – there is no quick fix. Want to get a degree – hard work, long hours, dedication and effort is the only way. The same applies to changing behaviour, whether it be that of our dogs or ourselves.
We live in a society where we want quick fixes for everything. Our lives are often so busy, stressful and complicated enough without having to even think about spending time and effort in trying to “fix” our dog’s problems. Just slap on a shock collar, choke chain, use a spray bottle, a shake can or send them off to a board and train facility to sort them quickly, or why not find a trainer that guarantees quick results? These are not quick fixes and will come at a cost.
The cost of not addressing the reason and the emotion behind the behaviour. The cost of destroying trust, bonds and relationship, the risk of creating other problems by using fear and pain to control and train a dog. The cost of creating a fearful, anxious and reactive dog because of the “quick fix”.
Changing behaviour takes time, it requires understanding, dedication, consistency and patience, but the results of “fixing” something the right way, are worth it.