I love this game, in fact if I only have the opportunity to teach an owner one game, this is the game I'd choose. Usually I'd only play it with one dog at a time, but in this instance it worked.
Owners who come to my class often ask how I use the games in 'real life' and this is one example, we walk a bit, play a game and then walk a bit more. In this instance I'm standing still, but I could just as easily be continuing in the direction of my walk while playing - I just mix it up as it feels right to me at the time.
As with anything, the more you practice the more natural it becomes for you and your dog.
Today was a day when we just wanted to let Gracie have a good old charge around. - so that's what happened.......
In this week's classes I was talking about toy play being a really useful tool for a good recall. Rosie has always loved her frisbee, whereas with Gracie toy play is something we've had to build - it's getting there!
OK, so now I'm teaching a sighthound to track 😆 Am I crazy? Of course not, she's never going to be as good at it as a spaniel, but it's brilliant for any dog to use all their senses AND if I can keep her nose on the ground it means she's not scanning the horizon for deer AND it will build her confidence - go Gracie🥰
Watching dogs and owners build confidence and learn new skills is so rewarding. When this young lady first came to class she needed to be behind visual barriers and prior to that we'd done 1-2-1s at her home to build her confidence to a stage where a class environment was even something me and her owners thought she was ready to try - Now look at her go, learning new tricks in a space where other dogs are doing other activities. I'm so proud of how they are coming along as a team.
Fireworks - I know how painful firework season can be for dogs who are sensitive to noise and there is much we can do to to help our dogs, though most of it takes time. So what can we do right now when there are firworks going off every night? Here is what I'm doing at the moment:
- I save some of my dog's daily food so I have something to offer them in the evening. I offer the food in a game so they either have to chew or sniff it out. Gracie is using a home made snuffle mat in this video, but frozen food on licky mats or kongs is also good. Make sure you give this before the fireworks start as once they are frightened they won't be able to eat.
- I make sure they have been to the toilet properly before it gets dark, for me this means a walk round the block.
- I'm giving Gracie skulcap and Valerian from Dorwest Herbs (she is on Calm-K9 year round, this is additional for this time of year).
- I make sure I stay calm, if I get worried this will feed into her sense that there really is something to worry about.
- I close all the curtains before it gets dark and play music with a drum beat or watch something noisy on TV to mask any outside noise.
- If she does get frightened I let her hide where she wants to and then wrap her in a heavy blanket, this seems to work best for her, but your dog may prefer something else - experiment and see what helps.
Well, the more observant amongst you will have noticed it's raining this morning!!! So what's the best thing to do when it's too wet to have fun outside? Play games at home of course.
We did go out for a short walk to make sure they had both toileted and then we came home to practice their skills which really works their brains and tires them out just as much as running outside.
Gracie is practicing the beginning stage of wrapping, she can wrap an object from a distance, but in this video I've taken her right back to basics of swapping from hand to hand which is brilliant for learning to disengage.
I also played boundary games asking one to stay on their bed while the other played a game, it went well at first until Rosie realised Iain had lit the fire in the lounge, so off she went for a snooze! I'll catch her later once she's woken up to do her stretches and cavaletti which all helps to keep her back strong and healthy.
Let me know what you've done with your dogs today
I'm so proud of Donna and her dog Cooper. Six months ago walking past another dog in close proximity would have been impossible. I love the way Cooper ignors the other dog completely and sniffs the ground instead - great result!